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Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Blog Tour: All or Nothing: Felice Stevens

All or Nothing (Together, #3)
Felice Stevens
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Released September 27, 2017
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A past he couldn’t forget 
Adam Barton is living his dream of working as a firefighter in his small Texas town, but a tragedy from his youth continues to haunt him. He decides New York City is the perfect place to start a new life and joins the FDNY, living and loving his own way—no strings and nothing personal. Until he catches sight of Rico Estevez, the sexy chef with the mysterious smile who rocks his world. After one explosive night together, Adam craves another….And then another. The more he and Rico are together, the more Adam wants him. 

A future he never imagined 
Rico Estevez is living a lie. For years he’s hidden his sexuality, afraid to hurt the career of his politically ambitious father. He’s the perfect American―the best schools, top of his class and most importantly, to his father, a successful businessman. Who needs a boyfriend when sex is so easy to find? Starting a torrid love affair with Adam Barton isn’t a problem; neither one is looking toward forever. But Rico’s father is about to get the chance of a lifetime and Rico feels forced to play by his rules. 

Rules are made to be broken 
Adam proves more unforgettable than Rico ever imagines, but he gives in to family pressures above personal desire. When a fire reunites them, both men discover their passion for each other hasn’t died; rather it’s stronger than ever. Want turns to need and something more dangerous to their hearts—love. Adam and Rico know if they want to have it all, they can let no one and nothing stand in their way of a life together.

I read this one as a stand alone but did not have any trouble getting to know the characters from the previous books who are side characters in this one.

Rico Estevez is Gideon's partner in their catering business. He is a work-a-holic, private, closed off, and not looking for a relationship. He comes from a conservative family with Cuban heritage and his father is a politician. So Rico is not out to his father or family and just goes about life with discreet, casual flings. But when he saw Adam Barton assisting at a fire, he was immediately attracted.

And Adam felt the same and finally convinced Rico to go out with him. A hook-up turned into more, but both have issues holding them back. Adam is an out, personable, dependable, caring NY Firefighter transplanted from Texas. His past has marked him and he has seen some things recently that are messing with his head. So he struggles with loss, guilt, and stress.

But  they find that their physical relationship is starting to get out of hand and they are getting more attached. But due to their individual struggles and fears there is plenty of push and pull, avoidance, angst, and hurt feelings. And part of that is the fact they both have secrets that they are reluctant to share. This pits their heads against their hearts. They have to deal with not only their own issues, but the dynamics of shared friends, their families, and external drama. 

I liked both Adam and Rico and them together. They definitely had chemistry and were compatible. Although I did get frustrated at times with the fight or flight. I had a bit of trouble getting into it for some reason, but then got more invested. Sometimes I felt that the sex scenes were more of a distraction and I wanted to see more emotional development and communication going on between them sooner. But I really came to love them. I liked the side characters of Gideon and Jonah and the camaraderie of the firefighters as well.

This is a sexy, angsty, MM romance, but it is also a story of LGBT awareness and acceptance. especially with youth and how important support, acceptance, and mentoring are. It illustrates the importance of equality in love and relationships, community, and living a full life. And simply that love is love.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

“I don’t know why it’s been so hard to forget this. I should become numb to it like the other guys.”

“That’s not who you are. You care about people. It’s why you do your job so well.”
Surprised at Rico’s insight, Adam gave him a shy smile. “I didn’t think you noticed.”
“I noticed.”

The song ended, yet they remained on the dance floor, with Rico half-hidden in the shadows, silent yet with a presence so overpowering, Adam couldn’t help but be drawn to him. Rico reached up, grasped the nape of his neck, and pressed their mouths together, and as always, it took only the touch of those firm lips to crumble his defenses. They remained on the dance floor, kissing until the sound of whistles and clapping brought Adam back to reality.

Shrugging it off, Rico took his hand, and they returned to the bar, where their burgers awaited them. That revelation by Rico had shaken Adam, and he chewed and swallowed his food, sneaking sideways glances at Rico, frustrated at his inability to gain any sense of Rico’s thoughts behind that neutral mask.

