
Blog Tour & Giveaway: Beautiful Oblivion: Jamie McGuire

by - Sunday, July 13, 2014

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The Beautiful Disaster and Walking Disaster phenomenon continues in the first heart-pounding new adult romance in The Maddox Brothers series.

Fiercely independent Camille "Cami" Camlin gladly moved on from her childhood before it was over. She has held down a job since before she could drive, and moved into her own apartment after her freshman year of college. Now tending bar at The Red Door, Cami doesn’t have time for much else besides work and classes, until a trip to see her boyfriend is cancelled, leaving her with a first weekend off in almost a year.

Trenton Maddox was the king of Eastern State University, dating co-eds before he even graduated high school. His friends wanted to be him, and women wanted to tame him, but after a tragic accident turned his world upside down, Trenton leaves campus to come to grips with the crushing guilt. 

Eighteen months later, Trenton is living at home with his widower father, and works full-time at a local tattoo parlor to help with the bills. Just when he thinks his life is returning to normal, he notices Cami sitting alone at a table at The Red. 

As the baby sister of four rowdy brothers, Cami believes she’ll have no problem keeping her new friendship with Trenton Maddox strictly platonic. But when a Maddox boy falls in love, he loves forever—even if she is the only reason their already broken family could fall apart.

In the first installment of the Maddox Brothers books, readers can experience the rush of reading Beautiful Disaster for the first time, all over again.

“A Maddox boy? Afraid?” His face compressed. “We’ve already lost the first woman we ever loved. The thought of going through that again scares the shit out of us.”

When I finished Beautiful Oblivion, my first thoughts were about how much I loved it. My second thoughts were trying to figure out how to fit reading it again into my schedule. 

I was worried this wouldn’t live up to the hype. I mean, I loved Beautiful Disaster, Walking Disaster, and Beautiful Wedding. Travis is near the top of my favorite all time book boyfriends. And Abby, I like her a lot too. And as much as I loved those brief scenes where we met the rest of the Maddox family, I worried that following Trent wouldn’t catch me the same way. I am so glad to say I was wrong. Within two chapters I was already taking notes about things I loved about both Cami and Trent. 

Trent is a Maddox boy through and through. He’s quick to react, quick to protect, and the ladies love him. But unlike Travis, when Trent reacts, it isn’t always with his fists. He is smart, and works to keep himself in control as much as possible. 

I really liked Cami. And Cami for Trent. She is one of those characters who knows what she wants and goes for it. Working two jobs to take care of those she loves is just what she does, even when she knows she will have extra struggles because of it. There were times when I wished she would do things differently, or let Trent in a little faster, but in the end, she was doing what she thought best, so what can you do? 

There is a pretty big twist in the plot that a couple other people I talked to noticed early on in the book. Me? I was clueless until the very end. In hindsight, YES I should have noticed something and put some pieces together. But I missed all the clues and was shocked (in a how-did-I-miss-that kind of way), and loved a twist that normally leaves me feeling sad and unsatisfied about a book. 

The addition of Olive as Trent’s buddy gave him a soft side we probably wouldn’t have seen as easily without. And Hazel and the rest of the tattoo parlor staff added a lot of fun to the story. 

The timeline overlaps Beautiful Disaster, though Abby and Travis are not present for most of the story. I love the way Jamie overlapped the stories without taking the spotlight away from Cami and Trent. Though a few of Abby and Travis’s important moments are referenced in the book, both men are so wrapped up in catching their women they don’t pay much attention to what’s going on with the other. 

I cannot wait for more Maddox brothers. Will the others surpass my love for their brothers? Who knows...but I’m sure they won’t disappoint (and I’m glad I don’t really have to pick a favorite).

Thank you, Atria Books, for a complimentary copy of Beautiful Oblivion in exchange for my honest opinion.

Beautiful Oblivion centers on the twist, so I am going to focus on the characters that way I can write this without fear of posting spoilers. If you want to know anything more then what I tell you feel free to PM me. I am always up for book chatting.

