
ARC Review: Jason: Laurell K. Hamilton

by - Sunday, November 30, 2014

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"Enjoying pain with your pleasure is something you either get, or you don't. If you get it, then you don't really need it explained, because you know how good it feels, and if you don't get it then no amount of talking is going to convince you it makes sense."

But sometimes you have to explain the unexplainable, especially if the love of your life needs to understand, or she'll leave you. Jason Schuyler is one of Anita Blake's best friends and favorite werewolves, with benefits. J.J. is his lady love, an old flame from childhood who dances at one of the top ballet companies in New York. She's accomplished, beautiful, and she's crazy about him, too. Neither of them wants to be monogamous, so what could go wrong?

J.J. is enthusiastically bisexual, with an emphasis on the female side of things. She plans to keep sleeping with women, because Jason can't meet that need, just like she can't meet Jason's need for rough sex and bondage. J.J. doesn't understand why Jason isn’t content to go elsewhere for a need she can’t fulfil, so Jason asks Anita to help him explain.

Anita is having her own relationship growing pains with her only female lover ever, Jade. Jason suggests that J.J. might be able to help Anita with her girl problem, while she helps him with his kinky explanations. With some encouragement from a few other lovers in Anita's life she reluctantly agrees, and J. J. makes plans to fly into town for an experience that none of them will ever forget.

FYI—this novella contains M/F/F/M, F/F, & M/F(or just plain old orgies in general)—if this is not your thing I would strongly advise you hit the back button and find something that may fit your reading needs a bit better. 

One thing I learned about Laurell a long time ago was that her books have gone way past having substance. It wasn’t always like that though; the beginning books in the series were written with tons of amazing depth and character growth, as well as an intriguing plot. I’m not sure when that really ended and where her newer style started taking over. I just know that somewhere along the way her stories have lost their original focus on her being a Marshall and started to focus more on Anita and her very carnal love life. One thing that comes to mind for me is that when I pick up one of her stories it is like watching porn in book form. Which is perfectly fine with me, because sometimes a girl really just needs an escape from the real world, even if that comes in the form of mindless f***ing. And the best part, I have never not known one of Ms. Hamilton’s books to not be a Grade A certifiable, unadulterated, indulgence of pure sexual pleasure with every kink you can imagine. 

I am normally not a paranormal fan; however, I have a serious kink when it comes to shape shifter stories, and when I am looking for something down right naughty and delicious to read, without all the angst and major emotion, I know exactly what author to pick up. When it is simple mindless sex I am looking for Hamilton never ever fails to deliver; and boy oh boy, does she ever do it in the most wicked and sinful way possible. Laurell K. Hamilton knows exactly how to make your panties melt off and your body yearn for the good stuff; I definitely have to give her that. This is one author I can say, without a doubt, knows exactly how to provoke a body’s response with just the stroke of her keyboard. 

Jason's book is no exception to the rule; she definitely did not fail, even with it being a short, fast-paced book. This book was f***ing sensual as hell—downright titillating. It was pure porn Jason and Anita style. You will know exactly what I am referring to if you have previously read books in this series. 

I am definitely not a stranger to this series; therefore, I would say my one and only complaint was the fact that there was no Micah. The books are just not the same without him in them. I seriously missed my Wereleopard.

Thank you, PENGUIN GROUP Berkley, NAL / Signet Romance, DAW, for a complimentary copy of Jason.
Laurell K. Hamilton's is a paranormal thriller writer and is a regular on the New York Times Bestseller List through titles in her two series Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter and Meredith Gentry: Fairy Princess/Private Eye. The Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series, published by Penguin Group under the Berkley Books imprint, spans 17 novels, including Skin Trade, released earlier this year. With over 6 million copies in print worldwide and available in over 16 languages, there is no end in sight for Anita, the professional necromancer and licensed vampire executioner. 

Marvel Comics has worked closely with Hamilton to adapt her books in the Anita Blake series into comic book medium with a stunning amount of success. The first installment of the graphic novel, Guilty Pleasures, was released in July 2007 and was the number one best selling graphic novel for that month. 

The Meredith Gentry series published by Ballantine Books features Meredith Gentry as a part-human, part-fey private investigator. Under orders from her aunt Andias, Queen of the Unseelie Court, Meredith is in a race to become pregnant and ascend the throne before her cousin Cel does. The cost of failure will be her own life and that of those who follow her. The next Merry book, Divine Misdemeanors, will debut December 8th, 2009. 

Laurell Hamilton resides in St. Louis County, Missouri, with her husband and partner Jonathon Green, her daughter, and their pug. 

Her education includes degrees in English and biology from Marion (now Indiana Wesleyan University).

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