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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Review Tour: Cowboy Up: Harper Sloan

Cowboy Up  (Coming Home #3)
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Release Date December 19, 2017

New York Times bestselling author Harper Sloan returns with the third in her sultry, Western-set Coming Home series, in which the eldest Davis sibling Clay may have finally met his match—but will he be able to give up the solitary, quiet life he’s built in the name of love?

As the eldest of the Davis clan, Clayton has always tried to lead by example. Along with taking his job as head of the family business seriously, he is also determined to keep his brother and sister in line. Clay is known for being serious, silent, and stoic—completely in control of his life. And with the way he grew up, coupled with a disastrous end to the last relationship he was in, he’s just fine with his quiet, solitary life.

What he hadn’t counted on was Caroline Michaels. She’s the proverbial woman next door—the town next door, that is. Caroline hasn’t lived an easy life, but after escaping from an abusive relationship, she’s finally living for herself and no one else. The last thing the quirky, shy bookstore owner expected was a steamy one-night stand with Clay Davis.

When Caroline and Clay meet, the connection is instant, both falling into one heated night of passion before parting ways—both driven by their own reasons to deny what they clearly wish didn’t have to end. It isn’t until Caroline falls on hard times and Clay comes back into the picture that they realize just how impossible it will be to stay away from each other.

Will Clay be able to give up his rootless existence in favor of finally settling down? And, more important, will Caroline want him to? 

I have been anxiously awaiting big brother Clay's book in this series. He has been the strong, stoic, responsible one taking care of his siblings, Maverick and Quinn. Now they are both finally settled, happy, and in love. He works hard to run the family ranch and is a bit grumpy, controlled,  and closed off. He had a relationship go bad a few years ago so now he does not do them, and fights his loneliness with occasional hook ups.

On one such hook up he meets Caroline. She is a shy, quiet, sweet loner who owns a bookstore in a nearby town. She has also been in a bad relationship and is gun shy and wary. She is lonely, but tends to hang out with her twin best friends and enjoy her romantic books. But on the night she needs to escape something in her life, she ends up spending some amazing time with the hot, dark, cowboy.

It was a night they found hard to forget, and when their paths cross again, it does not take much to fan the flames and make them want to spend more time together. They have a connection, chemistry, and pull to the other they cannot deny. And these two guarded people start opening up and seeing that maybe they really could find someone to love and get more than they ever thought they could have.

Clay is a swoony hero. He is charming, supportive, tender, protective, and sure of himself when he knows what he wants. And Caroline is not totally quiet, she can be fun and animated around people she is comfortable with. Clay makes her feel safe enough to gain confidence and strength. And they are mature. They talk and communicate. They do not jump to conclusions without getting information. It was actually so refreshing.

Granted there has to be conflict. There was background drama and suspense. They both had some crazy exes, painful pasts, and Caroline especially had some serious issues happening in her life. But I loved that this was not full of a ton of miscommunication, dumb fights, and relationship drama.

This one is not as  dark, heartbreaking, and angsty as previous ones. It is uplifting, sweet, sexy, and is my fave of the series. It really focused on personal growth, finding hope, healing, love, home, and building families. Clay's whole outlook on life and the future changed so much between seeing his siblings fall and being with someone who respected and appreciated him. And I loved seeing Caroline feel safe, confident, and empowered through Clay's love. We get to see progression with Maverick and Leighton and Quinn and Tate. I love how this family stands together despite how their parents hurt them. They are nosy, supportive, protective, and just keep getting stronger and healthier as they add more to their family. But I loved that the men in this series can be emotional, the men cry, the women cry, and they made me cry. There was just so much love and beauty that these couples found in the wake of painful pasts. I liked her twin friends, Lucy and Luke as well. They fit right into this crazy group.

This is a great way to wrap up this series of troubled siblings finding love in rural, Texas. It gave me everything I needed, all the way to a wonderful, far reaching epilogue.

I was gifted a copy by the publisher/author.
Clay has always wanted to protect his siblings, but as they have each found their partners, he has found they need him less and less. But he continues to run the family business with as much focus and control as always. Everything about him is controlled, calculated, and in charge.

Caroline Michaels finally has her feet under her again after leaving an abusive relationship. She has planted roots that she didn’t expect and spends much of her time with her two best friends. A one night stand to let off some steam stay with her long after that night, despite not knowing who the dark stranger’s identity.

Their night together was all kinds of steamy, with instant sparks and a connection neither was expecting. When they go their separate ways the next morning, neither expects to see the other again. But these are small towns, and despite not living in the same small town, social circles are small. When Caroline needs help, Clay is near to offer help.

Clay is one swoony cowboy. I am a sucker for a good cowboy, and Clay fit that bill perfectly. From the way he hid in the shadows at the bar, to the way he commanded the family business, he has always intrigued me.

Caroline was a good match for Clay. She has just the right mix of strength and vulnerability to both challenge him and sooth his need for control.

The background drama is where most of the conflict comes into play for Caroline and Clay. They carry baggage from their exes that has to be worked through, but there are also some strange coincidences happening around Caroline that add to the danger and tension.

I loved returning to the Davis ranch and the dynamics between these three siblings. Seeing where each of Clay’s siblings are with their relationships was great fun, including continued changes are their relationships progress.

