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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Release Day Launch, Reviews, and Giveaway: Big Shot: Kim Karr

Big Shot (Sexy Jerk World #2)
Kim Karr
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AVAILABLE on iBooks, Nook, &Kobo  7/27-30 ONLY
Release Date July 27, 2017

To believe one person can change your destiny sounds absurd. But it happened to me… twice.  

Ten years ago I had no idea what I wanted out of life, until I met Hannah Michaels. She was a computer-engineering student ready to conquer the social media world, and I was smitten. Even though I knew she was taken, I had to have her.  

Being the big shot that I was, I didn’t let her status stand in my way. It wasn’t long before my hands were on her thighs and my name a whisper on her lips. This smart, sexy girl inspired me to greatness, helped me grow into the kind of man I never knew I wanted to be. The man I am today. 

 Too bad I hadn’t grown fast enough to keep her.  

Moving on wasn’t easy, but I knew I had to let her go. Eventually, I found someone to share my days and nights with, and together we had a daughter. My life was nearly perfect until my world turned upside down.  

A single father has challenges, and one of those is learning how to calmly deal with your child coming home in tears. I had no idea the day I pounded on my daughter’s classmate’s door, Hannah would be the one standing on the other side.  

The wild, burning desire that rushed through my veins was unwanted, and yet impossible to ignore. Letting her in meant so much more this time around. Guilt hit me like a hammer. I hated myself. I hated her. The problem was I really didn’t hate her—I wanted her more than ever.  

But this time around, I can’t have her. 

This time it’s my status that stands in our way—and going up against myself just might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.

Jace Bennett is struggling. He is trying to be a good single Dad after losing his wife three years ago. He owns a successful company, has good friends, and his daughter. He's turned off his emotions and sex drive. He's brooding, sad, lonely, and has a hot temper.

When a boy picks on his daughter, he is prepared to deal with it right away. He never expected that the boy's mother would be someone from his past--his first love--the one who broke his heart.

Hannah has had her own challenges in the ten years since they were together. And their past relationship was anything but conventional. But it did change the course of both of their lives. She is smart, sassy, and devoted. Now they are both single parents and lonely. But they are also at odds over a situation, and still reeling from the past that was complicated and did not end well.

But the present and their recent experiences and current circumstances bring a whole new set of challenges. There is a lot of sexual tension and unresolved feelings of pain, anger, and guilt. And their lives seem to be linked in unavoidable ways. But Jace is torn between wheat he wants and his many layers of guilt. He is not sure what he really has to give and cannot wrap his head around his confused feelings in regards to Hannah and his late wife. He puts up walls. He is good at avoidance and fighting his feelings. Hannah has to think of her son, but also needs to protect her own heart. And she has her own guilt and triggers that make her wary. 

They transition between enemies to friends to lovers. Sex has never been their problem, but their emotions are unstable and volatile. Neither feel secure. Trust is hard. Guilt is even harder. And nothing will change until Jace can get his head straight about the past and the women in his life and fight for what he wants. She won't be the before and after woman. He has to decide if she can be the forever one and actually fight for her even if it means fighting with her to prove it. 

The kids were adorable and I loved all of the scenes they were in. I liked getting more with Ethan, Fiona, Nick, and Tess from Sexy Jerk. This is told in dual points of view in past and present since they had a lot of shared history. It had a lot of layers to the story and was emotional, sexy, angsty, sweet, and had some unique dynamics. I am interested in Nick's brother, Lucas' story next.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Jace Bennett juggles work and single parenting his daughter since the death of his wife three years before. He leans on his college friends for a lot, and his daughter is the center of his world. When a classmate picks on his daughter, he decides the best course of action is to confront the parent and get things under control before they spiral. But he didn’t expect the boy’s mother to be Hannah, the woman he loved before his wife.

Hannah and Jace’s past means that conversations between them are charged with the pain from the past, but they are also charged with a spark in the present. Because those feelings they felt in college still burn brightly. These two understand each other, even as they are able to hide from others. But things won’t be simple this time around, just as they weren’t simple in the past.

This book is filled with the tension of friends who became enemies but can’t deny the chemistry and connection between them. The flashback scenes had me heartbroken for both of them, but understanding of both at the same time. I hated the way they parted, and the pain they both experienced in the meantime. But I loved watching them find each other again, and build something bigger than they had before.

I loved the kids in this one. Both children are precocious and their wit adds character to scenes that benefit from their young perspectives. Some of the things they say cut through the tension between the adults better than a day’s worth of conversation would have. It was also great to see Ethan and Fiona, and Nick and Tessa again. These three men have a great relationship and seeing them through Jace’s eyes was a great change. 

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Sexy Jerk
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Our 4.5 star reviews

My best friend is married.
Everyone I know is married. It doesn’t bother me. I like my life the way it is.

Since I’m single though, when my best friend and her husband decide to finally go on their dream honeymoon, she asks me to watch their three-year-old son.

Of course I say yes.

What my best friend neglects to tell me is that I won’t be babysitting alone. 

Feeling Max might be too much for me to handle, her husband asks his only single friend to help. 

Nick Carrington and I have met a couple of dozen times. I’ve never really given him a second thought—other than to say he’s kind of a jerk. Out loud. So he can hear. Sure, he’s tall, dark, and handsome. And yes, he has the best ass I’ve ever seen, and I mean ever seen quite literally. You see he mooned me at last year’s Fourth of July barbeque because, like I said, he’s a jerk.

He always has to be the life of the party.
He’s also arrogant.
And a playboy.
I’d even go as far as to say he’s a manwhore.

Yet somehow before I know it, this manwhore and I are co-parenting. Living under the same roof. Eating meals together and yes, talking.

Don’t look at me like that—it’s not like I had a choice. Even though I knew every minute would be hell, I had to say yes.

But after two weeks what I didn’t expect to discover is that I’d been wrong about him. 
That under his smart-ass exterior, he’s actually quite charming.
That his arrogance is really confidence. 
And that the sight of his naked body would do really bad things to me.

So yes, I’d misjudged him. And yes, I like him. Really like him. Although I might still think he’s a jerk…I now think he’s a sexy jerk.
And I want more of him.

The question is—does he want more of me?

Kim Karr

Reader * Writer * Coffeelover * Romantic

Kim is a daydreamer. So much so that if daydreaming could be a hobby it would be her favorite. It's how her stories are born and how they take root. An imagination that runs wild is something to be thankful for, and she is very thankful. :)

She grew up in New York and now lives in Florida with her husband and four kids. She's always had a love for reading books and writing. Being an English major in college, she wanted to teach at the college level but that was not to be. She went on to receive an MBA and became a project manager until quitting to raise her family. Kim currently works part-time with her husband and with the rest of her time embraces one of her biggest passions--writing.

Kim wears a lot of hats! Writer, book-lover, wife, soccer-mom, taxi driver, and the all around go-to person of her family. However, she always finds time to read.

She likes to believe in soul mates, kindred spirits, true friends, and Happily-Ever-Afters. She loves to drink champagne, listen to music, and hopes to always stay young at heart.

Click HERE to enter the Release Day Giveaway from Author Kim Karr on her Facebook page!


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