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Monday, July 17, 2017

Release and Review Blitz: Beautiful Mistake: Vi Keeland

Beautiful Mistake
Vi Keeland
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Release Date July 17, 2017

The first time I met Caine West was in a bar.
He noticed me looking his way and mistakenly read my scowling as checking him out.
When he attempted to talk to me, I set him straight—telling him what I thought of his lying, cheating, egomaniacal ass.
You see, the gorgeous jerk had wined and dined my best friend--smooth talking her into his bed, all along failing to mention that he was married. 
He deserved every bit of my tongue-lashing and more for what he'd done.
Especially when that lazy smile graced his perfect face in response to my rant.
Only it turned out, the man I'd just told off wasn't the right guy. 
Oops.  My mistake. 
Embarrassed, I slunk out without an apology. 
I was never going to see the handsome stranger again anyway, right?
That’s what I thought…until I walked into class the next morning.
Well, hello Professor West, I’m your new teaching assistant.  
I’ll be working under you…figuratively speaking.
Although the literal interpretation might not be such a bad thing—working under Professor West.
This was going to be interesting…

Rachel Martin is kind of a busy little mess. She is a grad student, bar waitress, and a Teacher's Aide that just got reassigned to a new music professor. She has heard rumors about this Professor West and not all were favorable. She is smart, sassy, sarcastic, tightly wound, and perpetually late. Only some of those characteristics will impress the new professor.

And when she meets Professor West for the first time she also has the bad realization that he might have been a bar patron that she kind of , sort of, mistakenly harassed and told off.

After a series of not so great impressions, these two begin to find a rapport and even help each other. But that also brings up new issues like sexual tension, flirty banter, and the forbidden lure of a teacher-TA relationship. They push, tease, tempt, frustrate, anger, and challenge each other.  But Caine has a mysterious past that he likes to keep hidden, but still affects him all the same. He does not do relationships and keeps up walls. While she has had her own past issues that have marked her, but she also would like to find Mr. Right. 

But all of those flash point emotions lead to some crazy, combustible chemistry...but they also just drive each other crazy. He is a bossy, dirty-talker. She loves to tempt him senseless. They fight, disappoint, and hurt. But they cannot seem to stop the madness. But he truly feels like he screws up good things in his life and is mentally prepared to let her down and hurt her. She has her own pain from the past and secrets too. And she has to make a choice between excitement and something safe. 

This is told in Rachel's point of view in the present, and with Caine's in flashbacks and present. Their pasts are gradually shared with us throughout, so there is a bit of mystery as it unfolds. I liked both Caine and Rachel, even when their stubbornness, communication, and issues frustrated me. They had a good connection and chemistry. But they could definitely push each other's buttons. And they both had demons dragging them down.

Secrets. Lies. Mistakes. Regrets. Guilt. Pain.
Can they be forgiven or are they bound to ruin anything good?   

This was a mix of sexy, flirty, feisty, forbidden romp with something much deeper lurking under the surface. I was intrigued how the underlying story was revealed, and how it all came together. There were some twists, and surprises that added more depth. This is another intriguing and unique stand-alone from Vi Keeland. 

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
The first time they met was a case of mistaken identity. Rachel thought Caine was the man who had dated her best friend for a time only to later find out he was married. Her angry tirade directed Caine’s way wasn’t warranted though, and Rachel left the bar embarrassed but buoyed by the fact she would never have to see the man again. Only, the man turns out to be Caine West, the professor she is assigned to TA for the remainder of the semester.

I loved the first few meetings between these two. The entertainment factor was off the charts as Rachel lets her temper get the better of her. As they try to move past first impressions to work together, they can’t deny that there is more than a working relationship building between them.

I was able to work out the twist in the storyline pretty early, but enjoyed the premise and the story as a whole. My knowledge didn’t detract from the story, and really only had me reading to find out how the twist would affect the characters and their developing relationship.

Readers follow the story as narrated by Rachel in the present. There are sporadic chapters from Caine’s memory of a period during his teenage years that build emotional tension as we learn more about the boy Caine was all those years ago. I would have liked more from Caine in the present, but then again, he is pretty clear about his thoughts and intentions so even only seeing Rachel’s perspective, readers are able to follow the feelings of both characters.

I enjoyed this story as it built up Caine and Rachel as a magnetic couple. I was a little uncertain about the professor/TA aspect of the relationship, but they are both good about keeping things professional while they are working together and keeping their personal relationship outside of their academic relationship.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

     Vi Keeland is a #1 New York Times Bestselling author. With more than 1.5 million books sold, her titles have appeared in over eighty Bestseller lists and are currently translated in sixteen languages. She resides in New York with her husband and their three children where she is living out her own happily ever after with the boy she met at age six. 

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