ARC Review: Enemies & Lovers by Christine Zolendz

by - Sunday, November 29, 2020

And that was the easy part.
Picking up the pieces of my mother's affair and her lies,
That is all I have ever done and known.
I gave up everything,
I gave up him,
To find my place in this world.
And now, I am back in the middle of it all again,
And he sees me as nothing more than a carbon copy of her,
A tramp just looking to get my claws into him,
And his money.
This is so much more than that,
This is my life, my dignity, and my future,
All rolled into one big scandal.
This time, my life is on the line,
My future hangs in the balance,
And he's my only hope.

That's all she is,
All she's ever been.
And now, she comes barreling into my life
Like an avalanche,
But I refuse to get buried by her lies, her actions, her scandal.
She's cold and cunning,
Like the blizzard that trapped us here.
I'm no fool though, I won't be tempted by her warmth, her body, her touch.
I can't forget,
Refuse to forget,
She's just like her mother,
And we're enemies,
Nothing more,
Nothing less.
Enemies & Lovers is free to read on Kindle Unlimited!
Holy %$*!

Enemies and Lovers was an uphill battle, a crazy train of emotions and angst. Vaughn and Claire (more Vaughn than Claire) had me needing a Xanax. Holy hell. Calgon needed to take me away. Let's just say, Christine Zolendz nailed the whole enemies to lovers theme. Vaughn was on my shit list for a good chunk of the book. I'll be honest, I really wanted Claire to kick him in his balls. Hard. Hell, I wanted to kick him in the junk. Vaughn = a big ol' twatwaffle. I obsess over a good asshole but man, he tested my nerves something fierce.

I loved Claire. Loved her! Team Claire all the way! It took me awhile to ship these two. I didn't think he was worthy of her. With all the shit Claire ate throughout her life, I wanted her to have a hero who was worthy of her. And it took Vaughn a hell of a lot of time for me to feel he was worthy.

But in Zolendz fashion, she made me fall hard for Vaughn as Claire's HEA. By the time I turned the last page, I found myself content with the groveling Vaughn made/did. His final actions showed me how much he had actually matured. In my humble opinion, he earned the right to walk along side Claire.

On top of my love for Claire, I also loved the whole psychological aspect to Enemies & Lovers. Great twists and turns, mixed with a formidable antagonist.

USA Today bestselling romance author. Mother. Coffee drinker. Unicorn believer. New Yorker.
Books and writing are my escape from reality.
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