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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Blog Tour: Love On The Edge Of Time: Julie A . Richman

Love On The Edge Of Time
Julie A. Richman
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Release Date November 13, 2017

She likes Ben & Jerry’s
He’s about to get kicked out of his own band
She ate her way off the Miss America pageant circuit
What could these two possibly have in common?
A psychiatrist
A lot of unresolved issues
A whole bunch of shared lifetimes
And a love that is never-ending
As bad boy rocker, Jesse Winslow, and former pageant queen, Kylie Martin, each fight the demons screwing up their lives, the one person who holds the key to healing their ills and reuniting two souls that have searched for one another, lifetime after lifetime, is the only one who knows the whole truth.
And keeping that truth from them may just be in preeminent psychiatrist Dr. Claire Stoddard’s best interests.
Claire has committed the ultimate sin in the medical world. She’s fallen for the one man she’s forbidden to love.
Her patient, Jesse Winslow.
And she’s not about to lose him to Kylie Martin... Again.

I am reeling. I seriously am. I knew this was going to be a unique and complicated love story. But I had no idea though the places this book was going to take me. 

In the present we meet Jesse Winslow, a rock star who has it all, but is throwing it away with substance abuse and lack of emotional relationships. He is charming, intriguing, handsome, but a tortured soul headed for self destruction. He has the illusion that he can keep things in control, but his life is spinning far out of it.

Kylie Martin is a former beauty queen turned plus-size model. She is snarky, fiery, smart, honest, but has some self esteem and food issues. She doesn't fit quite right into her world at this point. 

Both are chasing their demons in regression therapy with psychiatrist, Claire Stoddard. She definitely has an interest in research and therapy, but also seems to have an unhealthy interest in Jesse as well.
So they are three people in the present, each of them broken in some way and chasing visions of distance pasts.

The connections, the feelings, the twists, the turns, and the tragedies. How do all the pieces fit? How do their past lives shape their present?

It is a convoluted story of missing halves, healing hearts, acceptance, and true connections. They both have self work to do. And as they become more vulnerable and open, strong feelings emerge. Is it destiny, fate, divine intervention? Can the mistakes of the pasts be rectified in the present? Can two lost souls find their happy ever after or are they destined to lose their chance again?

This book. Damn. It got to me. It really did. It started out a bit slow as there was a lot to establish. And then it just kind of sucked me in to all of the rich character portrayals, settings, and tragic situations. And I loved both Jesse and Kylie. They were both growing and finding ways to improve themselves and how to give love a chance. They seemed real, and their hearts and souls truly seemed joined. I was getting really tense the closer I got to the end, and I could not wait to find out where the story was going to end up.

This is a story of true love that knows no bounds and a connection that could not be broken. But it is not an easy, fluffy, or predictable story. This is different from anything this author has written, and it is definitely unique and has pieces of various genres, while not following traditional romance formulas. It smacks you in the face at times with things that hurt your heart. But at other times makes you smile and feel how meant to be they were. It is intriguing, funny, romantic, emotional, and heartbreaking.  It is told in multiple points of view and flashbacks clearly marked that flow well and transport you to the situations. It takes you on several poignant journeys and makes you become invested in the characters. There are also some fun cameos that made me smile.

It has good messages about empowerment, self worth, sacrifice, and true love. It is a book that makes you ponder things once you are done. I am going to have to take a minute to recover from this. And I would love to see the author continue with stories in this vain that make you  uncover hidden treasures, and think as well as feel. 

I have held this review for a few days and I am still thinking about this book and having an emotional response to it. 

I was gifted a copy by the author
Jesse Winslow, bad boy rocker, and Kylie Martin, former beauty queen, should never crossed paths except for a mistaken appointment time at their mutual therapist's office. Though their paths did cross, and they are drawn to one another, the thing keeping them apart may actually be their therapist herself, because she has committed a professional no-no and fallen for her client.

I loved the pull between these two quite opposite characters, and as they participate in regression therapy (individually) it becomes clear that these two have been looking for each other for centuries, if not millennia. They have a lot to learn from each other as well as their pasts, and I loved watching them make new discoveries and find new confidence at every turn.

It took me a little bit to get my feet under me with the premise of the book, but once I sorted things in my head and got on board with the regression therapy, I was hooked. I don’t think it was the idea of repeated histories so much as the regression therapy as a tool for unearthing memories that I struggled with, as it isn’t something I am very familiar with. But I also loved the idea of learning from past mistakes to be better in this life, and that theme definitely struck a chord in this book.

I loved the little glimpses of Schooner and Zac that show up through the proximity of L9 to the characters. Though that little Easter egg is there for fans of Julie’s previous books, this absolutely stands on it’s own with all new characters and faces to drive the story.

This was such a different book that I couldn’t help but love it! Love is such a timeless emotion that watching it through different time periods (and different forms of love) gave this whole story a unique feel. I love that the author didn’t just show romantic love, but really got down to the heart of love -- an all encompassing love that wasn’t always based on physical attraction or even sexual love at all.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
This time he didn’t text. He just called, waking her at two-fifteen a.m.
“Bare-ly dressed again tonight?”
Her laugh, filled with sleep was gruff. “Barely dressed every night.”
“What exactly do you have on?”
“A pink tank top and pink silk bikini.”
“Take them off,” he ordered.
“Excuse me,” there was an element of surprise in Kylie’s voice.
“You heard me. Take them off. Now.” Just hearing rustling on the other end of the line, he could feel his cock stiffen and it felt damn good after all this time. Baby, I’m back, he thought.
“We’re having phone sex? But, Jesse, we haven’t even kissed yet,” her protest was weak. And even she knew it.
“Yes, we’re having phone sex, and when I get back to New York, we’re going to do a lot more than kiss. You’ve friend-zoned me, Toots, and I’m busting out.”
Kylie was smiling on her end of the phone. Friend-zoned Jesse Fucking Winslow? Was he serious? “Nobody puts Jesse in a friend-zone,” she couldn’t help herself.
“Are they off?” He totally ignored her joke.
“What was that?” he asked, his voice gruff and serious.
“Yes, they’re off.”
“Okay, spread your legs, and with your phone, take a picture of your pussy for me.”
“Seriously?” She knew she was blushing in the dark.
“Take the picture, Kylie.”
“Okay, but if you sell this to the paparazzi, I will kill you.” There was a rustling sound, then, “Oh, my God, I can’t believe I’m doing this.”
He laughed.
“Okay, here it comes. I hope it’s photogenic. It would be really embarrassing to have a non-photogenic pussy.”
Pulling the phone from his ear to look, Kylie could hear his moan, exciting her even more.
“So photogenic, Toots, just like the rest of you. And I love the red landing strip. It’s so hot. Oh, man, I love this. Spread your legs wider and use one hand to spread your lips open for me and send me another.”
Following his directions, she did as he requested.
jarheadshot.jpgJulie A. Richman
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I must've been 5 or 6 when I started writing "stories". I would write them and hide them. Not wanting anyone to see my "secret" thoughts. I needed to write - even back then. Now I'm just not hiding them anymore. Is that a sign of maturity? Nah... Writer, photographer, insatiable wanderluster, edge-player, foodie, music addict, pop culture fanatic, animal lover, warrior for the rights of people and planet, and avid cusser (am a Native New Yorker, so very little offends me...and if I am offended, it must be pretty freaking bad grammar!) I am a big believer in signs and if we keep ourselves open, there are guideposts all along the way. Stay humble. Be true. Be you. Life is not a dress rehearsal...

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