
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Moore Than Forever: Julie A. Richman

by - Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Moore than Forever
(Needing Moore#3)

In this third and final book in the Needing Moore Series trilogy, Schooner Moore and Mia Silver must learn how to grow together and fight together as a team to hold onto their second chance love. Continually stumbling on roadblocks and ghosts from their past, can Schooner and Mia take the lessons they've learned and use them to forge a future together.

Learning how to fight, cope, share victory, tragedy, hope and disappointment was something they were going to need to learn to do together, without running or retreating.

This is the finale of Schooner and Mia's dramatic story. 
This book starts out with a lot of tension, drama, heart ache, guilt, and pain. Schooner made a mistake that he cannot truly rectify.  Mia is furious...as in hormonal, irrational, "not going to let it go" angry. Schooner is already suffering. He knows he made a mistake in judgment and it already cost him something he can never get back and is now testing their relationship to the limits. Mia has also made some mistakes as well. But we know that these two have been through too much to be completely broken now. 

In Searching for Moore we got more of Schooner's journey over the years of their separation and in Moore to Lose we got to learn more about Mia's missing years. Past and present were intermingled to give us their full stories. 

This installment truly is their combined story and brings it all together. This is  about fate and the pieces finally all coming together to make a new start. I loved all of the intersecting story lines and little signs showing that Schooner and Mia were meant to be. Their journey was hard and heart breaking, but along the way their lives were touched by others and they made positive changes that shaped them to be the people they ended up becoming. And they would not have been the same and appreciated each other as much if they had taken different paths. 

Whatever the sources were in the universe that had conspired on the day they met, that provenience was fully aware of the fate that lay before them. Led through a maze of mirrors and dead ends, false starts and photo finishes, punctuated by breathtaking highs and gut wrenching lows, Schooner and Mia would eventually be led by those very same powers to this perfect moment. 

This was a beautiful love story spanning over twenty-five years and a connection that was so intense that it could never truly be forgotten or broken. This final book brought these two truly together to merge their lives, forge a lasting commitment, and move on together as a team.

There were so many special and amazing moments in this book that had me smiling, swooning, gasping, and crying. She truly brought it all together in an intricately woven framework of destiny and true love. 

I absolutely, positively adore Schooner Moore! He is handsome, charming, bossy, loving, generous, and caring. He is an amazing book boyfriend! Not only seeing how he loves Mia, but also how the takes care of his family. He is a wonderful father as well as man. We also see the humanitarian, the businessman, and the negotiator. He is the all around Renaissance man who is also all kinds of hot and sexy. 

Mia...now she is sassy, independent, and strong willed. But she is also is kind, loving, devoted, and nurturing. She takes care of those she loves and has a big heart and huge capacity for forgiveness. She really has come into her own, gained confidence and strength, and is able to be a true partner to compliment an incredible man. 

Their chemistry is still hot. Their connection is deep and their devotion is strong. And after many separations, trials and tribulations, set backs, and heart breaks, we finally get to celebrate various happy times and joys with this couple. There were surprises that made me smile and situations that were totally unexpected. Each little revelation just added to the experience. I devoured every page and hated to see it end. 

This was fate at it's best, taking paths and intertwining them, twisting them, turning them and then bringing them back together in a sublime homecoming that neither of them could have ever imagined. Such sweetness of fate was the ultimate gift. 

This is one of my favorite book series. It is beautifully written, flows well, has excellent character development, and engaging plot lines and twists. The story just pulls you in and makes you feel everything they are feeling. It is told in both Mia and Schooner's points of view, with a third bonus point of view thrown in for one chapter. 

The side characters are fun, lively, and supportive adding depth to their extended network of friends and family. I have to mention, Schooner's on Zac who is the boy I loved to hate. But he has now managed to worm his way into my heart. He is certainly not perfect and has made many mistakes, but we get to see a new side of this troubled young man and  personal growth.  I look forward to his continuing story in a future book. 

This book started out tense, sad, and gut wrenching, but became sweet, swoony, romantic, heart warming, emotional and inspiring. I loved how all of the pieces came together and things came full circle. I am sorry to see the end of their trilogy, but also relieved that they finally made it to their well deserved happy place. I hope to see more of them in Zac's book Bad Son Rising. I would also like to see a book for Holly, Schooner's daughter. 

This was all I hoped it would be and I have had high expectations ever since reading Searching for Moore. This one just made my heart happy and left me with a smile on my face. I can't recommend this series enough.  Schooner and Mia will stay with me for a long time. 

Thanks to Julie A. Richman for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. 

Moore than Forever is such a perfect ending to this trilogy. I cannot think of a better ending for Mia and Schooner than how Julie Richman wrote it.

While all the past secrets were revealed to readers in the first two books, they were not revealed to all the characters. On top of Schooner’s divorce dragging along at a molasses pace and the early arrival of Nathaniel, those secrets are hovering just outside of the story worrying Mia and Schooner that maybe there really is something that can pull them apart. 

