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Thursday, August 24, 2017

Blog Tour: In the Crease: Toni Aleo

In the Crease
Toni Aleo

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Release Date August 22, 2017

Jensen Monroe is a unicorn. As handsome as any model, as polite as can be, a goalie of unmatched skill, and the best friend anyone could ask for. But he longs for a particular special someone to make his life complete. He’s been in love with Wren since he was a teenager, but as his best friend’s sister, she’s always been off-limits.

Wren Lemiere has prided herself on being a love ’em and leave ’em girl her whole life. She’s all about equal opportunity in the battle of the sexes. Why should guys like her brother and his best friends get to be the only ones allowed to play the dating game? One wrong move, however, and she finds herself in violation of her own rules.

In need of a fake husband and baby daddy for her unexpected bundle of joy, Wren finally accepts Jensen is the logical one to ask for help. Except he has a counteroffer…one with so many strings attached, they may just find themselves wrapped up in ties that bind. Forever.
Jensen Monroe...Oh my, he is everything. The man is handsome, sweet, loyal, caring, kind, funny, built, sexy, and successful. He is a big part of the Assassins current winning streak as their new hot goalie. He is lonely and looking for real love and family. He is such a great catch.

Wren Lemiere is his best friend Well's little sister. Jensen, his team mate, Vaughn (Delayed Call), and Wells were teenage best friends and remain so. Jensen has had feelings for Wren for many years but never acted on them. Wren is more of a wild child. She is outspoken, cynical, and appears hard-hearted. She loves sex, but not relationships.  She is an avoider and a runner. She is conditioned to believe that she is not important, and her curves have always made her self conscience. She is afraid of getting hurt, so it easy to not let anyone get close enough.

When Wren finds herself pregnant and alone, Jensen is willing to join her in a "fake" marriage to help her get her inheritance. Her plans are more on a temporary basis. But Jensen has his own counter offer. And his terms are a lot more serious and permanent. But he has his own reasons, and is determined he can win. Fake, temporary, real, forever? This might be the most important game of his life and the hardest to win.

This is the slow build of Jensen trying to win the girl he has always loved against her own fears, insecurities, and resistance as well as outside influence. And my gosh, Wren was insecure and stubborn. For being the team therapist/counselor, she really lacked insight into her own situation. These two went round and round. There were a lot of secrets, misunderstandings, half-truths, and miscommunication. My heart broke for Jensen who was so sweet,  had such a giving heart, and tried so hard.

It focuses a lot on Vaughn and Brie from the last book, her brother, Wells, and their families. But Elli and some of the Assassins also appear. This was a sweet, heartfelt, funny, and emotional  friends-to-lovers, best-friends-little-sister, pregnancy, fake-marriage combination story. I liked the characters (even though I wanted to shake Wren multiple times) and I liked the story. Jensen was just so swoony and amazing. My biggest complaint is that it is a longer book, so at times it felt slower paced and repetitive. It seemed like we heard the same reasoning and issues frequently and made me want to say "Get over it." But I love this series. I am attached to the characters. And I will probably keep reading them as long as Toni keeps writing them.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Jensen Monroe has hidden his attraction to his best friend’s little sister for a lot longer than he every thought he would hold the attraction. As the backup goalie for the Assassins, he also didn’t think he would be starting so soon, but here he is the starting goalie, with a Stanley Cup under his belt. Maybe it’s time to rethink keeping a lid on his feelings for Wren Lemiere, especially after she comes to him with an unorthodox request.

Wren has a problem. Pregnant and unmarried, the trust fund she has been counting on to pay off her college expenses is in danger of being forfeited. Not only was she counting on that money to cover her bills, she was planning to share with her brother, Wes, since he had already lost access to his trust fund. Her only hope is to find a ma willing to marry her and claim the child as his own before her brother’s wedding, only weeks away. She knows she can ask Jensen for anything and he has always been there for her, but is this asking too much?

I love a good fake marriage ploy, especially when it leads to more than either party was bargaining for. Though to be fair, Jensen had one thing on his mind when he accepted Wren’s crazy scheme, and it wasn’t the money. There were times when the drama felt a little overplayed and long running, but overall I was entertained by the premise and the execution of this book.

Jensen is such a perfect beta man. Compared to his two best friend’s very different personalities, including Vaughn’s absolute disregard for boundaries, Jensen is often in the background watching, waiting to swoop in when he is needed, especially if it is Wren who needs him. I loved the support that Vaughn and Wells, especially, offered, even if they didn’t agree with the plan or outright fought against it.

