
Release Blitz/Reviews: Easy Charm: Kristen Proby

by - Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Easy Charm - coverEasy Charm (Boudreaux #2)
Kristen Proby
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Expected July 7, 2015

Gabrielle Boudreaux, the youngest of the Boudreaux clan, is a single mother of her young son, Sam.  Running a Bed and Breakfast at the family plantation house at the edge of the Mississippi River, Gabby loves her inn, her boy and her family. She meets new people every day, and takes pride in the house and land that has been in her family for more than five generations. Blessed beyond measure, she’s also lonely, although she would never admit that to anyone. Until Rhys O’Shaughnessy walks through her door, brooding and wounded and the sexiest thing she’s ever laid eyes on. 

Rhys has been at the top of his game as a major league pitcher for the Boston Red Sox for more than ten years. Baseball is in his blood. But when he tears his rotator cuff and has to sit a season out, he retreats to Inn Boudreaux at the recommendation of his cousin, Kate, to heal and work toward building his shoulder back to perfect shape with only one goal in mind: to return to the game he loves. But he didn’t plan on being utterly charmed by a devastatingly beautiful woman and her baseball-loving son. 

When Rhys’ shoulder has healed and he’s given the chance to return to his team, will he leave the family he’s come to love behind, or will he stay with Gabby and Sam?  
Easy Charm cover ereader
“Good, but you should have called me,” Eli says, then sighs when Rhys kisses my hand. “Are you going to continue to touch my sister for all of us to see?”

“Yes,” Rhys replies simply, making Kate grin.

“I’m not sure how I feel about this,” Eli says.

“You don’t have to feel any way about it,” I reply in frustration. “I’m a grown-ass woman.”

“It’s my job to protect you,” Eli says, as if I’m being difficult.

“But it’s not your job to be an ass,” Kate says, but softens the blow by kissing his cheek. “It’s Rhys. You know him. And they’re cute together.”

“Hurt her, and—”

“Seriously,” I interrupt, not wanting to hear the hurt her and I’ll kill you speech. “We’re fine.”

“I get it,” Rhys says to Eli. “I feel the same about Kate; you know that. We’ve had that conversation. I almost decked you when you showed up in Denver.”

Eli sits back in his chair, and his eyes calm a bit, but he looks no less foreboding.

“Don’t make me regret trusting you,” Eli says calmly, just as our meals are delivered.

“Back at you,” Rhys replies with a cold smile. Kate catches my eye, and we both sigh, and shrug as if to say, what can you do? They love us. They’re worried about us.

Damn it, sometimes they’re idiots.

But lunch is delicious.

“Beau said this morning that you need a new dishwasher,” Eli says.

“I do. I’ll find time to pick one out in the next few days.”

“Just come to the office with me after lunch and sign off on one, and I’ll have it delivered. It’s your inn, but damn it, we can help with that shit. You’re busy enough.”

“Too busy,” Kate agrees.

“I think I’m going to hire some help,” I reply. “Rhys might have talked me into it.”

Eli’s eyebrow shoots up in surprise. “We’ve been trying to talk you into it for over a year.”

“I didn’t need it a year ago.” I shrug and twirl a long string of cheese around my fork. “But I’m much busier now, and Sam is getting more involved in things, so it’s time to have some help.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Eli says, as if there is no room for argument, and I simply laugh at him.

“No, you won’t.”

“Gabby, I have a whole HR staff that can easily find someone qualified to help you.”

“I’m perfectly capable of finding someone to help me,” I reply. “You run your business, and I’ll run mine, big brother.”

He sits back in his hair and tilts his handsome head, watching me. “Okay. You handle it.”

“I will.” I nod once and sip my Coke. “I wonder if I should specify in the ad that felons aren’t welcome to apply.”

“Gabby, let me handle this!” Eli exclaims, and I can’t help but dissolve in a fit of giggles.

“I’m teasing. It sure is fun to get you all riled up.”

“Most wouldn’t dare,” Kate says good-naturedly. “I wonder what people would say if they knew that he’s nothing but a big softie.”

“I will take you over my knee, Kate,” he murmurs to her, and Rhys tenses up beside me, but Kate just laughs and leans her head on Eli’s shoulder.

“Right. Except you have this thing against spanking me, so I don’t think that’ll happen.”

Eli’s lips twitch as he buries them in Kate’s hair and kisses her head.

“I don’t mind being spanked,” I add and eat a chip loaded with cheese and beans, just as Eli’s eyes go cold again, pinned on Rhys, who simply laughs beside me.

“I don’t need to know this,” Eli growls.

