
Release Day Launch and Giveaway: The Resolution of Callie & Kayden: Jessica Sorensen

by - Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Resolution of Callie & Kayden
(Coincidence #6)
Jessica Sorensen
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Things are going good for Callie and Kayden. They’re still dealing with their past and the pain connected to it, but for the most part they’ve moved on. The biggest decision they have at the moment is what they want to do with their lives in the future. 

Eventually, though, the past catches up with them and they’re left facing tough choices. But Callie and Kayden learn that as long as they have each other, they can make it through just about anything. And in the end, they discover what they really want out of life.
“She’s just being nice,” Kayden says gazing down at me. His hair is ruffled and his jawline is scruffy and he looks so happy. “And it’s nice… that she wants to be so nice... it could be worse than an overnice mother.”

“Yeah, I know.” I sigh, knowing he’s right, that it could be worse, that I could have a mother like his mother. “I just wish she’d be just a little bit less embarrassing.” I raise my hand and make a pinching gesture with my fingers. “Maybe just a teeny tiny bit.”

“Yeah, I doubt that’s ever going to happen.” Kayden slips his shirt off and chucks it aside. His jeans ride low on his hips, giving me a view of his abs and chest that is crisscrossed with scars. “I did find it funny when she kept cracking jokes all through dinner about how she thinks we’re going to end up getting married.” He kneels down on the mattress, nudging my knees open with his knees until I spread open my legs for him.

“Oh God.” Shaking my head, I cover my face with my hands. “I’m glad you find it funny because I’m sure most guys would be running for their lives.”

The mattresses moves as he leans over me and puts a hand on each side of my head. I crack my fingers apart and look at him. He’s been so much happier since he put the past behind him. He seems to breathe freer, smile more, and it’s probably the most beautiful sight I’ve ever seen. “Well, just make sure you really want this,” I say as he moves one of my hands away from my eyes. “Because you still have time to run.”

He shakes his head, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to wet his lips. “No running here,” he whispers in a raspy voice that I know only means one thing—he wants me. “Ever.” He moves my other hand away from my face then pins my arms above my head.

A while ago, the movement would have sent my heart soaring and not in a good way. But now… well, it freaking soars like a bird high up in the sky never wanting to return to land ever. It soars because it’s free. It soars for him.

“You want me,” I tease as he leans down to kiss me.

“You’re right,” he says. “And then I want to give you your present.”

“But you already gave me my present.” I pat my pocket where the tickets to the concert are that he gave me. He said it was for a redo of a night that should have been special, but he couldn’t give it to me then, but he was ready now to give me everything I deserve—his words not mine. My mom practically fainted when he said it. And me, well I think I fell in love with Kayden even more.

“Yeah, but that one was only the first part.” He kisses me, then softly bites my bottom lip before he leans back for air. “There’s more,” he breathes against my lips, coming in for another kiss. “But you have to wait.”

“Until when?” I wonder, my heart skipping a beat as his hands wander for the button of my jeans.

“Until we’re done with this.” He gives me a wicked smile as he flicks my button undone.

"In the existence of our lives, there are many coincidences that bring people together, but there's only one person that will own your heart forever."

This focuses on Callie and  Kayden's final steps toward conquering and getting resolution with their past. They both have to  face their demons, and let go in order to begin to move forward. It has not been an easy or fast process for these two especially Kayden. He  is much better, but his past still haunts him and is not resolved enough to fully let him go. He has more positive in his life now than negative, but still is plagued at times by his demons and insecurities.  But time and time again Callie shows him how much she loves him...not the ideal of a perfect Kayden but who the real Kayden is scars and all. Callie is finally letting go of her past pain and ghosts and looking  more towards her future. And Kayden hopes that he can as well. 

It feels like things are suddenly moving so quickly, not just with our relationship, but also with life. I feel like sometimes I'm running my hardest to keep up with it, except when I'm with Callie. With her, I feel like we're walking through it, enjoying every moment together.

Their relationship has come so far over these four books and so has their personal growth. They have faced horrible situations that no one should have to face and they have lived in the darkness feeling little hope. But now due to time, friendship, love, support, and healing they have finally come to a place where they can hope to get their final resolution. There were times that I wanted to still shake Kayden  when he would let his past come back and he would still keep it buried in himself, but eventually he has to realize what he needs to do in order to be healthy and happy and that it's okay to let himself get there. 

She's the best thing that's ever happened to me--my ray of sunshine though the rain, the clouds, the storm that hovers over my head. She can make me smile when I'm down, laugh when I'm unhappy. She's the one person who has ever loved me and who I completely and wholly love back in a way I can barely understand sometimes because I honesty thought I could never love anyone like the way I love her. 

Sure, there will probably be bumps down the road for us--there always will be when it come to life--but he's finally letting me love him like he deserves, and that's a huge, epic step for us. Life changing, even. 

We get more with Violet and Luke who have come through their own problematic pasts and are moving forward. And also Seth and Grayson who are still going strong, but we will also learn more about them in their own book Seth and  Greyson coming out soon. Seth is just so special...he cracks me up and I love his  quirkiness and unyielding support and love for Callie and Kayden. They have all changed  in the past year and all have undergone some kind of healing and growth. And we get a little bit more with Callie's new roommate Harper and see that she's not all she appears to be as well. 

Even though this book is full of the characters we love and does have a little bit of drama and a few problems, this is not as dark and painful as some of the other books in the series. Thankfully this couple is more in the light than in the dark,  and we get to actually see them exploring that which did my heart good. And we get to see them take on the issues presented and figure out how to deal with them. They are not always going to be perfect and they will have set backs, but these two have been fighting all this time to find coping mechanisms and support that will work for them in times of need.

No, Kayden is not my prince, nor have I become a princess again. I am simply Callie. And he is simply Kayden,. And we are simply us, And it's the realest form of perfection that's ever existed.

At this point this is the last Callie and Kayden book listed and it gives you a resolved enough ending to be satisfied and not left hanging, but never say never since this series just seems to keep going. These characters are still young and college-aged so we might not have seen the last of them. And I'm sure we're going to see more of all of these characters in the upcoming books  Unbeautiful (Luke's cousin Ryler and Emery) and Seth and Greyson. 

I loved seeing Callie really embrace her inner strength and her positivity more and channeling it towards moving forward. She's finally at a point where she's ready to let the chains of her past go and figure out where she wants to be. And Kayden is a little more stuck, but he's got more support that can help lead him in the right direction and Callie is right there pushing. His brother Dylan is also there to try to help which is something Kayden has really never had from his family, and he also has Callie's family who is now involved in his life as well. So these two previously isolated, intense, damaged, young people are finding support in both their biological families and also their friends that have become their extended family and truly understand them. And that is allowing them to show their own personalities, figure out who they want to be, and make steps towards making that happen without being burdened by the pain, fears, and insecurities of their past. 

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Book 1: The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden
Available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes

Book 2: The Redemption of Callie and Kayden
Available from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes

Book 3: The Destiny of Violet and Luke
Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble , and iTunes

Book 4: The Probability of Violet and Luke
Available on Amazon, iTunes, B&N, and Smashwords

Book 5: The Certainty of Violet and Luke 
Available on Amazon, iTunes, B&N, and Smashwords.

Book 6: The Resolution of Callie and Kayden
Preorder/Buy   Amazon, iTunes, B&N, and Smashwords.


Book 7: Unbeautiful
Pre-order Amazon

Book 8: Seth and Greyson

Pre-order Amazon
Jessica SorensenJessica Sorensen
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The New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Jessica Sorensen, lives in the snowy mountains of Wyoming. When she's not writing, she spends her time reading and hanging out with her family.
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