Trent-- He made this book. For me, it was solely about him. Everything else outside of his character I could take it or leave it. But Trent, he won me over from the very first moment he came on scene. This is one Maddox who seriously melted my heart, especially when he spent time with Olive. *swoon* I am a major Travis fan and even though I loved his brothers in BD I didn't think they could steal any of that love, but oh my gosh, Trent gave Travis one hell of a run for his money. After letting his book soak in, Trent definitely scooted Travis out of the lead (don't worry Travis I still have mad love for you).

Trent and Travis had both similarities and differences. I found that Trent seemed to be more in control of his actions giving off a different maturity level. I also thought he felt less savage and possessive than his younger brother. Cami and Trent's relationship while also based on friendship but held a quieter buildup of feelings and closeness. Travis and Abby were definitely the more volatile and angsty couple. They kept you on a roller coaster of emotions; even in the background of BOB, just hearing snippets of Travis and Abby's drama was more dramatic than some of Trent and Cami's issues. Beautiful Disaster is what I would call a wild ride, not so much Beautiful Oblivion. 

Anywho, if you haven't gotten the hint yet, Trent will rock your socks with his sexy, sweet, charming self. This bad boy did the unthinkable and made me love him even more than his brother. Didn't think that would ever be possible. Nevertheless, he did. His patience, loyalty, protectiveness, and perseverance won me over. If I could give this man a million stars I would; he deserved each and every single one of them. There was just so much about him to fall in love with.

Cami-- I had a love/hate relationship with her, and I sometimes didn't understand her actions or thought process. There were moments I loved her hard and then there were moments I wanted to slap some sense into her. Did I like her for Trent? Sometimes yes and sometimes no; she wasn't always deserving of his love. Those were the times I couldn't connect with her. The indecisiveness she displayed didn't allow me to quite feel that all-consuming chemistry between her and Trent. In all honesty, more often then not she made me feel as though Trent was her runner up since TJ wasn't over attentive or always available. 

Cami's family-- um...WTF?! Seriously, I wanted to kick them straight in their junk on Cami's behalf. 

T.J.-- Liked his character, but I wasn't overly intrigued by him. It sometimes felt like TJ only came around to lift a leg, pee on Cami, and stake his claim. I know we were supposed to feel his love for her, but...yeah, I didn't quite feel it. I wish Jamie had built up his back-story a bit more. I wanted there to be some angst in this love triangle. All the hiccups seemed to easily acceptable and wrapped up nice with a red bow.

Raegan/Kody/Brazil-- Drove me nuts as I sometimes felt like they were the main characters, causing Trent and Cami to play second fiddle. Due to this and the twist I think there really wasn't much room left to really develop and progress Cami and Trent’s relationship in to something amazing. Don't get me wrong, I liked Raegan as Cami's friend and my heart broke for Kody, but beyond that, their love triangle took up way too much of the story line. And I mean WAY TOO MUCH. 

Travis-- Its Trav, ladies... that's all I'm gonna say. 

Hazel-- BEST secondary character of the book (next to Travis of course)! Seriously love this girl and hope she ends up with one of the Maddox boys. I want her for my new bestie.

Overall I enjoyed the book. I read it in one sitting which is very rare feat lately. Usually books take me anywhere from a week to two weeks to read so this is a major plus. I will definitely be following Trent up with Thomas's book. However, I could not go with five stars (even though Trent totally earned it) because for me there just wasn't that special somethin' somethin' I felt with Travis's book. His book was full of energy and left me with a myriad of feelings. There were moments of wanting to throw my tablet, but I didn't get that feeling with BOB. In addition, there were scenes I felt needed more fleshing out, e.g. Trent and Mackenzie. 

I would definitely recommend Trent, with a warning that even though BOB is technically a standalone, if you are not familiar with the Beautiful series then you should read Beautiful and Walking Disaster as well as a Beautiful Wedding before tackling Trent and Cami. It might help to make sense of parts of the story line that are not expanded upon in detail.

Thank you, Atria Books, for a complimentary copy of Beautiful Oblivion in exchange for my honest opinion.

JAMIE McGUIRE is the New York Times bestselling author of A Beautiful Wedding, Red Hill, Walking Disaster, Beautiful Disaster, and The Providence trilogy. She and her husband, Jeff, live with their children just outside Enid, Oklahoma, with three dogs, six horses, and a cat named Rooster.

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