
ARC Review & Giveaway: Just Let Me Love You (Judge Me Not #3): S.R. Grey

by - Friday, January 30, 2015

Title: Just Let Me Love You (Judge Me Not #3) 

No one ever said a lasting love would be easy.

When Chase and Kay hit the streets of Las Vegas, the goal is simple—rescue Will, Chase’s brother, from making the biggest mistake of his young life. But keeping Will out of trouble turns out not to be the only obstacle in Chase and Kay’s path. Finding himself back in the city that broke him, Chase’s heartbreaking past threatens to derail all the progress he’s made. 

However, Chase is determined not to let that happen. 

While striving to help Will before he implodes, Chase seeks to come to terms with the things that almost destroyed him. He soon discovers that the answers to the most complicated questions sometimes lie in one’s own heart. You just have to be willing to dig deep enough to find them. 

Can Chase succeed in doing that? 

Just Let Me Love You is a story of healing, letting go, and trusting love to guide you. The conclusion of the Judge Me Not trilogy brings everything full circle. 

New Adult Romance *mature themes including explicit sex scenes and profanity* Third and final novel in the Judge Me Not series/trilogy.
(Click on book covers to see reviews)


The Las Vegas I know oh-so-well, however, sure isn’t something I’d ever show Kay. She knows my past, most of it, but there’s no need to revisit the pit stops I traveled along the way. If we did, my Vegas tour would be filled with dark alleys, dark apartments, and the darkest of nights. Nights shaded in tones of addiction, sorrow, and despair. 

Would I show beautiful, gentle Kay where I used to score coke, coke that would leave my head feeling like it was exploding? Or would I spin her by the old apartment and show her where Will and I spent many a night alone while Mom was off gambling. Hell, I could take her to the convenience store around the corner from that apartment. I could point out the aisle where I once stole a can of Spam. That can of mystery meat provided a makeshift holiday dinner one year when Mom forgot to come home on Christmas Eve.

Would I show Kay that shit? Short answer: No.

I am truly sad to see we have reached the end of Chase. This is one hero I am absolutely crazy about. I fell head over heels for this broken and damaged bad boy in book one, continued to fall even further in book 2, and book 3 just cemented my love for him even more. There has always been something about Chase’s character that has pulled me straight in. It did not matter whether or not I was experiencing moments that contained his strength or moments riddled with weakness. With that said, I cannot define what it is exactly. I just know that from the beginning, Chase caught my immediate attention and moved something within me; I connected with him on a deep, personal level. His character was perfectly designed to leave the reader with a variable of feelings that left the person reading aching in so many different ways. I was one of those readers who experienced Chase on a level that went beyond the pages. For me, each word, each page, each new book tore away another layer of façade to reveal the real man underneath all the pain, all the trials and tribulations, and most importantly all the flaws. As I stated in a previous review Chase is perfect and beautifully imperfect.

I have always been a sucker when it comes to the angsty broken character who find their light at the end of a dark tunnel, and that is exactly what Chase has done as he has matured and developed tremendously through these last three books. Our fractured hero has found himself as well as a second chance at redemption.

“I am obsessed with stories about tatted bad boys who find love in all the right places, yet can’t seem to find that balance between peace and turmoil (and if you didn't then you know now). The one thing consistent about Chase is that he never fails to provide this. Chase always stays true to Chase, even with finding his perfect girl.”

That was a quote from my last review. I felt Susie did an amazing job bringing peace and balance to Chase’s life. She summed up some questions we had as well as mended fences that had been broken for far too long. The author gave Kay and Chase a second chance at life; she took every obstacle, every shattered moment of their lives and gave them both a reason to really live. Each book bringing them a step closer to their emancipation and atonement. Ms. Grey worked pure magic between the pages of Just Let Me Love You. There were definite moments that I emotionally felt the story come full circle, and my heart smiled from pure happiness. Journeys such as Chase and Kay’s allow me the opportunity to believe that even the most damaged and misguided can find their happily ever after.

Now comes the hard part, it also saddens me that I was not able to fall as in love with this book as I had hoped I would. I wanted to be able to leave Chase and Kay with a perfect 5 star rating. While there were many parts I cherished and adored, there were also some that did not work for me. It makes me sick to even say or think that that. I really hate leaving any kind of negativity on books I have come to love and highly anticipate. With this final installment, my anticipation was expecting something more. I was looking for that little bit of something, something that just was not there. Sadly, I found myself skimming some of the sex scenes. I felt as though we were always in the bedroom with Chase and Kay this round, and it was hard to connect with that. I wanted to see them deal with more of their real life issues. Susie touched on some great things, which in the end felt rushed and over shadowed by all of the sex. I also struggled with how often Kay talked about how hot or how gorgeous Chase was. I got that they were young and in love, but it seriously became a tad overwhelming to me. I sometimes just wanted to shake her and say, "yes, we know, Chase is hot. We get it." And don't get me wrong, I totally agree 100% with Kay, Chase is damn fine, but in a shorter story it was just thought about way to much. Between that and the sex, I sometimes found my attention wondering to other things having nothing to do with the book.

While I struggled with parts, I adored each book and felt as though Susie did a great job wrapping up one of my favorite series. Chase and Kay stayed true to whom they were throughout, and they never once disappointed me by acting out of character. I felt they they grew leaps and bounds from our first meeting them. Each new hurdle gave the couple progression, and they used this progression in the best ways possible. So, yeah, I would have to say that I am pretty damned pleased with the conclusion.

Thank you, S.R. Grey, for the complimentary copy of Just Let Me Love You. 

S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 and Barnes & Noble Top 100 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, as well as the Inevitability duology and A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy. Ms. Grey’s novels have appeared on Amazon and Barnes & Noble bestseller lists in multiple categories, including #1 on the Barnes & Noble Nook Bestsellers list last year.

New novels slated for 2015 release dates are Inevitable Circumstances (Inevitability #2), and a New Adult novel to be revealed in the future.

Ms. Grey resides in Pennsylvania. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree, as well as an MBA. Her background is in business, but her true passion lies in writing. When not writing, Ms. Grey can be found reading, traveling, running, or cheering for her hometown sports teams.

Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)

$5.00 Amazon card 

1 set of Judge Me Not e-books (includes I Stand Before You, Never Doubt Me, and Just Let Me Love You) (mobi to kindle)

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