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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Release and Review Blitz: Shelter: Jay Crownover

SHELTER (Getaway #2)
Jay Crownover
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Release Date December 26, 2017

His life is chaos and confusion. It’s a storm of uncertainty and raging emotion. 

Sutton Warner is a mess. Everything in his life feels like it’s unraveling. 

He’s let a lot of people down lately, including his daughter. Sutton always promised his little girl he would never disappoint her and that he would always be there when she needed him. Until he wasn’t. 

The truth is, he’s used to disappointing the women in his life. First was his mother who couldn’t find a reason to stick around when he was growing up. Then there’s his ex. The woman who takes unbridled delight in making his life incredibly complicated.

Luckily, his daughter is still young enough to believe her old man is some kind of hero. But, he knows the day is coming when she realizes the truth, that he’s just a man with some serious flaws and a list of ever-growing weaknesses. 

Finally, there’s the woman he’s desperately trying to forget with every shot tossed back and each pill popped.

He more than disappointed Emrys…he almost got her killed.

Her love is steady and sure. It’s a shelter shaped by conviction and silent assurance.

Emrys Santos is lost. Everything in her life feels pointless and futile.

She’s been busy running away from her feelings and all the people who love her the most—including her best friend, the one person who knows exactly what she’s been through. They promised to always stick together and to lean on one another. It was a promise Em had to break so she could lick her wounds and figure out her next move. For once, there is no easy way out of the tangled web of emotions she’s caught up in, and right now, she recognizes that all roads lead back to Wyoming…and back to Sutton.

The man she nearly got killed.

Shelter is a standalone novel, the second book in the Getaway series, which features the hardheaded and brokenhearted Warner brothers and the women who dare to love them. These boys are very good at putting the wild in wilderness.

One violent and tragic event tied Sutton Warner and Emrys Santos together. She ran away to avoid and heal. He spiraled downward til he hit rock bottom. And just as he was at the bottom, she reappeared in his life. As their lives collide again, they find no matter how difficult it is to face their recent past that it might just be the catalyst to need to heal and save each other again.
Sutton was a loyal family man who loved his daughter and brothers. He was always a big sarcastic and moody, but nearly dying has left him angry, bitter, coping in unhealthy ways, and ignoring his responsibilities. He feels guilty and like a failure because he thinks he let Emrys and his family down.
Emrys is a runner and avoider. She usually takes off when things get hard or men try to get close. And Sutton sending her away after their ordeal, just made it easier for her. She is used to being seen as just a pretty face with not much substance. She is good at fixing other people's problems, but not her own. She has her own guilt and needs forgiveness and is heading back to Wyoming to try to fill the void that continues to plague her.
This is a story about forgiveness, feeling worthy, finding purpose, and being willing to fight for and stay for someone. He's the only man she ever wanted to stay for. He gives her a sense of purpose and makes her feel important. She is the only woman that can see his broken pieces and want to put them back together. She makes him breathe more easily. They anchor each other but also inspire hope and the idea of new possibilities and moving forward. 
But as they are reconnecting and rebuilding themselves, there is more danger lurking in the background trying to tear them down, especially Sutton. Will he be able to keep Emrys and those he loves safe this time or is he doomed to fail again?
Sutton and Emrys are so broken by their shared experience, but also are strong, determined, and loyal. They both need a shelter from the storm of their lives, and someone to help keep their heart safe. 
I loved the Warners and their significant others and friends that they would fight for. This story has plenty of suspense, danger, and twists. It also has romance, steam, and sweetness. I enjoyed getting more with Cy and Leo and am looking forward to more with Lane and Brynn in Escape.

I was gifted a copy by the author. 

Sutton Warner is spiraling. After a traumatic event that ties him to Emerys Santos and haunts his memories, he turns to alcohol to dull the pain. But in the process, he begins to let down everyone around him -- his brothers, his friends, and most importantly his daughter.
Emerys is just as lost as Sutton, but handles it very differently. Where Sutton digs in and tries to forget, she runs. But she has realized that running isn’t fixing anything and she needs to return to the people she feels like she hurt most: the best friend she left behind instead of let in, and the man she almost got killed.
Both Sutton and Emerys were marked by their shared events, but though they both were a part of the same incident, they have retained different aspects of those events that have led them to walk away with different emotions tied up in the memories.
This was one of those journeys where each character has as much to learn as the other and the road they have to travel is not an easy one. I loved watching them work to heal themselves and the other. Returning to the Warner Ranch was fun. I still love Cy and Leo, so loved seeing them again. The whole Warner family is a warm group, even as there are other issues at play than just Sutton and Em’s drama. I look forward to the final brother’s story and maybe finding some resolution to tensions that have been simmering in the background since book 1!

