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Thursday, March 15, 2018

Release Blast and Reviews: Pretty As A Peach: Juliette Poe

Pretty As A Peach(Sex and Sweet Tea #4)
Juliette Poe
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Release Date March 15, 2018

Mainer Farms is steeped in family history, but it’s also deep in debt from the effects of the ever-changing farming industry. Not about to let his family’s legacy go under, Colt Mancinkus is willing to do anything he can to save the farm. 

Darby Culhane is the new farmer in Whynot, North Carolina, and she’s proving to be quite the forbidden temptation for Colt. Darby isn’t looking for anything but a fresh start, and she’s got it all figured out. Get settled in? Check. Apply for the rural county grant? Check. Confrontation with the steaming mad, smoking hot local farmer? Well, that wasn’t on the agenda. 

As pretty as she is sweet, Colt can’t help but be drawn to Darby’s…peaches. No really, she’s a peach farmer. Get that mind out of the gutter, and get on down to the farm to see what happens when circumstances force Colt and Darby to team up. They may just find that the peach trees aren’t the only things in bloom. 

Darby has left her husband and previous life behind and transplanted her and her daughter to the tiny town of Whynot, NC. She is glad to be out from under her husband's thumb and getting the chance to work on finishing her thesis and managing a farm.

But not only is her daughter unhappy, but she has already made one enemy in Colt Mancinkus. His family farm is struggling and he needs the grant that she has also applied for. So he is angry, bitter, and does not want to have anything to do with her.  But when he meets her in person, her blend of beauty, sweetness, intelligence, and kind spirit is hard to resist.

Mended fences. Shared interests and goals. Understanding. Companionship. Attraction. As they begin to spend more time together, they begin to feel the pull and it's a slow slide into a friendship and tentative feelings.

Colt is a hardworking, charismatic, good-natured, and thoughtful hero. And Darby is smart, caring, and trying to find her place in her new life while dealing with fall out from her old one. But her life is complicated, unresolved, and messy. They have a few challenges to face. And they are both  busy trying to build their farms and follow their dreams and passion. But can they add each other into the equation?

This is another fun, charming, easy breezy read set in this small town. This brings back all of the quirky crew from Whatnot and all of his family. I love the colorful characters in this community and the Southern charm. I enjoyed catching up with his sisters and their mates. After a little teasing, I am so looking forward to Larkin's story next.

I was gifted a copy.
Colt Mancinkus is fighting tooth and nail to keep the family farm running. He has goals and is quietly working behind the scenes to make the farm profitable once again, hiding from his family the lengths he is having to take in order to keep the farm running. When he learns he has competition for the grant he is depending on, he isn’t happy to learn his competition is an out of towner working for a for-loss farm.

Darby Culhune is making a new life for herself and her daughter with a little help from her friends. Starting over in a new town is always a challenge, but when the grant Darby needs to further her studies happens to be one needed by a neighboring farmer, conflict strikes early and hot. And it doesn’t help that the neighboring farmer is smoking hot himself.

They quickly realize they can get more done if they work together, but those early fireworks speak to the chemistry that begins building between them. Their friendship builds as they work together, and the sparks continue to fly in a different direction once they put the grant competition in their rearview. I loved the competition and determination that was fueled by the grant, but I also loved watching as Colt made himself vulnerable and Darby weighed the value of each of their projects.

Colt is drawn not only to the pretty farmer, but to her daughter as well. Linnie isn’t adjusting to the move well, but Colt’s thoughtfulness and persistence pay off. The separation and impending divorce are difficult for Linnie to understand, and because Darby has done such a good job of sheltering her, she has no idea the true reasons her parents are separated. This is both a testament to Darby’s character, and a fault of her father as one parent does her best to shelter Linnie, while the other tries to use her as a pawn.

Returning to Whynot, NC and the crazy Mancinkus clan is always a fun trip. This is an easy, sweet read filled with small town community and camaraderie, as well as the meddling and mayhem associated with the Mancinkuses. I love this family, and look forward to Larkin’s story after the teases in this one.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