“So how long have you two been dating?” Dale wiped up the counter, getting rid of their empty plates.

Holding his breath, Adam waited for Rico to answer.

“It’s not like that. We’re friends.”

“Yeah.” Adam gave Dale a weak grin, but by the bartender’s dubious expression and quirked dark brow, Rico’s explanation didn’t go far toward convincing Dale.

“Whatever you say, Rico.” He set a fresh foamy glass of beer in front of each of them. “Here’s to your kind of friendship. I’d like to find it for myself.”

“I need to settle the check. Here’s my card.” Rico scowled and flicked the card over to Dale, then took a long drink, finishing half his beer in one gulp. Not once had he looked at Adam since they’d sat down from dancing.

Unsure what to do or say, Adam sat quietly and finished off his drink while Rico signed the receipt. When Rico got up to leave, Adam followed his lead and shook Dale’s hand.
“Thanks for everything.”

“No, thank you. And take care of him. He’s kind of a mess.”

“You coming?” Rico’s face was a storm of emotions.

Without responding to Dale, Adam hurried outside to join Rico, who’d already left. “Rico, wait up.”

Rico halted and turned, his face no less dark than earlier, but Adam recalled his words on the dance floor.

“Uh, thanks for dinner. Do you want—”

“Come back with me?” Rico crowded close, his breath smelling sharp from the beer, and Adam wanted to taste his tongue. “Spend the night?”

While in Leary’s, Adam hadn’t been certain he’d be invited back to Rico’s, but he wasn’t about to question his luck right now.

“Yeah, if you want.”

Rico ran his nose down Adam’s cheek, and goosebumps prickled up his arms despite the warmth of the evening.

“I want,” Rico whispered. “I want you.”
Learning to Love
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Released April 30, 2016
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After ten years away from home, bad boy caterer Gideon Marks has a lot to prove. Getting the holiday catering job at his childhood synagogue is the first step in demonstrating to everyone he didn’t turn out to be the failure they predicted. What he doesn’t count on is Rabbi Jonah Fine, his high school nemesis and secret crush, stirring up old feelings Gideon thought long gone and secrets he’s buried deep for years.

An unexpectedly passionate encounter shocks Gideon, but he pushes Jonah away, convinced he isn’t good enough to be in a relationship and would never be accepted by Jonah’s father. But Jonah hangs tough—he won’t allow Gideon to hide or run away from life again. And when it comes to love, Gideon learns the most important lessons aren’t always taught in school.

The Way to His Heart
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Released February 14, 2017
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Love is going pretty well for Gideon Marks. He’s living with his boyfriend, Jonah, and his business is thriving beyond his wildest dreams. So why is he still worried he’s not enough, and all he holds dear will slip through his fingers?

Jonah Fine has everything he wants; he’s head over heels in love with Gideon and has finally stepped out from under the shadow of his father. Aware of Gideon's continuing struggle with dyslexia, Jonah tries to reassure him that they are equal partners in their relationship by making their first Valentine's Day one to remember.

Ghosts from the past reappear, sending Gideon into a tailspin. He must make the decision to either hold on to the anger he grew up with or forgive the pain he’s carried with him all his life. It will take all of Gideon's courage, Jonah's love, and a special surprise for Gideon to finally realize the one person he must learn to love is himself.

Felice Stevens
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I have always been a romantic at heart. I believe that while life is tough, there is always a happy ending around the corner, My characters have to work for it, however. Like life in NYC, nothing comes easy and that includes love, but getting there is oh so fun and oh so sexy.

I live in New York City with my husband and two children. My day begins with a lot of caffeine and ends with a glass (or two of red wine). I practice law but daydream of a time when I can sit by a beach somewhere and write beautiful stories of men falling in love. Although there are bound to be a few bumps along the way, a Happily Ever After is always guaranteed.

Keep up with Felice by signing up for her newsletter!

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