“It’s not like he leaves marks. Well, they don’t stay for long.”

Kate is laughing like a loon into her hand, Rhys is smiling widely, and Eli looks like he’s about to spit nails. Or spank me himself.
Easy Charm is the second book in the Boudreaux series and features baby sister Gabrielle Boudreaux and Kate's cousin Rhys O'Shaughnessy.

Gabby is  a young single mother who runs works tirelessly running her family's Louisiana Plantation inn and raising her seven year old son, Sam. She has not had time for herself, much less love and romance. She's strong, stubborn, spunky, kind, but also unsure and vulnerable. She has protective walls up due to her past and struggles to be as independent as she can as she hates having to ask for help. 

Rhys needs a quiet place to recover and train after a shoulder injury sidelined him from his pro baseball career in California. Coming to stay near his cousin/adopted sister, Kate in Louisiana seemed like a perfect plan. He never expected to be intrigued and attracted to the innkeeper or charmed by her son. But he soon finds himself immersed in their lives and becoming attached. He is handsome, charming, protective and swoon worthy. I absolutely loved him.

They find an easy going rapport and chemistry. Gabby really has never had anyone make her feel so safe and beautiful. And Rhys finds himself enjoying having a home life. But their happy little bubble can't last forever since his stay is just temporary. Throw in stubbornness, secrets, communication and trust issues and things in the real world can get a bit more complicated.

And of course there are lots of visits from her large supportive and nosy family: Eli and Kate (Easy Love), Beau, Charly, Savannah, Declan and pseudo-brother Ben. I love how this family is protective and in everyone else's business, especially the brothers. But Gabby does not always appreciate it since she has a stubborn streak and does not want to be treated as a weaker, baby sister. I admired her tenacity and relationship with her son. Young Sam had such a big personality and added some extra fun, sweetness, and humor to the story.

This was a fairly low angst story, but it did have a little more drama towards the end. It was engaging, romantic, sexy, sweet, and swoony. It is perfect when you need a feel good read with likable characters and heart. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I am becoming more and more attached to this cast of characters.  I am looking forward to Declan's story next. We got to know him and his love interest a bit in this one. 

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Rhys O’Shaughnessy is having a hard time recovering from a shoulder injury with pressure from the media, his team, and questions about his future in baseball. His cousin, Kate, suggests he visit the Boudreaux Inn in order to avoid some of the scrutiny and get a change of scenery.

Gabby Boudreaux turned her family plantation into a successful bed and breakfast that has become half of her life. The other half is her seven year old son, Sam. It’s been the two of them against the world since the beginning (with a little help from her family) and though it’s lonely at times, she wants to be able to stand on her own and not be weak.

I connected with Gabby straight away. She is a mother first and foremost and goes through the same guilt and struggles any mother does, with the addition of being a single mother running her own business. And for the first time in seven years, she is feeling like a woman again. I loved that she aired her feelings of guilt about being excited for her son to be on vacation without her, but didn’t let the feeling dampen that time away.

I loved the easy relationship between Rhys and Sam. Anytime a man steps in and treats a child with respect and care to the point that Rhys does, it’s an automatic in for me. Which means I was quickly in love with Rhys myself.

This time it seemed to be Charly who stole the comedic attention. I have several notes in scenes where she had me gut laughing at her one-liners and general outlook. The brothers had their moments of testosterone fueled confrontations that both made me grin and shake my head at their antics. And the glimpse readers are given of Declan and Callie is perfection, both in the moments where they reveal the attraction and frustration to others, and where they have a relatively quiet moment together.

Once again, Kristen Proby has put out an entertaining, humorous story made up of a tight-knit family, strong women, and a great couple. I love these books for the break I feel like I take whenever I read one. There is enough tension and drama that the pages keep turning, but there are also scenes that have me laughing out loud and feeling a lightness that in other books isn’t felt until the last pages.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Easy Love

Author pic_MontanaKristen Proby

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Kristen Proby is the author of the popular With Me in Seattle series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong characters who love humor and have a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type—fiercely protective and a bit bossy—and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves. Kristen spends her days with her muse in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, and sunshine. And naps. Visit her at KristenProby.com.

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  1. I haven't, but I definitely want to stay in a B and B one day.

  2. I have never stayed in a bed & breakfast. I have always liked books that take place in them though!

  3. I've always wanted to stay at a B&B. Maybe one day when we go back to Hawaii. There's one there that we wished we had known about before we took our road trip We would have been a lot less rushed if we had known there was someplace to stay the night on the scenic road.
