Release Blitz, Reviews, and Giveaway: Hot Stuff: Kim Karr

by - Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hot Stuff
Kim Karr
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Release Date September 27, 2017

Get ready to fall in love with this new standalone sports romance from New York Times bestselling author Kim Karr.

He's the newly drafted quarterback.
Hot. Arrogant. Too sexy for words.
Ready to score.

I'm an athletic intern, and the coach's daughter.
Driven. Determined. Prepared to conquer the world.
Completely off-limits.

The NFL is full of rules. Rules I've never broken. Never challenged. Never even scratched--until the day Lucas Carrington crashes into my life with his hard body and I-don't-give-a-f*ck attitude.

After I almost injure my father's star player, I volunteer to make sure he's in top shape. At first, it's hell. I don't like his cockiness, his easy smile. Don't like the way he oozes sex. Or how his penetrating eyes follow me everywhere.

That doesn't stop me from wanting him.  He's meant to be a distraction--something to occupy my mind for these precious few remaining hot summer nights before I'm forced to leave football behind forever.

I know what we're doing will lead nowhere good. I know we're crossing the line. And I know my father will never understand.

None of that matters.

But maybe it should.

Rules aren't meant to be broken.

Or are they? 
Lucas Carrington lives and breathes football. It is supposed to be his ticket out of Chicago and to be independent, have money, and follow his dreams. When his plans don't quite pan out as he expected, he finds that even getting a shot in the NFL is not a sure thing and he will have to continue to prove himself and stay out of trouble. He has a tendency to have an attitude and has some lingering issues from his past.

But trouble finds him anyway at training camp in the form of a sassy redhead named Gillian. She is totally off limits as she is not only an athletic trainer intern, but also the Head Coach's daughter. She's fiery, driven, and tenacious, but usually a rule follower.

They don't meet in the best of circumstances, but the more time they spend together, the more their chemistry and attraction grows. But acting on it could have serious repercussions.

Lucas has the ability to give her whiplash due to his mood swings. He doesn't want to want or need her. He is used to keeping woman at arm's length, not getting attached, and certainly not sharing real intimacy. He needs to focus on the game and keeping his quarterback spot on the team. She can't just just turn her feelings off and she has her own plans. There is so much back and forth and even sideways it seems. They take one step forward and two steps back. They are also fully aware that when camp ends their lives will drastically change.

I felt for Lucas. He was torn between the love of the game and a woman. He really struggled because he wanted it all, but never really believed he could have it and at times did not think he deserved it. And Gillian had to deal with men making decisions for her in her best interest and she wanted to have control over her own life. They can't seem to function without each other, but there doesn't seem to be a way to have it all either. And all along they are risking getting caught and it blowing up in their faces. 

This was a fun, sweet, steamy, sports and forbidden romance with likable and well developed characters, and just the right amount of angst, emotion, humor, and swoon. I liked getting more with Lucas' brother, Nick and Tess from Sexy Jerk. I loved Lucas and Nick's brotherly bond and relationship. The dynamics with the coach, his daughter and Lucas added a layer of risk and drama to the story. And his roomie, Thor, was a fun, big and burly sidekick. I enjoyed the dual points of view and how it was a football romance that actually did focus on football. I really liked this couple and was invested in their outcome.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 
Lucas Carrington entered the NFL draft with one thought in mind: to get out of Chicago. When he is drafted by the one team that won’t move him out of his hometown he goes through a phase that leaves him in danger of being cut from the team.

Gillian Whitney is one of the trainer interns for camp. She lives and breathes football thanks to her father, the head coach. But her father wants her to have a normal life away from the travel and upheaval of a professional sports team.

When Gillian causes an accident that leaves Lucas injured, she takes it upon herself to train him through his recovery in order to make up for her mistake.

Lucas is a typical professional athlete in that he is overly confident in his skills and the value that he brings to the team, which causes him a lot of problems as he works to find his role on his new team.

The coach’s daughter is always off limits and the lengths Lucas goes to in order to keep his attraction casual make him seem like a jerk with a personality disorder. But they agreed to keep things no-pressure between them, though the pressure to keep things no-strings quickly becomes harder than either imagined.