The third and final story in the Coming Home series is the perfect finale to the Davis siblings’ journeys.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

I push my hands from his shoulders and palm his jaw as his stubble prickles against my fingers while my hands wander up to his hair. His hat falls to the ground with a thud and I know he’s just as lost in me as I am in him, because he doesn’t even make a move to pick it up. He lets out a deep grunt when I mold myself against his body, seeking some sort of friction. The next thing I know, my back is against the door and he’s gripping my bottom. His mouth hits my jaw with a bite of his teeth, making a squeak of pleasure shoot up my throat, and his deep rumble of laughter reaches my ears as he presses me harder into the door with his hips. The heavy bulge of his erection against that spot makes me so desperate for him that I whimper in relief when his mouth finally closes over mine in a wet tangle of tongues.
 I’ve never been kissed so thoroughly.
 This is the kind of kiss that sets the bar for any that might follow.
The kind that shows you everything you’ve been missing and everything you never knew you wanted. I’m going to be comparing every kiss I ever have to my dark cowboy’s, even though I know there’s a good chance no one will ever compare. The sounds coming from my mouth, the ones being swallowed by his, are nothing short of needy. My hips move in tandem with the thrusts of his, and even though we’re both fully clothed, I know it won’t take much more of this for me to go off like the town’s fireworks on the Fourth of July.
“Fuck, you taste just like apple pie,” he whispers against my lips, breaking away with a gasp.
“Goddamn, I love apple pie,” he says before his mouth is back on mine, this time with a whole new kind of hunger deepening his kisses.
I’m held captive, enraptured. Then his hands move from my bottom to glide up my torso. He lifts his hard chest off mine and suddenly those delicious fingers are at my breasts. Even if I had big boobs his hands would dwarf them, I’m sure, but as it is he covers both with a firm grasp before adjusting his hold with a deft twist of the wrists. His mouth continues to feast on mine while his huge hands learn my body with slow movements. I tear my mouth from his with a breathy moan when he pushes my shirt up and slips his fingers into the cups of my bra to tweak my nipples.
“Oh, God,” I moan when he does it again.
“I can’t get enough of you,” he rumbles.
“Please,” I beg, not with the slightest clue as to what I’m begging for.
His hips dig even harder into mine as he leans back, supporting me against the door with that connection alone as he pulls my shirt off. The darkness makes me feel more confident than I normally would be, almost half naked with a man—no, a stranger.
“Yours too,” I tell him as his fingers move to unclasp my bra. “I want to feel your skin on mine,” I breathe, taking over the task so he’ll hopefully give me what I want.
I fumble in my haste to feel more of this dangerous arousal he’s creating in my body, but the second my bra is free and dangling toward the floor, his naked chest collides against mine, pushing me into the door with a force that sends the air rushing out of my lungs.
His mouth hits my collarbone at the same time his hands grasp my bottom, sliding me up the door until I feel the wet heat of his breath against my breast.
Then he stops.

lostriderLost Rider (Coming Home #1)
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Our 4.5 star reviews

In Lost Rider, the first Western romance in New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Harper Sloan’s Coming Home series, an injured rodeo star encounters an old flame but will she be just what he needs to get back in the saddle?

Maverick Austin Davis is forced to return home after a ten-year career as a rodeo star. After one too many head injuries, he’s off the circuit and in the horse farming business, something he’s never taken much of a shine to, but now that it’s his late father’s legacy, familial duty calls. How will Maverick find his way after the only dream he ever had for himself is over?

Enter Leighton Elizabeth James, an ugly duckling turned beauty from Maverick’s childhood—his younger sister’s best friend, to be exact, and someone whose heart he stomped all over when she confessed her crush to him ten years back. Now Leighton is back in Maverick’s life, no longer the insecure, love-stricken teen—and Maverick can’t help but take notice. Sparks fly between them, but will Leighton be able to open her heart to the one man who broke it all those years ago?

Written in the vein of Diana Palmer and Lindsay McKenna, this Texas-set series is filled with sizzle, heart, and plenty of cowboys!

Kiss My Boots (Coming Home #2)
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Our 4.5 star reviews
In this second of the sultry, Western-set Coming Home series from New York Times bestselling author Harper Sloan, Quinn Davis might finally have a shot at her own happily-ever-after—but will she let love in, or will she tell it to go ahead and kiss her boots?

Quinn Davis prefers to live her life quietly. She’s the stereotypical tomboy with two overprotective big brothers who have always been there to protect her, especially from devilishly handsome cowboys with silver tongues. That is, until Tate Montgomery comes riding into town. Their first meeting, however, is far from something out of a fairy tale and only further convinces Quinn that men aren’t worth her time.

The only place Tate Montgomery ever truly felt at home growing up was during the long, sweltering summer months he spent at his Gram and Paw’s farm in Pine Oak, Texas. Now, Tate has returned to his childhood sanctuary seeking a fresh start—but if he’s being entirely honest, he’s not just back for the wranglers and Stetsons. During those summers, Quinn was a friend-turned-young-love who Tate lost when life threw him a curveball and he cut all ties to his past; but all it takes is one glance at the raven-haired beauty he did his best to forget for him to realize just how much he’s been missing….

Harper Sloan

Harper is a NEW YORK TIMES, WALL STREET JOURNAL and USA TODAY bestselling author residing in Georgia with her husband and three daughters. She has a borderline unhealthy obsession with books, hibachi, tattoos and Game of Thrones. When she isn't writing you can almost always find her with a book in hand. 

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