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
I’d been fooled once by the promise of quiet nights and serene days in the sunshine. I believed the brochure when it said I could leave my worries at home and escape to a simpler, quieter kind of life. I let myself be lured in by the picturesque landscape and stunning mountains. I foolishly fell prey to the temptation of leaving my current set of troubles behind in San Francisco while I hid away in the middle-of-nowhere Wyoming.
I now knew firsthand the glossy brochure that brought me to Wyoming the first time was nothing more than a bunch of pretty, packaged lies. I knew the bar brawl erupting in front of me was hardly the worst thing that could happen here. In fact, the level of bloodshed and violence was child’s play compared to what I’d witnessed the last time I’d stepped foot in this small, quaint town. Well, I hadn’t really been in Sheridan last time I was here. I’d spent most of my time in the backwoods that surrounded the Warner brothers’ ranch, which was still a good forty-five minutes outside of this tiny town. The ranch was where I was currently trying to get to so I could see my best friend.
When I left Wyoming, I told myself I would never come back.
I told myself there was nothing here for me but bad memories and heartache. I was a pro at lying to myself, at telling myself exactly what I needed to hear to justify my actions. I could convince myself of anything, like it was okay that my last boyfriend stole my grandmother’s silver when I kicked him out because he needed it more than I did. I had no problem believing that pulling Leo out of the city was the only way to heal her broken heart even though she didn’t want to go. It was easier to distract her than it was to watch her wallow. I persuaded myself into believing what I needed to heal was space and solitude. I held onto that until time passed and I was still a mess. I was sick of my own company and of hiding from everything I was feeling. I was the one who always went out of my way to fix everyone else around me, it wasn’t exactly a shock to learn I didn’t have the skills to repair myself. I spent my days helping others focus on their goals, on doing better and achieving more, so I didn’t have to think about the lack of any ambition of my own. I turned thirty at the end of the year and I was still trying to figure out what and who I wanted to be when I grew up. I’d been aimless for a long time; the only direction in my life come from the fact I knew all the way down to my bones that I had to go back to Wyoming and face off with Sutton Warner.

Every once in a while, you need to get away from it all.
I was a woman on the edge, shaken and shattered after a breakup that felt like it tore my entire world apart. 
My best friend, sick of watching me drown in misery and melancholy, harassed me until I agreed to go with her on a week-long wilderness retreat.
She promised days spent bonding and getting in touch with our inner bad-asses. 
It was supposed to be all about the two of us roughing it and making do with the bare minimum. She assured me we were going to be pushed to our limits in ways that were unimaginable. Neither one of us could have ever guessed just how right she was.
Nowhere in the glossy brochure did it say anything about the fact I was going to have to battle the insufferable but deliciously rugged and sexy trail guide instead of the elements. The brochure also forgot to mention the part that warned when you left civilization behind, there was no place to pack your inhibitions and fears.
I was told that I would be facing a week where the only thing I should expect was the unexpected. However, no one mentioned that I was going to have to fight for my life…and my heart as soon as I ventured into the unknown. 
I was a pro at hiding from my feelings but when it came time to face a real threat, one that could change everything, I learned I was more of a no surrender, no retreat kind of girl. 
Retreat is a standalone novel, the first in the Getaway series which centers on the hardheaded and brokenhearted Warner brothers and the women that dare to love them. 
These boys are very good at putting the wild in wilderness.

ESCAPE (Getaway #3)
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Expected January 30. 2018

Everything inside of him is screaming that he needs to run, he needs to go, he needs to escape.
Lane Warner is used to being overshadowed and overlooked.
After all, he’s the youngest brother and the most laid back one in the family. He’s the one known for going with the flow and not making waves, even when things seem to be at their worst.
Very few things in life have had the ability to rile Lane up and get under his skin. At the top of that list is his childhood friend Brynn Fox…no…Brynn Warner. The fact that they share a last name was the one thing that has the power to light him up and spin him out of control like no other. There was no calm, cool and collected when it comes to all the reasons why Brynn had to become part of his family.
It’s slowly killing him to keep wanting what he can’t have, so Lane sees only one way to stop himself from doing something they’ll both regret…he has to leave.
Everything inside of her is calling out to find him, to follow, to bring him home.
Brynn Warner is used to being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
After all, she’s the daughter of an unrepentant gold-digger who never once blinked at being the cause of her daughter’s pain and suffering.
Very few things in her life have ever brought happiness and a sense of security. At the very top of that list is Lane Warner. She has unwaveringly loved the youngest Warner since the first minute she laid eyes on him. He was everything Brynn ever wanted and everything she knew she could never have.
Sometimes the right choice is the one that hurts the most and Brynn’s had to make a few that felt like they might be the end of her.
When Lane takes off, one thing is clear, the only choice Brynn has is to go after him.She’s going to bring her wayward cowboy home….whatever it takes.

Escape is a standalone novel, the third book in the Getaway series, which features the hardheaded and brokenhearted Warner brothers and the women who dare to love them. These boys are very good at putting the wild in wilderness.
Jay Crownover:
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Jay Crownover is the international and multiple New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the Marked Men Series, The Saints of Denver Series, the Point Series, the Breaking Point Series, and the Getaway Series. Her books can be found translated in many different languages all around the world. She is a tattooed, crazy haired Colorado native who lives at the base of the Rockies with her awesome dogs. This is where she can frequently be found enjoying a cold beer and Taco Tuesdays. Jay is a self-declared music snob and outspoken book lover who is always looking for her next adventure, between the pages and on the road.
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