This felt at times like just another football romance, but at other times it was thoroughly entertaining. What I loved best about it though, was what Gillian learned about herself and her family over the course of the book. The bits and pieces of Nick and Tess, from Sexy Jerk, were fun additions, and I loved seeing the relationship between Nick and Lucas.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Disappointed, she unwrapped her arms from her body, and then pivoted on her toe in the direction of
the open door. “Then it looks like we have nothing further to discuss, Lucas.”
I reached for her and tugged her to me. “I don’t want to want you,” I breathed, my mouth hovering just
centimeters from hers.
Gillian tried to pull away, but not whole-heartedly. If she wanted me to let her go, I would have, but I
knew she didn’t. “Then stop,” she sighed.
I took her face in my hands. “I can’t. I don’t know how to.”
“Neither do I,” she whispered.
Unable to stop myself, I crashed my lips to hers and drove my tongue into her mouth to retrace every
inch that I had explored days ago.

Sexy Jerk
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Our 4.5 star reviews

My best friend is married.
Everyone I know is married. It doesn’t bother me. I like my life the way it is.

Since I’m single though, when my best friend and her husband decide to finally go on their dream honeymoon, she asks me to watch their three-year-old son.

Of course I say yes.

What my best friend neglects to tell me is that I won’t be babysitting alone. 

Feeling Max might be too much for me to handle, her husband asks his only single friend to help. 

Nick Carrington and I have met a couple of dozen times. I’ve never really given him a second thought—other than to say he’s kind of a jerk. Out loud. So he can hear. Sure, he’s tall, dark, and handsome. And yes, he has the best ass I’ve ever seen, and I mean ever seen quite literally. You see he mooned me at last year’s Fourth of July barbeque because, like I said, he’s a jerk.

He always has to be the life of the party.
He’s also arrogant.
And a playboy.
I’d even go as far as to say he’s a manwhore.

Yet somehow before I know it, this manwhore and I are co-parenting. Living under the same roof. Eating meals together and yes, talking.

Don’t look at me like that—it’s not like I had a choice. Even though I knew every minute would be hell, I had to say yes.

But after two weeks what I didn’t expect to discover is that I’d been wrong about him. 
That under his smart-ass exterior, he’s actually quite charming.
That his arrogance is really confidence. 
And that the sight of his naked body would do really bad things to me.

So yes, I’d misjudged him. And yes, I like him. Really like him. Although I might still think he’s a jerk…I now think he’s a sexy jerk.
And I want more of him.

The question is—does he want more of me?

Big Shot (Sexy Jerk World #2)
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Our 4.5 star reviews

To believe one person can change your destiny sounds absurd. But it happened to me… twice.  

Ten years ago I had no idea what I wanted out of life, until I met Hannah Michaels. She was a computer-engineering student ready to conquer the social media world, and I was smitten. Even though I knew she was taken, I had to have her.  

Being the big shot that I was, I didn’t let her status stand in my way. It wasn’t long before my hands were on her thighs and my name a whisper on her lips. This smart, sexy girl inspired me to greatness, helped me grow into the kind of man I never knew I wanted to be. The man I am today. 

 Too bad I hadn’t grown fast enough to keep her.  

Moving on wasn’t easy, but I knew I had to let her go. Eventually, I found someone to share my days and nights with, and together we had a daughter. My life was nearly perfect until my world turned upside down.  

A single father has challenges, and one of those is learning how to calmly deal with your child coming home in tears. I had no idea the day I pounded on my daughter’s classmate’s door, Hannah would be the one standing on the other side.  

The wild, burning desire that rushed through my veins was unwanted, and yet impossible to ignore. Letting her in meant so much more this time around. Guilt hit me like a hammer. I hated myself. I hated her. The problem was I really didn’t hate her—I wanted her more than ever.  

But this time around, I can’t have her. 

This time it’s my status that stands in our way—and going up against myself just might be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
Kim Karr

Reader * Chocolate Lover * Writer * Coffee Lover * Romantic *
Beach Lover * Yoga Beginner

Kim Karr is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels. Best known for writing sexy contemporary love stories, she enjoys bringing flawed characters to life. 

Her romances are raw, real, and explosive. 
Her characters will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel.
And her happily-ever-afters are always swoon worthy.

From the brooding rock star to the arrogant millionaire. From the witty damsel-in-distress to the sassy high-powered business woman. No two storylines are ever alike. 

Get ready to fall in love.
There is a giveaway for a signed paperback of Hot Stuff (US only)

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