
Nowhere to Run & Giveaway: Nina D'Angelo

by - Wednesday, March 20, 2013

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A dominatrix is murdered; her body displayed in a show of dominance. An actress is found dead beneath the Hollywood sign. There’s a murderer roaming the streets of Los Angeles and he’s having far too much fun to stop.

Stephanie Carovella is a woman of fire and ice. She left her career, her friends and her home town of LA but she couldn’t outrun the demons of her past. When she is lured back by the death of her best friend she enters a world where no one’s safe.

Can Stephanie find her friend’s killer or will she discover that she has nowhere to run?

When I first started reading Nowhere to Run, I was really intrigued by the plot line and its characters. I am not a huge suspense fan, so it was definitely a bit different read. Normally the only suspense I will read is Julie Garwood's series, so I am excited to say I stayed HOOKED the entire way through. It was a great mix of mystery and romance. Nina nailed it, she kept me invested in her characters and I was on the edge of my seat trying to figure out who did it pretty much until the end. Every time I thought I finally had it figured out, she switched it up and gave us even more insight to chew over. 

I absolutely adored the characters and their chemistry together. All the characters were really fun (even the psycho killer), I loved that there was not one, but two leading women this round and they were both smart, sassy, and confident in their strong personalities. One of my favorite types of heroines to read about are those who kick ass first and ask questions later and Nina gave us just that with Stephanie and Gena.

Nowhere to run had four leading men and I also enjoyed each one of them.  They were wicked hot with their protectiveness and vulnerability. I had fun with their "triangle." I loved that the mix of these four men provided just enough romance and emotional support to keep the story interesting between the characters but not so much that the intensity took away from the focus of the murders and their investigations. I must admit that I am kind of partial to Ben, although Jase was a close second!

I totally loved this book and definitely recommend it. I cannot wait for you to meet Stephanie, Gena, Jesse, Ben, Jase and Jake! I have found a new suspense writer to read and I am anxiously awaiting Nowhere to Hide!

Thank you Nina for the opportunity to read and review Nowhere to Run for an honest opinion. 

Nina's Giveaway:

Enter below for your chance to win. Nina has graciously offered a Kindle version of her book. As you can tell from my review I really really liked this one!  When the giveaway ends Nina will gift you with your copy so please make sure to provide your email address in the option on Raffle.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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