
Release Reviews: Runaway Road: Devney Perry

by - Friday, March 06, 2020

Runaway Road
(Runaway #1)
Devney Perry
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Apple early release date Feb. 18, 2020
Wide release March 6, 2020

Londyn McCormack didn’t have a typical childhood. She ran away from home at sixteen, escaping parents more interested in drugs than their daughter. She doesn’t have loving siblings or an adorable pet. Her only family is the five other runaway kids who shared her junkyard home.

Life pulled them all in separate directions, taking her to Boston. For a short time, she thought she’d found something permanent. But after a devastating divorce, she’s running away again, this time to find a lost friend.

She’s driving across the country in her convertible. As a teenager, the rusty car was her shelter. As an adult, it’s her ride to freedom.

Except one flat tire derails her trip. Her life collides with Brooks Cohen. They walked away from the first crash. The second might destroy them both.

Graphics from Author's Facebook page
Londyn McCormack is running away...for the second time in her life. The first time she was a teen  from a bad home who first found a group of friends and later achieved the life she thought she wanted with a wealthy husband, challenging job, and all the trappings of success. But it became her prison and she lost herself. So now she is celebrating her divorce by running away again, maybe to California, maybe somewhere else...anywhere but Boston. She wants to find herself, peace, and an old friend. But an unexpected detour finds her stuck in Summers, West Virginia. 

Brooks Cohen is her savior on the road and responsible for trying to fix her car to get her back on her way. He is a rugged, sweet, funny, true gentleman with deep roots in the community. And Londyn comes in and shakes up his orderly life. 

Delays kept her in town longer than expected but also gave them time to spend together. And the more time they spend together, the closer they get. It is insta-attraction, but also slow-burn towards more. They have a fun, flirty, sweet, and sexy connection that keeps drawing them together. And they make the most of their time but always knowing that an end date was coming and she planned on leaving.

Will she find herself on the road again or has she finally found a place that could finally feel like a real home?

This book is just so engaging, fun, and just a breath of fresh air! It is a wonderful story about a woman finding herself and her place in the world. I adored Brooks and Londyn.  Even though this book is a bit shorter than some, it still told all the story it needed to and established the characters, conflicts, and setting well. It is not overly angsty or dark despite some difficult subjects. There is a bit of mystery and suspense woven into the story. They are two people trying not to make a mistake or get hurt, but are helpless to stop. It flowed easily and kept me interested. I loved the community in Summers and it made me feel like I was right there visiting these quirky characters.

I am looking forward to the next book featuring her longtime friend, Gemma on her own adventure. 

Londyn is running away for the second time in her life. The first time, she was 16 and leaving her drug addict parents for a more secure environment living in a scrapyard with a group of other runaways. This time, she is leaving a divorce and a life where she no longer recognizes herself in the rearview as she starts a cross country journey to reconnect with herself and find a long lost friend. A detour and unexpected car trouble has her stuck in Summers, West Virginia, where she meets the local mechanic, Brooks Cohen.

Brooks has spent his whole life in Summers, and has a quiet routine at home and in his garage. But as he is finishing up repairs on Londyn’s car, additional delays keep her grounded to Summers longer than either expected and with the extended time frame, they have time to get to know one another. Will Londyn find herself before she loses herself in another relationship, or is this detour the one that will lead her to what she was looking for all along?

I loved the buildup of their relationship. Brooks is a steady presence, and though he knows Londyn isn’t here for the long term, he can’t help but find his walls cracking as they get to know each other over dinner in the backyard. Londyn isn’t used to the pace of small town life, nor does she quite know how to handle it the first time she realizes just how connected (and nosy) small towns can be.

I fell into this book quickly and wished it could continue even when I was finished. The small town feel, the family vibes, the easy friendship between Brooks and Londyn. This book had so much going for it from the very start. It also ramped up my curiosity about the other kids Londyn grew up with in the junkyard, and I can’t wait to read their stories.
“When was the last time you had pie for dinner?”

“Can’t say I ever have.”

Her fork dove into the chocolate cream. She hummed and her eyes drifted closed when the bite passed her lips. She savored it, rolling it around in her mouth. The woman had a talented tongue—lucky pie. She moaned again, torturing me with the subtle sound.

She swallowed, then shot me a smile that was pure sex. “You’re missing out.”

I snapped my fingers, raising my hand in the air to flag down the waitress. When she came over, I pointed to Londyn’s plate. “I’ll have that.”
Wild Highway (#2)
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Release Date July 31, 2020

Quarter Miles (#3)

Devney Perry

Devney is the USA Today bestselling author of the Jamison Valley series. She lives in Montana with her husband and two children. After working in the technology industry for nearly a decade, she abandoned conference calls and project schedules to enjoy a slower pace at home with her kids. She loves reading and, after consuming hundreds of books, decided to share her own stories. Devney loves hearing from readers! Connect with her on social media. 

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