
Release Blitz and Reviews: Just One Moment: Stacey Lynn

by - Thursday, January 28, 2016

Just One Moment
Stacey Lynn
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Sarah's story.

Ex-military man, Lynx Anders has one surefire weapon that destroys all of his pain and suffering--SEX. 

Lots of raw, unattached, uninhibited sex. 

Sure, it doesn't cure him of all that he's seen--all that he's done in combat, but it helps--for the time being.

But when he has one night of unadulterated, mind-blowing passion with Sarah Linscum, Lynx realizes that one night is not enough--will never be enough.

Her upbeat and bubbly exterior broke through his tough-guy armor, and he wants more. Bound and determined to uncover why Sarah's eyes mirror his own in pain and despair, Lynx sets out to make them shine as bright as her. 

As they both know, it takes "just one moment" to change everything.

Together, can they heal from the demons that chase them in their dreams and find a way to not only heal…but love?
Sarah and Lynx met in Just One Regret where they had a short romp while their best friends Grayson and Kennedy reunited.

Both have rules: No repeats. No sleepovers. No relationships. They both have their reasons and their personal demons. They're damaged and afraid to get close. They are afraid to trust or take a chance.

One night, leads to a weekend and then to a longer fling that is supposed to be about sex only and not really personal. But that starts building into something neither expected or thought they could have. Lynx is the first on board with trying something more, but Sarah is a hard sell. But he is a fighter and determined to win.

Sarah's life changed as a teen and she never could get over it. Guilt, regret, and remorse are her constant companions. She is good at trying to avoid connections and hides behind sex and her sassy personality.  She is still haunted by her own issues stemming from her past. She is so afraid of emotional attachments, hurting someone, or being hurt. She guards herself and is basically just existing in her life despite her dynamic job, rewarding non profit work, and good friendships.

In the beginning Lynx seemed like a cocky playboy. But he really is much more and I liked uncovering his hidden layers. He suffers from residual effects of his time in the military. I liked that he was the one who could see more clearly and was willing to push and challenge her in to more versus him being the typical commitment-phobe guy. Sure he was scared of being vulnerable and making a connection, but was at least willing to give it a chance. He is a good friend, loves his twin brother and family, but has just been worried about hurting someone if they got too close.

Neither of their issues or problems are easy to deal with or move on from. The intimacy of being vulnerable enough to even sleep in the same bed seems like an impossible milestone for these two. But they have serious chemistry and find they can relate on various levels as Sarah allows it. 

But can two broken, haunted people suffering from their own nightmares help each other find a little bit of peace, contentment, and happiness?

It is told in dual points of view giving us insight into their individual battles and feelings. I really liked both Lynx and Sarah. Some of our other friends from this series are back: his twin brother Landon, their friend Grayson and his girl Kennedy (who is also Sarah's best friend), and even Nicole and Zack. But this can be read easily as a stand alone.

This is a story about forgiveness, healing, redemption, trust, courage, and opening up. These characters did not really think they would ever find someone that could handle their personal baggage and it was hard to risk being hurt or hurting someone else. But sometimes it can help having someone else just understand and help carry the load. This was sweet, sexy, and emotional. The extended epilogue was a wonderful surprise and brought it all together.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. 
Sarah Linscum doesn’t let anyone close. Her college roommate, Kennedy, is the only one. Her past mistakes have followed her, despite her efforts to atone and forgive herself.

Lynx Anders knows nightmares. After a tour in Afghanistan, he lives with memories that haunt him. Sex is the only thing he knows that cures his nightmares, but he only does it no strings attached. And no sleepovers.

As these two venture from one night together, to repeat nights, they must come to grips with what their rules allow. And as Lynx realizes the rules aren’t working for him anymore, how can he convince Sarah of the same without pushing her away?

Neither of these two are new characters to readers of this series. Sarah and Lynx’s first night together occurred during Just One Regret, and from that morning I couldn’t wait to hear what was going on between them.

These two each had their issues to work through and I loved the way they began to rely on each other without even realizing it. Lynx recognizes that Sarah is battling demons, and though he knows his own demons, he doesn’t know hers. I love that he is willing to do what she needs to feel safe even before he knows why she pushes him away. And his reaction when he learns the truth only further cemented my love for him.

Readers enjoy scenes with previous characters Kennedy & Grayson (Just One Regret), and even a couple scenes with Nicole & Zack (Just One Song), as well as more time with Lynx’s twin Landon. I loved Lynx’s parents. His mom has some crackerjack in her and does some hilarious meddling at times. And the epilogue will get Just One Regret fans. I love what it says about this group of friends and where they have been together that that scene happened the way it did. 

This was a little lighter than Just One Regret, but wasn’t lacking for emotional depth at all. I was a quick read but full of ups and downs for both characters. Told in alternating point of view, readers can easily see the thoughts of both Sarah and Lynx, and the dual pov makes it hard not to love both of them. 

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. 

Stacey Lynn

10631252_719754321503573_623846466648668135_oStacey Lynn is the #1 Erotic Bestseller of Don't Lie To Me. She lives in the midwest with her husband and four young children. She can usually be found lost inside her own head, trying to bring her characters to life. When she's engaged in the real world, she's spending time with her family, drinking large amounts of coffee, and eating Skittles by the handful.  

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