
Never Can Tell: CM Stunich

by - Sunday, June 30, 2013

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New Series: Never too Late #1 (follow up to the Never say Never Trilogy)

Some stories are Never finished being told. After all, we're all victims of heartache and strife at some point. Maybe I'm a little more susceptible to both, but I've got an ace up my sleeve. I've got Ty McCabe. He's helped me survive a lot. More than I ever thought possible. We've come a long way together, but we can't stop now. What's that old saying? Don't rest on your laurels? Well, I'm not resting and neither is he. Life didn't even give us that option. We've got problems. Big ones. Let's see if we can do this, survive the downs and get back to the ups. Guess only time will tell.

Never say Never Trilogy: 
Book 1: Tasting Never: GoodreadsKindle/Paperback/Our reviews 
Book 2: Finding Never: Goodreads/Kindle/Paperback/Our reviews 
Book 3: Keeping Never: Goodreads/Kindle/Paperback/Kim's review

This is the fourth book featuring Never Ross and Ty McCabe from the Never Say Never trilogy but actually is book one in the follow up series Never Too Late

I don't feel like I deserve this perfect, fairytale ending. I want it, but I still don't believe that it's something Never Ross should be blessed with. 

Never  and Ty are trying to build a life. Fixing up a house, marriage, and a new baby. But they are young and have a lot to deal with past and present. Never is already struggling in her new roles and still has issues with feeling unworthy. She is terrified of becoming like her own dysfunctional mother, but compensates by avoidance.  She feels in over her head and this strains her interactions with her son, Noah. And Ty, as ever, is right there to support her. He still faces his own past demons. But he is a wonderful, attentive father and husband. If you don't count his chronic use of the F word and sneaking smokes. Together they are moving along, one day a time. Of course, this is their crazy life so they are hit with surprises, challenges, past issues, and insecurities. It seems like new obstacles keep getting in their path and they constantly have new challenges to face together. But in their own way, they have continued to grow stronger together and despite their history of poor coping skills, they are making positive changes. 

We work and we're  f***ing perfect together. Ty is the only person in the world who gets me and my dark heart and the only person I'll ever let see how deep that blackness goes..."

"You're the mother of my f***ing children and the queen to the kindgom of my godd**n heart. I will defend you to the death even against the enemy of your self-F***king -doubt."

But they still have to deal with these new developments and plan for a future. Moving back near her family both provides more support and more drama with her sisters. Never's old boyfriend Noah is also back and in a convoluted situation with one of her sisters. We will apparently learn more about her in the next book in this new series since she will be the focus of it.I enjoyed the continuing story of Ty and Never. You can't help but love Ty McCabe in all of his  glory. Especially when the tatted reformed bad boy is being a good Daddy it just melts your heart. sigh....In this installment,we also see more of Never's journey out of darkness and fear and into more acceptance and self love. And Ty still has problems from his past hanging over his head and causing him distress. They still need to come up with solid plans for their future. This couple has been through so much in their personal pasts and together and had the potential to be totally destroyed by it, but together they have found the support and strength to move on, their soul mate, redemption, and true love. They are a little obnoxious, kind of crazy, foul mouthed, and not always socially acceptable.  They may not be perfect and never will, but they are perfect for each other. 

We're both just a half, one wing on either side of a butterfly, unable to fly without the other.

...you Never can tell when something is going to go wrong, when life is going to f*** you in all the worst ways. So we take each moment and we treasure it; we take each moment and we stretch it out forever.

Thanks to CM Stunich for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

C.M. Stunich was raised under a cover of fog in the area known simply as Eureka, CA. A mysterious place, this strange, arboreal land nursed Caitlin's (yes, that's her name!) desire to write strange fiction novels about wicked monsters, magical trains, and Nemean Lions (Google it!). She currently enjoys drag queens, having too many cats, and tribal bellydance.
Always a fan of the indie scene and 'sticking it to the man,' Ms. Stunich decided to take the road less traveled and forgo the traditional publishing route. You can be assured though that she received several rejections as to ensure her proper place in the world of writers before taking up a friend's offer to start a publishing company. Sarian Royal was born, and Ms. Stunich's books slowly transformed from mere baking chocolate to full blown tortes with hand sculpted fondant flowers.
C.M. is a writer obsessed with delivering the very best and scours her mind on a regular basis to select the most unusual stories for the outside world.

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