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Friday, August 18, 2017

Blog Tour: The Lucky Heart: Devney Perry

The Lucky Heart (Jamison Valley #3)
Devney Perry
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Release Date August 15, 2017

Life on his ranch could be their future. If they can overcome their past.    

 Felicity’s life story reads like the script to a bad soap opera. Girl’s high-school boyfriend becomes a drug addict. Girl falls for boyfriend’s best friend. Girl leaves them both behind only to return home years later for murdered ex-boyfriend’s funeral. Now she’s back home in Montana, ready to start fresh. She’s got a long list of amends to make and relationships to rebuild, including one with the man who has owned her heart for sixteen years.    

 Silas doesn’t need much. He’s got a great horse, close friends and the Lucky Heart ranch, but something has always been missing. He’s not an idiot. He knows the missing piece is Felicity. And now that she’s returned to Prescott, he’s got a second chance to win her heart. This time, the only thing standing in his way is history. Drudging up the past is going to be about as painful as playing tug of war with barbed wire. But if they can heal old wounds, he’ll get the girl he should have had all along.

Felicity Cleary has come home to Prescott, Montana after living in Seattle for sixteen years. She's only been home a handful of times in the past two years and had avoided it all the years before that. But when she does come home she seems to always have a hot hook-up with Silas Grant.

These two have history and some of it is not pleasant. There were betrayals, misunderstandings, and broken hearts that sent them both running in opposite directions and their story is all wrapped up in loss, guilt, regret, pain, and even some anger.

But Felicity is home for good to make amends and reconnect with those she left. She is trying to shed her snarky attitude and protective shields. She wants to get to know Silas again. And he knows that this might finally be his chance to have the girl he has always wanted but never truly belonged to him. 

Felicity is feisty, stubborn, and sarcastic, but is also vulnerable and insecure. She carries so much guilt and regret. Silas is charismatic, steady, protective, caring, and patient. But he also internalizes things and has a reactive temper. He was always there for her during hard times until she left and took his heart with her.

Silas spent ten years in the military but has been home working on his family's ranch. Now that Felicity is back he is determined to make her his. He will go as slow as he needs to in order to deal with their issues and win her heart. 

This is a SLOW burn story taking them from hurt feelings to hook-ups to friends to more. I did like that it was not one of those insta-love books where she blows back in town and a week later they are engaged. This was really over sixteen years in the making,  and months in the present course of the story we were privy too, not counting the epilogue. So the timeline was realistic, but the sexual tension was quite obvious. They had some misconceptions and fears that slowed them down. And they already knew they had sexual chemistry so this was a building of a more emotional attachment.

I enjoyed getting both of their points of view especially since they were afraid to voice their true feelings for awhile. They both had some internal struggles and fears, and did not always see things clearly. And there were external issues as well. Both were stubborn and fearful, and waiting for the other to take the leap first because they needed to know that it was real. And I could not wait for them to finally get it all out in the open. 

It brings back Felicity's brother Jess and Gigi (The Coppersmith Farmhouse), Nick and Emmeline (The Clover Chapel), Maisy, Beau, Michael, Milo, and the various kids. It also introduces some new characters Paxon, Sabrina, and Khloe that I think we will be seeing more of as well. I love how she has created this realistic feeling town and community, and she really delves into all of the characters and gives them interesting back stories and issues. There were layers of misconceptions in their past and understanding and healing that needed to occur. There were also multiple stories occurring in this book with a lot going on. And like in the other in the series, there is some danger, drama, and suspense going on as well, some of which is going to bleed into the next book, The Outpost. I can't wait to see how that story continues.

This series is addictive, and I think Silas and Felicity are my fave couple. This was an engaging, complex, emotional, swoony second-chance love story. I am surprised Felicity won me over so easily because I was sure I was not going to like her after reading the last book. She had a tendency to avoid and run, but at least she was trying to make up for her mistakes and drop her walls. Silas was such a totally swoonworthy hero with a big, loving, patient heart, but was also all man with his own faults. But I loved them together and enjoyed their long journey towards love, hope, forgiveness, healing, and happiness. 

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 
 Felicity left town right after high school, leaving everything she had ever known behind. Caught in drama with her ex-boyfriend and his best friend, it is just easier to walk away from small town life than face the gossip and judgement. She avoided returning home as often as she could, but her ex-boyfriend’s funeral prompts her to move back and set down her roots once again.

Silas left town shortly after Felicity, for 10 years in the military. Now that he is back, the conflict with his father over how to run the family ranch has him questioning if his dreams are worth the fight. Now that Felicity is back, he knows this is his chance to try again with her, with the only girl he ever really wanted, his best friend’s ex-girlfriend.

The history between these two was alluded to but a relative mystery prior to this book. Series readers have only heard about how Felicity was in high school -- vocal, brash, a mean-girl. Her absence from town has become something of a legend, and her return has fueled the rumor mill as well. She feels like she has something to prove to the town, that she is back for good and is determined to show everyone that she loves her hometown and isn’t the same girl who left.

Silas is such a perfect hero, with a less that perfect situation. The stressors of running the family ranch are things he has prepared for and dreamed of, but he never dreamed he’d be fighting with his father on top of trying to keep things afloat. But his second chance with Felicity isn’t something he is going to let go either, and he finds himself working even harder to convince her to give him a chance.

The thread of forgiveness that runs through so many of the various storylines connects more characters than just the mains. I loved the addition of Wes’s family to the story, and the role they play in Felicity’s own personal forgiveness.

This book pulled me in just as quickly as the rest of the series has, and the seeds planted for the next book have me itching to get my hands on The Outpost. The basis for The Outpost is developed in the back of Silas and Felicity’s story, and the characters and situation sounds so intriguing!

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

This series is a collection of five standalone novels following a group of characters living in the small, fictional town of Prescott, Montana.


Devney Perry
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Devney lives in Montana with her husband and two children. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her kids. She loves reading and, after consuming hundreds of books, decided to share her own stories. 

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