
Deeper We Fall: Chelsea M. Cameron

by - Sunday, February 03, 2013

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Two years after her best friend was involved in a car accident that caused a traumatic brain injury, Lottie Anders is ready to start her freshman year of college. Ready to move on. Ready to start forgetting the night that ripped her life apart.

Her plans come to a screeching halt when not one, but both brothers responsible for the accident end up back in her life again.

Zack is cruel, selfish and constantly rubbing what happened to her friend in Lottie's face. 

Zan is different. He listens to her awkward ramblings. He loves "To Kill a Mockingbird" as much as she does, and his dark eyes are irresistible. His words are few and far between, but when he does speak, she can't help but listen. 

The trouble is, Zan was the driver in the accident, and now Lottie's discovered he lied to her about what happened that night. Now she must decide if trusting him again will lead to real forgiveness, or deeper heartache.
Kim's Rating:
4.5 out of 5 Stars

Kim's Review:

"Because sometimes you have connection with someone and you can't explain it right away, but someday, it will all make sense.

This book starts with such a unique premise that I was immediately intrigued. 

It starts with a tragedy. Lottie watches her best friend Lexie drive away in a truck with brothers Zack and Zan. They had all been drinking, Lottie knew she should stop it, but they have an accident and Lexie ends up suffering a Traumatic Brain Injury. 

Two years later, Lottie and her twin brother Will are starting college. The pain of the last two years has been hard on Lottie and she has dealt with it by hating Zack and Zan and trying to be there for a very different Lexie. 

Imagine Lottie's shock to find Zack and Zan attending the same college and living way to close for comfort. Lottie never liked Zack, hated how he treats women, and truly hates him now. But Zan is not like his obnoxious brother. He is quiet, sensitive, thoughtful, seems remorseful, and has had a difficult time. He obviously has his own demons and guilt about the accident since he was the one that drove her best friend away from the party the night their lives changed. 

"I'm not a superhero. Although, there are times when I wished I had a fortress of solitude. Or a way to turn back time.
I absolutely loved Zan. I wanted to hug and comfort him through much of the book and encourage him to open up to Lottie. And it built very slowly(but even though I might have wanted them to move faster, I was not bored by it). I think it was more of a realistic time table. It took time to peel away the layers of hate that Lottie had for the brothers before she could even see Zan for what he really was. His feelings for Lottie were so strong that he was willing to do anything to be able to have her in his life in some capacity. I found myself wanting them to just get thrown in a room and be forced to talk to each other and wanted to shake Lottie to make her see how wonderful Zan could be for her. But their guilt, their pull to each other, their similarities, their shared passions, and their chemistry were hard to deny. 

Zack had said I was whipped, but it was more than that. Charlotte didn't just shake my world, She created an earthquake that had irrevocably changed the landscape of my life.

"Remember; Elizabeth feel for Mr. Darcy, Beauty fell for the Beast and Scarlet feel for Rhett. Girls love a mysterious boy with a dark past."

There were many issues to deal with in their circle of friends and enemies. Zack is still a jerk and still an unsettling influence in their new lives. There is a lot of guilt, omissions, secrets, hidden feelings, and fear influencing Lottie. But Zan just seems to always be there. 

"I just...You're not the guy I imagined in my head. All these years, I've turned you into this monster, and then here you are, and you're nothing like I thought you were, but it's so hard to let go of that image, even if it isn't real."

Lottie and Zan were intense, deep, emotional, and so sweet together. It was a hard journey from where they started to where they ended. I loved to see the changes in Zan throughout the book. In order to heal, there had to be sharing, forgiveness, acceptance, and love. 

I loved having both POV and was especially interested in Zan's. Have I said how much I loved Zan?! I kept flipping chapters late at night because I could not stop reading. There is a great set of supporting characters and I loved them all. Her twin Will, their friend Simon, Her room mate Katie, Zan's friend Stryker and his sister Trisha, and their friend Audrey. They made such a supportive group for each other and make shift family. I cannot wait til book 2 Faster We Burn.
See Kim's review of My Favorite Mistake by Chelsea M. Cameron. This is not from this series, but another good read from this author. 

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