
Blog Tour and Giveaway: True Bliss: BJ Harvey

by - Thursday, November 28, 2013

TRUE BLISS (Bliss # 2)
Author: BJ Harvey
Published: November 25th
 She watched her best friend find her superhero.
 Now she wants her turn.

Despite a run of bad dates with Mr. Wrong, Mr. Boring, Mr. Bad Breath, Mr. Grabby Hands, and even Mr. Say I Love You After One Date To Get Into Your Pants, Kate McGuinness is more determined than ever to find the one.

Having tried everything else, she turns to the internet in a last ditch attempt to find her elusive prince.
But Kate doesn’t want an everyday, run of the mill love.

She wants the kind of love that makes your heart skip a beat. The kind of love that makes you dance in the rain and bottle up the sunset. The once in a lifetime kind of love that authors write about, musicians sing about, and lovers dream about.

Could a certain police officer in training, who has come to her rescue in the past, be the one to swoop in and save her heart? 

What if the love Kate desperately seeks has been in front of her the whole time?

She just needs to open her eyes to see it... 

*Disclaimer: This book contains a hot as hell stripper with a penchant for public sex and exhibitionism who may or may not succeed in bringing out the inner firecracker in all of us. Oh, and don't forget the batteries.*

Nightdancer23: Is it wrong that I’m thinking that you, going to sleep in a cold bed, is a crime?

Fireinthesky24: Not wrong. A bit forward maybe, but I can deal with forward from a distance.

Nightdancer23: Good to hear, Firebird. Till next time *wink*

Fireinthesky24: Firebird?

Nightdancer23: Sorry, it’s just a name that came to me when I saw your photo.

Fireinthesky24: I like it :)

Well, color me pink and call me candy floss. Forward and flirty. Dammit, why isn’t Mac here to help me decipher this? She’s the queen of reading into things.

Time for bed and a romance novel to drown my sorrows in. I shuffle into my bedroom, snuggling deep under the covers with my kindle, waiting for sleep to come. Ten pages—and one sex scene later–my kindle hits me in the face as I fall asleep holding it.

Kate the dork for the win!

Temporary Bliss (Bliss # 1)
Makenna Lewis cringes at any mention of the word commitment. She doesn’t want or need a relationship, but she does like sex (who doesn't).

That explains Noah, Sean, and Zander, her three 'friends with benefits'.

They know the score, they know they're not the only one, and each of them provide her with a different physical need that she craves and enjoys.

Until a late night encounter with the delicious Daniel Winters turns her preconceived notion of no-commitment completely on its head.

Soon she finds herself feeling things she vowed never to feel again, and when Daniel pushes for more than she’s willing to give, she falters.

What do you do when something that you’ve known to be so wrong in the past feels so damn right?

If you’re Mac, you run and hide.

But is Daniel the type of man who takes no for an answer?



"I want the kind of crazy love we've been warned about. The kind of love that makes your heart skip a beat. The kind of love that makes you want to dance in the rain and bottle up the sunset while screaming at the top of your lungs. The kind of love that authors write about, musicians sing about and lovers dream about. I want true, total body mind and soul, bliss." 
We were introduced to Kate and Zander in Temporary Bliss. Kate is still looking for her own Prince Charming while her best friend Mac found hers. Zander is trying to build a career and ease out of his previous job as a male stripper.  We know they shared an incident in the first book, but not really what it was all about. She is Mac's best friend and he used to be one of Mac's sex buddies. So that makes the fact that they secretly are attracted to each other a bit awkward and could break the "Girl Code". 

Zander...I have to admit that I did not get much of a feel for him in Temporary Bliss. But in this one, I adored him! He totally surprised me. He is genuine, protective, caring and so different from the sexed up stripper that was Mac's friend with benefits. He is not really a player. He  is trying to find a real relationship. And he has his sights set on getting to know Kate. If she will just give him a chance. He treats Kate so well and is so respectful. He is fun, flirty, and sexy. He is also  trying to start a career in the police force and leave stripping behind. 

What I really need is a good girl with a naughty side; a girl who I can take home to mom and who I can introduce to my baby sisters, but who is also a firecracker behind closed doors. A girl who has the perfect mix of sugar and spice.

And Kate is a sassy, cute, fiery redhead that is just a bit socially challenged. She has trust issues with good reasons. And her dating history is less than stellar. But she is fun, loving, and supportive. She is ready to find love, but is a bit clueless about Zander's intentions.
They truly are adorable together and have great sexual tension and chemistry. They fit together perfectly. It liked that it was not a rush into sex and insta-love kind of relationship. Instead it was real, well paced, and there were challenges. I totally bought them as friends and a couple. 

But a little secret that Zander is keeping has the potential to mess it all up. And their busy lives come with their own set of complications. 

I loved getting to see more of the wild and outspoken Mac and her Superman, Daniel. Mac never fails to surprise me and we got more antics as she and Daniel continue on their journey together. They totally kept me laughing. We got to meet Zander's sisters and all of the parents made appearances as well so it was also a family affair. We are also introduced to Zander's tough police partner Samantha and she is intriguing. 

This book was not as angsty as the first one. It had sweet, funny, and  likable characters. It was a romantic, steamy, and an engaging read. It was humorous and full of witty rapport and laugh out loud comments. It had enough drama to make it interesting, but not enough to completely frustrate you. It is one of those reads that just makes you feel good.  I really enjoy the characters in this series and am looking forward to seeing them again in future installments. Technically this can be read as a stand alone but I would recommend reading them in order since they do cross over with characters. We still have Sean's book Surrendering Bliss and Noah's book Finding Bliss coming. 

Thanks to BJ Harvey for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. 

BJ Harvey Website/Goodreads/Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest

Indie Author hailing from the most beautiful country in the world, New Zealand. 

Avid reader, television watcher, and facebooker. Having been writing off and on for a long time but started writing fiction in 2012. I love music too, like REALLY love music, if there isn't music playing, something is wrong. And it’s a wide range of music too, I might surprise you. 

I'm a wife to one husband, mother of two gorgeous girls, self-employed doing communications and business consulting as well as studying accounting full time. 

Addicted to energy drinks, chocolate, cronuts, Vampire Diaries and pickles with mustard. 





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