
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Beautiful Broken Mess: Kimberly Lauren

by - Friday, December 06, 2013

Beautiful Broken Mess( Broken # 2)
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Jace Riley’s close connection with his identical twin brother, Jaxon, is put to the test when he tries to choose between keeping his promises and following his heart. Is this girl that still haunts his dreams, even after four years, really worth it? Jace can’t help but wonder if he made a huge mistake all that time ago when he let her walk into someone else’s arms, especially since that someone was his twin.

Audrey Mills often wonders at what point she should throw her hands up in defeat and allow all of the horrible circumstances of her life to overtake her. Despite the demons she has faced, however, something inside her won’t give in. When she leaves her small town in Texas to attend college in California, Audrey runs into the one guy who could make her or break her. But is the past they share too painful for them to overcome?

This is the second book in the broken series. While each book can stand on its own, it's recommended you read Beautiful Broken Rules before Beautiful Broken Mess.

This is the second book in the broken series. While each book can stand on it's own, it's recommended you read Beautiful Broken Rules before Beautiful Broken Mess.

Beautiful Broken Rules( Broken # 1)
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Kim's 4.5 star review
What happens when you create rules to keep others out?

One thing Emerson Moore has come to terms with is that she is the school slut. She knows her way around a frat house and how to get what she wants. She doesn’t make any excuses for her actions and she doesn’t pretend to be anything different. She is who she is and with that she knows how to have a good time. She’s made rules to keep relationships at bay and avoid the demons of her past. 

When her best friend, Cole has his two friends from back home move in with him she begins to think she has met her match with Jaxon Riley. Jax is the perfect mixture of tattooed muscle and a sweet-talking mouth. With “hand” written notes, a voice that exudes sex and knowing just how to get under her skin, Jaxon learns how to break all the rules. But will he just end up breaking her heart anyway? 

To say it simply, my life is a broken mess. In the back of my mind, I often wonder if people are given a set number of obstacles they have to overcome before they die. If that were the case, then hopefully I've already hit my limit for this lifetime. 

Audrey's life has been one big convoluted mess after another. She just keeps getting knocked down and the twins Jace and Jaxon are all mixed up in her past and present. 

One meeting changed them. One mistake broke them. And another started off a set of events that ended in disaster. She tried to make it right, but the truth was never really understood or accepted. But four years later, it is finally all being brought to the surface and exposed. 

When we met Audrey in Beautiful Broken Rules, she was portrayed like a difficult problem that they did not want to deal with and was unwelcome in their lives. She seemed to be there to mess up Jaxon's new relationship and pissed off Jace too. I just was not sure how this would play out and I really did not think I would like her. But in this one, we see the broken, unsure Audrey who  had strong feelings and could never really get Jace out of her head. Yes Jace...not Jaxon. We see all that happened from her side and her version is so much different.  She is not the evil manipulative witch. She has fought all of her life, and now is finally fighting to be happy. 

Jace was so hurt by her years ago that it was easier to avoid her. And every time they got close to possibly fixing it over the years, it all got messed up again. But he is finally seeing that he made mistakes as well and that things are not always what they seemed. I really adored Jace in the first book and in this one too. He could be so sweet, loyal, and caring. But I have to admit that there were a few times in this one that I really wanted to smack him. He liked to keep things in control and was a planner. But he could be judgmental, narrow minded, and hurtful when he was upset or stressed.Aand he does not always make good decisions when it comes to Audrey.

They had a serious connection that time, distance, and hurt feelings could not fully break. It was like they were meant to be together against all odds. But these two, well really three if you include Jaxon in the mix, had some serious communication issues that made everything a big mess. And there was so much baggage and history that had to dealt with to even begin to move on. 

I hated all that Audrey went through. She really had a lot to overcome. But she had this inner strength about her and such a loving spirit. This book was full of angst, drama, misunderstandings, guilt, and heartbreak. There were times I was angry and frustrated. Others I was swooning. And still others that my mouth dropped open in shock and made me gasp out loud. There were definitely some things that I did not see coming. The book just kept building. And all along I was totally invested in Jace and Audrey, Cole and Quinn, and Jaxon and Emerson. They all had issues going on in their lives. They all were progressing, and I loved seeing the growth in them all personally and in their relationships.

And there is a new character that won my heart: Audrey's very large, tough, overprotective, sweet best friend, Lane. He was so good to Audrey and such a good friend. But you can tell he has his demons. I cannot wait to read his story in Beautiful Broken Promises. I am totally intrigued by him. Oh and another hottie was introduced as well. Max, the preferred tattoo artist and friend of Jace. I could see him getting a story as well. 

This book was engaging, well written, and full of angst and turmoil. It was told both Audrey's and Jace's point of view so we got to see how far off their thoughts and views were at times. . I love the characters in this series despite their flaws and mistakes. They all have so many layers and there was so much going on with all of them. This was another wonderful story of a broken girl who finally came to believe that she was not just a mess and deserved happiness, and of the people who helped her realize it. It was a  sweet,  poignant, heartbreaking, frustrating, uplifting, and beautiful second chance love story.

Thanks to Kimberly Lauren for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. 

Kimberly Lauren

I’m a wanderer, an adventurer, a traveler.

I want to see it all. I haven't been everywhere but it's on my list.

"She travels the world & home is always in her heart."

Lately if I'm not traveling or chasing a toddler, I'm writing. Which is weird because I hated writing in college. Oh wait, that's because that was boring. Who really wants to sit there and cite all your sources into APA format? Not this girl. Writing for yourself is enjoyable and cathartic. Please try it. Then tell me about because I love indie authors.

When I was 19, I packed up and followed my high school sweetheart from Texas to California. We had a blast living it up in San Diego. Four years later we made a crazy decision and packed up again and moved to Germany. What? Yep, you read that right. Guess what? Best decision ever! We OWNED Europe. For three years we saw as much as we possibly could. We lived an hour outside of France, a couple from Switzerland and Italy. Most amazing time of my life. Please go out there and see the world, you won't regret it. After Europe we moved back to California, and for now we're just debating our next adventure.

I earned a degree in Child Development. And now I write novels. Makes perfect sense! I write because I walk around all day with these stories in my head. It's nice to be able to get them out of my head in an organized fashion. I hope that someone out there enjoys them, because I have enjoyed so many others'.
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