I’m back at Farrington Farms. It’s a different day, slightly different story.
I pull my truck up right in front of Darby’s house. I hadn’t expected to be back here this Sunday morning, but after I hung up the phone with Darby not too long ago, I decided to take matters into my own hands. This morning when Darby called to regretfully inform me that she and Linnie could not attend Sunday dinner with my family, it hit me like a wrecking ball that my interest in Darby extends far beyond just mere intrigue into this fascinating woman. I now fully admit I’ve come to like her.
I’ve never used the word “hate” in my life to describe my feelings for someone, but before I ever met Darby, I intensely disliked her. It’s not lost on me that within just a matter of moments of meeting and talking to her, my entire perception changed. Darby really let herself get into trouble with me when she made the bold move to pull her application for the expansion grant from consideration. Yes, Darby is one of the most beautiful women I have ever known, but she became infinitely more attractive when I realized she has a heart of gold.
So here I am at her house, unbidden and possibly unwelcome, to make it known I have an interest in her. And if I’m interested in her, it means I have to be interested in Linnie.
After I hung up the phone with Darby, I had a new person I intensely disliked.
Her husband, Mitch.
“I’m really sorry, Colt,” Darby had explained on the phone not but half an hour ago. “But we’re not going to be able to come to supper today.”
“Why?” I asked quite simply.
She had no hesitation in admitting, “It’s Linnie. She’s just… in a mood, I guess. She’s flat-out refusing to go. While I could certainly force her and drag her to your house, it would not be a pleasant experience for any of your family.”
“What’s the reason for the mood?” I could sense by the tone of her voice that something had happened to put Linnie in her funk.
Darby didn’t answer right away. I could read into her pause she was trying to figure out whether she should share a burden with me. So I urged her. “Talk to me, Darby. What’s going on?”
There was no hesitation after that. She let it all come out in a rushing confession of frustration. “Her father called her this morning. I could only hear her end of the conversation, but it was clear he was in full-out attack mode on me. I could tell that whatever he was saying on his end, he was trying to manipulate Linnie into putting pressure on me to come back to Illinois.”
I didn’t push her for the details. I can imagine some of the things a parent might say to an impressionable seven-year-old to turn them against the other parent. While I don’t have any firsthand experience with such things, I’ve had plenty of friends and acquaintances over the years who have gone through bitter divorces and custody struggles. I’m aware there are some people in the world who will use their kid as a weapon.
Yeah, I don’t like this Mitch dude.
I assured Darby there would be other Sunday dinners they could come to. I put her mind at ease by saying I completely understood what she was going through, even though I don’t. The only thing I did understand is I had made a new friend in Darby McCulhane. I thought she was a good woman. She’s struggling right now to get situated into a new home and is very far away from everything that provided her security.
She helped me out and by extension helped my family out when she gave up the expansion grant.
I’m going to return the favor.
I turn my truck off and hop out with determination. After jogging up the creaky porch steps, I give three solid raps with my knuckles on the wood casing of the screen door. Within moments, Darby’s opening it and blinking at me in surprise.
“Good morning,” I say cheerily.
Darby pushes open the screen door wider and steps back in silent invitation. As I brush past her, she asks, “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to kidnap your daughter,” I tell her.
I did not expect this to alarm Darby, so it was not surprising to see the corners of her mouth tip upward. “Kidnap my daughter? I just want to make sure I heard that correctly.”
I grin and nod. “Cross my heart I won’t corrupt her or anything.”
Darby stares at me for a few moments and while she’s clearly amused, I can see a little bit of distance in her eyes—not because she doesn’t trust me, but because she doesn’t want to place her burdens on my doorstep.
I give her a reassuring smile. “I’m going to take her horseback riding. You told me the other day when you came over to have lunch that she had a horse and it was one of the things she really missed.”
It’s not hard to figure out that the rapid blinking of Darby’s eyes means she’s trying to dispel some wet emotion my offer has caused. The last thing I want to do is make a lady cry, so I also add on with a wink, “And that way, you can have a few hours of relaxation all to yourself. Maybe go get your nails done or your hair fixed up all pretty or something. Not that it isn’t pretty as is, but you know… spend some time on Darby.”
She just stares at me in disbelief. That lasts for only about three seconds before she snaps her head to the right and yells up the stairs, “Linnie. Get down here.”
The footsteps overhead are far too heavy to belong to a seven-year-old. The way she’s stomping through the house above us indicates she is not a happy kid. She comes down the staircase with her shoulders hunched forward. When she reaches the bottom landing, she glares at her mom and says, “What?”
It’s not quite belligerent, but it is rude.
As I was raised by a Marine Corps drill instructor father with no patience for smart talk and a strong, southern woman who insists on manners, a crappy attitude has never been something tolerated in our family. I want to tell Linnie to have some respect for her mother, but that would put us off on the wrong foot.
To my surprise, Darby makes it known she doesn’t find her daughter’s attitude acceptable. She narrows her eyes slightly, and says in an even but firm voice, “Remember what we said? You need to check your attitude at your bedroom door. I don’t care if you want to stay up there and sulk but when you’re in my presence, I expect you to be pleasant.”
Linnie doesn’t respond, but her cheeks turn pink.
Darby glances to me and inclines her head my way before telling Linnie, “Colt is here to take you horseback riding if you would like to go.”
There’s no doubt in my mind I made the right decision in coming here when Linnie’s entire face lights up with joy. Her head snaps my way so fast her glasses slide down to the end of her nose. She just pushes them right back up as she asks, “Really?”
I nod. “I’ve got a good buddy who has a few horses, and he’s got two ready for you and me to saddle up for some trail riding.”
It’s also made clear to me that despite Linnie’s sullen attitude toward her mom, she was actually raised with good manners. She immediately turns to Darby. In a very sweet yet imploring voice, she asks, “Can I go, Mom? Please.”
Darby doesn’t hesitate or make her daughter suffer. She just smiles at her and gestures toward the staircase. “Go get changed into some riding gear.”
Linnie doesn’t need to be told twice. She goes flying up the stairs.