These two have a history in that Jensen did a lot of growing up in the room right next door to Wren as he boarded with the Lemierre's for the hockey seasons. Jensen knew Wren in a way that not even her family recognized and was willing to do whatever she needed to be happy, even if it meant hurting himself along the way. Their friendship is a big part of why this story worked for me. It wasn’t a matter of two strangers moving quickly into a fake marriage and then finding insta-love. These two had a solid friendship (that both were afraid of losing) that gave more risk in the event of the fake marriage ending at their agreed upon time frame.

There ended up being a lot more drama than just that between Jensen and Wren. With family issues going on constantly in the background, Wren’s issues of money, pregnancy, and fearing commitment and relationships, there was just a lot. But I loved seeing the Assassins family back together again, getting some insight into Tate’s decision from the other side of the therapist’s chair, and seeing some of my favorite couples back in action again. 

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Brie snickered as Vaughn went on. “I know this is going to be hard. Like, really hard on you. But, buddy, I’m sorry to say, we bought a house.”
Jensen just stared back at him. “Okay? Why is this hard?”
“Because you’re not moving with us.”
He rolled his eyes. “Jo, we haven’t lived together for six months since you moved in with Brie.”
“I know, but we were across the hall.”
Jensen laughed. “I’ll be fine without you guys—”
“Now, I know this comes as a shock, but we’re having a baby, and we need space for us and the baby.”
“I know—”
“Now, Jenny, I know this is going to be difficult, putting space between us—”
“You know we lived apart for years, right?”
But Vaughn went on. “Just know I will always and forever love you as my brother, and nothing will change. Not the space, the new ball and chain, or the baby.”
“Are you done?”
Brie apparently thought this was hilarious since she was basically choking she was laughing so hard. Which wasn’t anything new. Vaughn might be an idiot, but he was a funny one. As always, Vaughn was unaffected as he said, “We’ll never be done, Jenny, never.”
“Okay,” Jensen said, rolling his eyes again. “Listen, this is awesome. I’m happy for you guys, and let me know when we need to start moving stuff.”
“You’re such a good man,” Vaughn proclaimed before clapping his hands together. “This weekend good for you?”
Laughing, he just shook his head at Vaughn’s antics. “Yeah, man.”
“Thanks, Jensen.”
He smiled over at Brie. “Anytime.”
Rolling his eyes, he went back to eating as a grin played on his lips. He wanted nothing more than for his friend to grow and be in love. Brie was that for Vaughn. They were moving and having a kid, and it was great. Vaughn needed that. So did Wells, who was getting married the following month. Both his best friends were living life, happily and to its fullest. Meanwhile, Jensen was stuck.
He didn’t know how it happened, or even why, but it had. He wasn’t interested in anyone he met, and he didn’t just want to fuck around. He wanted someone to love him for him. The quiet, weird guy in the corner. The one who would lay down his life for anyone he loved. He had redeemable qualities, but for some reason, no one wanted them. They just wanted to have sex.
He didn’t want Netflix and chill; he wanted Netflix and breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and more.
Hmm, he should copyright that.
Taking a huge bite of his chicken, he felt his phone start to vibrate. He pulled it out, seeing that it was a text from Wren, as he chewed. Like always when she texted him, his heart sped up, and his palms went clammy as a lump formed in his throat. Or maybe that was the chicken, he wasn’t sure. Either way, he slid the notification over so that his text thread with her opened up before he read her message.
Wren: Are you free anytime this week?

Click on photo to learn more about each title from the author's website
They are all about different Assassins players and couples but the characters do cross over.


Falling for the Backup(#3.5), A Very Merry Hockey Holiday (#6.5), Wanting to Forget (#6.6) , and Twenty-Two (#11.5) are novellas.

My name is Toni Aleo and I’m a total dork.
I am a wife, mother of two and a bulldog, and also a hopeless romantic.
I am the biggest Shea Weber fan ever, and can be found during hockey season with my nose pressed against the Bridgestone Arena’s glass, watching my Nashville Predators play!
When my nose isn’t pressed against the glass, I enjoy going to my husband and son’s hockey games, my daughter’s dance competition, hanging with my best friends, taking pictures, scrapbooking, and reading the latest romance novel.
I have a slight Disney and Harry Potter obsession, I love things that sparkle, I love the color pink, I might have been a Disney Princess in a past life… probably Belle.
… and did I mention I love hockey?

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