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Thursday, July 27, 2017

Release Day Launch/Reviews: The Brightest Sunset: Aly Martinez

The Brightest Sunset

Aly Martinez
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Release Date July 27, 2017

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.  


Words destroyed me.  

“I’m sorry. She didn’t make it.”  

“Daddy, he can’t breathe!”  

“There’s nothing more we can do for your son.”  

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.  


Those syllables and letters became my executioner. I told myself that, if I didn’t acknowledge the pain and the fear, they would have no power over me. But, as the years passed, the hate and the anger left behind began to control me.  

Two words—that was all it took to plunge my life into darkness.  

“He’s gone.”  

In the end, it was four soft, silky words that gave me hope of another sunrise. 

“Hi. I’m Charlotte Mills.”

I could not wait to get this book after the cliffy in The Darkest Sunrise. And this one had me mesmerized, horrified, tense, angry, sad, and frustrated. But also made me laugh, smile, and swoon. This is the good, the bad, and everything in between for Charlotte and Porter.

I cannot say anything about the plot without giving away spoilers. This journey was as heartbreaking as it was heartwarming. Every time they got a bit of light, darkness wanted to encroach. They had been so used to living in the dark, even getting glimpses of light was a bonus. But it will take fight and perseverance to find a way to make the light a more permanent fixture in their lives, and to believe in and look towards the possibility of a future.

This one had me totally on edge. It gutted me. OMG the tension! My eyes watered. I couldn't breathe a few times. My heart seemed to having its own issues.  I was so caught up in it that I could not put it down. There were some surprises, a lot of drama, and so many emotions. The love story between Charlotte and Porter is just the tip of the iceberg on this multi-layered duet.

There were a few moments that Charlotte was not my favorite person, but it was an understandably hard situation and overall I did still like her. I absolutely adored Porter. His emotions and loyalty ran so deep, and he was not afraid to show them. But he also had a goofy, funny, and sexy side. He was a good man, good dad, and wanted to be a good boyfriend if they could manage all of their baggage. There were a few characters that I wanted to throttle or duct tape their mouths shut. They definitely added to the chaos that was their lives.

There was a lot going on in this story and it gave me all I needed for the conclusion of this amazing duet. The story line kept me interested and intrigued since it was filled with difficult issues.  I truly felt for these characters. Their pain was palpable, their moments of joy inspiring, and their challenges overwhelming. But under it all was new hope and flickers of light just wanting to illuminate the darkness for two people that lived in it for too long. This was a truly unique, beautiful, emotional story of hope and healing. Do not miss this duet! It is easily one of my fave reads of the year.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 
I am struggling with how to describe this book and this duet without spoilers, so this review will most likely be short to prevent spoiling the plot. I will also say it is difficult not to spoil The Darkest Sunrise when describing what I love about The Brightest Sunrise, but I’m going to try.

This series! When The Brightest Sunset picks up after the cliff at the end of the first book, the emotions are already high. Betrayal, hurt, confusion, and elation all mix together between the characters to create a storm that drove the entirety of this plot. While I had suspected the information revealed in the cliff earlier in The Darkest Sunrise, I wasn’t sure my hunch was correct and I couldn’t see how the characters would be able to find resolution because of it. That one twist drives everything in this book.

Charlotte and Porter have some HUGE hurdles to face, and including Brady, the kids, Charlotte’s family and Porter’s family the hurdles only seem larger. But before they can face the hurdles together, the betrayal must be faced and dealt with, and that is a huge task.

My heart hurt through most of this book, but at the edges of the hurt was always a little bit of hope. Hope that Charlotte and Porter could work things out. Hope that Travis’s health would hold up. Hope that together they could finally live in the light. And while the hope hid at the edges, there were definite times where it was brighter and others where it was barely there.

This was an amazingly emotional series, particularly this second half of the duet. It is one of my top reads for the year simply because of the way the story was woven, all the pieces that connected in unexpected and surprising ways. It was both an emotional rollercoaster and a touching piece.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
The Darkest Sunrise(The Darkest Sunrise #1)
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Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.  

Whoever coined that phrase is a bald-faced liar. Words are often the sharpest weapon of all, triggering some of the most powerful emotions a human can experience. 

“You’re pregnant.”  

“It’s a boy.”  

“Your son needs a heart transplant.”  

Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.  


Syllables and letters may not be tangible, but they can still destroy your entire life faster than a bullet from a gun.  

Two words—that was all it took to extinguish the sun from my sky. 

“He’s gone.”  

For ten years, the darkness consumed me.  

In the end, it was four deep, gravelly words that gave me hope of another sunrise.  

“Hi. I’m Porter Reese.”

Originally from Savannah, Georgia, USA Today bestselling author Aly Martinez now lives in South Carolina with her four young children. 

Never one to take herself too seriously, she enjoys cheap wine, mystery leggings, and baked feta. It should be known, however, that she hates pizza and ice cream, almost as much as writing her bio in the third person.  

She passes what little free time she has reading anything and everything she can get her hands on, preferably with a super-sized tumbler of wine by her side.    
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