** All books in the Sex & Sweet Tea series can be read as standalones, but if you’d like to start at the beginning, Ain’t He Precious? (Sex & Sweet Tea, Book #1) is #FREE for a limited time! **

Ain't He Precious (Sex and Sweet Tea #1)
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Our 4 star reviews

Welcome to Whynot, North Carolina, population 3,872. It has one stoplight, one bar, and the one-and-only Trixie Mancinkus.

Eleven years ago, Trixie graduated Harvard Law, turned down a job offer from one of the most prestigious law firms in Boston, and headed home to Whynot to open her own firm. Not only did she leave behind the big city, but she also left her boyfriend of three years. And just so we’re clear… that would be me.

So what am I doing in Whynot at this very moment? It seems Trixie needs help with a legal case and for some insane reason, she called on me for assistance. I’ve been in town for five minutes, and I’m every bit as out of place as I feel. Trixie is all sweet, southern curves to my tailored suits and high-priced haircuts. It’s a culture clash of north versus south and about the only thing we have in common is our physical attraction to each other.

But I have a new motto since coming to Whynot: When life hands you lemons, all you need is a little sex and sweet tea to make things better.

Stubborn as a Mule (Sex and Sweet Tea #2)
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Our 4 star reviews

Down in Whynot, NC, there are three things that hold true: 1) life moves just a little bit slower, 2) family means everything, and 3) you don’t mess with history.

When his family decides to sell a home that’s been part of their history for over a century, Lowe Mancinkus is madder than a hornet. To add insult to injury, the woman who purchased it is some fancy pants, city girl looking to fix it up and sell it off. Doesn’t matter that she’s sexy as hell or that just being near her gets his blood racing like never before. That home belongs to his family, or at least it did until she came to town.

Well that just won’t do, now will it?

From the moment that she laid eyes on the historical home in rural North Carolina, Melinda Rothschild knew Mainer House was something special. The perfect escape from life in New York City, Melinda signed the papers and set to work restoring the house to its natural beauty. That is until an angry Lowe showed up on her doorstep one day. With a scowl on his handsome, chiseled face. And a shotgun in his strong, muscular arms.

Is it getting hot in here?

Melinda’s about to get a lesson on life in the south, but Lowe is about to learn a lesson of his own – this city girl doesn’t back down from a fight.

Barking Up The Wrong Tree (Sex and Sweet Tea #3)
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Things in Whynot, NC have gone to the dogs, and that’s just the way the town’s only veterinarian, Laken Mancinkus, likes it. No matter if she’s up when the rooster crows, or working until the cows come home, Laken never leaves an animal in need. So when a gorgeous Yankee comes begging for help herding some wily goats, Laken is up to the task.

Jake McDaniel is looking for a tax break, and what better way than to take up…farming? This ex-football player turned businessman turned unwitting goat farmer is up to his knees in goat drama. Runaway goats, dehydrated goats, and a baby goat that wants no one other than him, Jake needs more help than he cares to admit. Good thing the sexy veterinarian is right there to coach him on how to be a farmer. The only problem is, Laken’s not looking for anything more than a good time, while Jake is looking for his forever girl.

Will the baby goat, and Laken, be enough to get Jake to stay? Or will he take his tax break and hoof it back to Chicago? One thing is for certain…what happens on the farm doesn’t always stay on the farm. 

Larkin Mancinkus prides herself on making the town of Whynot, NC just a little sweeter. As owner of Sweet Cakes Bakery, Larkin gets all the town gossip – the sugar, the spice, and the everything not so nice. So when she finds herself on the tip of everyone’s tongue thanks to an encounter with someone tall, dark, and handsome, she learns the true meaning of ‘if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.’ See what’s cookin’ in Gimme Some Sugar, releasing September 18, 2018!

Juliette Poe
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Juliette Poe is the sweet and swoony alter ego of New York Times Best Selling author, Sawyer Bennett

A fun-loving southern girl, Juliette knows the allure of sweet tea, small towns, and long summer nights, that some of the best dates end sitting on the front porch swing, and that family is top priority. She brings love in the south to life in her debut series, Sex & Sweet Tea. 

When Juliette isn’t delivering the sweetest kind of romance, she’s teaching her southern belle daughter the fine art of fishing, the importance of wearing Chucks, and the endless possibilities of a vivid imagination.

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