At the very beginning everything was so emotional. Schooner messed up big time at the end of the second book, and the fall-out from his actions and Mia's reactions hurt to watch. As much as I could understand Mia’s reactions, I hurt knowing how Schooner was going to feel when he found out what happened. 

The whole cast of characters was a fun, lively, dynamic group of people. Both the California and New York casts worked so well together, accepting each other and supporting the needs of the individuals at the drop of a hat. The friends were back to support and push both Mia and Schooner to be better individually and together. I even started to like Zac by the end of the book. His actions through the second half of the book started to redeem him, to the point where I am looking forward to his book, Bad Son Rising

I loved all the little details in this book. There were so many things that came full circle in surprising ways. Signs became clear that were always a nod to the past as well as the future for Mia and Schooner. Discovering all the links, apparent coincidences, and symbols throughout the story was a big part of what made Moore Than Forever an absolute joy to read, even as tears were running down my face. 

While I don’t normally like cliffhangers as dramatic as Searching for Moore and Moore to Lose finished with, I loved this series. I did read them when all three were available to me, so I didn’t have to wait months between books to find a resolution, but I would have willingly waiting for Mia and Schooner -- I’m just glad I didn’t have to. It’s hard to say if I would feel the same way waiting months between books, but I’m thinking I would have gladly waited for each installment.

Mia was so young when we first met her. Her journey to happiness and Schooner probably left me with the biggest high and low feelings. She lived through and learned from so much during those first two books, that she almost couldn’t help coming out a strong, independent, caring woman. 

Schooner had a different path he traveled and as a result, his life experiences were completely different than Mia. Not only living on the opposite coast, but marrying CJ and raising his family and building his business. But as much as I spent so much time wishing there had been some way for the two of them to reconnect sooner, without that time apart they would not have been the same people they were when they met again. And who’s to say they would have even made it without all the other things they went through in the meantime. 

This was a can’t-put-it-down series from start to finish. Mia and Schooner bled out of my Kindle and in to dinner conversation, consuming my thoughts completely. I’m pretty sure my husband was glad when I finished the series and moved on to books that didn’t make me feel like I had to share with him. 

Thanks to Julie A. Richman for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. 
Searching for Moore (Neeing Moore #1)

Attended by reality TV star wannabes and Southern California social climbers, Schooner Moore knows the party his wife is throwing for his forty-third birthday has little to do with him and everything to do with her social standing in Orange County. The evening turns out to hold more surprises than just his wife's Botoxed friends groping at his privates, when a conversation with his old college roommate, Beau, reveals the biggest surprise of the night.

Beau has had contact on Facebook with Mia Silver. Just hearing her name sends Schooner into a tailspin, as he is now just a Friend Request away from the one who got away when she disappeared without a goodbye, leaving him wondering why she left.

A serial failure at romance, Manhattan boutique ad agency owner, Mia, gets a blindside of her own when a Facebook Friend Request from first love, Schooner, appears in her email. Going with her gut reaction, Mia hits accept, propelling her past to catch up with her in a New York minute, as a forceful Schooner is determined to understand what tore them apart and to explore the possibility of a second chance at love.

From a 1980's Southern California college campus and a devastating first love to present day New York City, Searching for Moore explores how technology has eradicated the divide between our past and our present, and asks whether you would give up everything to reconnect with The One in a single keystroke?

Moore to Lose (Needing Moore #2)
Julie A. Richman
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Continuing the fight for their happily ever after that began in Searching for Moore, Schooner Moore and Mia Silver struggle to overcome the ghosts and baggage they accumulated during their time apart. 

Exploring the missing 24 years when they were separated, Moore to Lose follows Mia's journey from heartbroken teen to kickass businesswoman to her emotional reunion with Schooner and the exploration of the love that was ripped from them.

But is their love really strong enough to overcome the damage of those missing 24 years or will they continue to be ripped apart by pasts that can't be changed?
Julie A. Richman 

I must've been 5 or 6 when I started writing "stories". I would write them and hide them. Not wanting anyone to see my "secret" thoughts. I needed to write -even back then. Now I'm just not hiding them anymore. Is that a sign of maturity? Nah .... Writer, photographer, insatiable wanderluster, edge-player, foodie, music addict, pop culture fanatic, animal lover, warrior for the rights of people and planet, and avid cusser (am a Native New Yorker, so very little offends me ... and if I am offended, it must be pretty freaking bad .. like bad grammar!). I am big believer in signs and if we keep ourselves open, there are guideposts all along the way. Stay humble. Be true. Be you. Life is not a dress rehearsal 
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  1. 'This one just made my heart happy and left me with a smile on my face.' :D Thank you for reviewing. I"m so glad the series made you smile.
