
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Yield: Sawyer Bennett

by - Monday, May 04, 2015

Yield (Cal and Macy #3)
Sawyer Bennett

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Release Date May 5, 2015

Yield (verb): to surrender or submit (oneself) to another

Macy Carrington is broken. The strong, beautiful woman that I’ve unwittingly fallen in love with is all kinds of broken from a secret that she has carried for far too long.

A secret so dark, she has gone to great lengths to protect it.

A secret that I’m terrified will one day rip her away from me.

The only time Macy frees herself from the darkness is when she is naked and in my arms. When I am deep inside her body, there is nothing she fears. When she wraps herself around me, she is at peace.

If she would only yield to me completely, I know I can set her free.

* Yield is the final book the Legal Affairs trilogy of Cal and Macy’s story. Clash and Grind, Books #1 and 2, can be found on this retailer’s site for purchase.

This is the third book in Cal and Macy's trilogy and we finally get answers and learn her secrets!

At the end of Grind, Macy was just dealt a scary blow and Cal wants to be there for her. Her first instinct is to push him away, guard herself, and keep him in the dark. But Cal is too far in and stubborn to be pushed aside. He knows just how to get what he wants from her even if he has not gained her full trust. It will take Cal, Mac, and Matt to assist Macy with this new challenging situation.

I don't know how to make her feel safe or soothe her nightmares, and it's hard for me to fight a dragon I can't see.

Macy is stubborn and strong-willed and sometimes Cal literally has to fight her to keep her. But getting her to yield is tricky and inconsistent. They have a lot to still power through--trust issues, full disclosure, threats, secrets, insecurities, feelings of unworthiness, and fear. 

"I'm soiled, Cal...Broken. You deserve so much more."

Their way of protecting each other is different. He grabs on and fights. She pushes him away  to keep him away from her issues since she does not want to drag him down. But Cal is very determined to continue to break down her walls, protect her, and keep her. Not only do they have to fight for each other, they have to fight to save each other in various ways.

“I love you, Macy. No matter what has happened to you in the past or what happens to you in the future, I am never leaving your side, so quit trying to push me away. And I don’t care if you love me back. I’m going to make you love me one day. I’m going to show you that what we have is beautiful and meant to be.”

This is a journey for both of them regarding trust, sharing, and commitment. They are involved in a tangled web in the present that relates to Macy's past that she has been resistant to share. Cal not only brought her passion, love and happiness, but he also quieted her fears and was a calming presence for her when she needed it. He tries so hard to empower Macy to learn to trust, fight for herself, and thrive versus merely surviving her past. 

As strong as their physical relationship is, their emotional attachment keeps growing just as much. But Macy has been ruled by her demons and insecurities for a long time, and part of feeling for Cal means trying to protect him. And all Cal wants to do is protect her, be her Knight, and slay her dragons for good.

I adored Cal. I loved his perseverance and the way he tried so hard to be what Macy needed when she was not even sure at times what she needed. He was sexy alpha, smart, but also intuitive, vulnerable, and possessive. He would not be pushed away for long and was willing to do what was needed to make everything okay for Macy. We got to see more of his own family life in this one and how his family was so different from Macy's.

Macy had more depth than I ever expected when we met her in the Legal Affairs series. She was not just a spoiled rich girl, but more of a survivor who coped the only way she knew how.  She was shaped by several traumas that altered the course of her life. She had limited support and not much happiness. But we get to see how resilient, caring, and brave she really is. Cal took her world and totally shook it up, supported her,  and made her feel again. 

This one was still really hot (Macy and Cal have some serious scorching chemistry, are volatile, and even a bit kinky), but it was also more heartbreaking and emotional. I loved seeing the growth in these characters throughout this series, but this one really showed how far they have come as they took on these challenges and broke down more barriers. 

This trilogy was so engaging and entertaining. Macy and Cal were so much more than I ever anticipated. They were witty, sexy, sweet, passionate, and emotional. I felt their connection and significance of every little victory. It was told in Cal's point of view with journal entries from Macy to give us more insight into what she had trouble sharing. It had some difficult subject matter but was handled well.

I loved getting more with Mac and Matt and the continued change in the dynamics of their friendships. This series totally sucked me in and I was completely satisfied by the end and I was so glad to see an epilogue.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 
Now that the news has broken about Macy's family and the FBI investigation about her father's business practices, Cal has his work cut out for him. Macy doesn't want to spill her secrets, he wants her to relax, and he wants to solve her problems.

I seriously love how Cal is around Macy. Knowing what she needs even if she doesn't recognize it or wouldn't ask, he is the perfect boyfriend, even before they have labeled their relationship.

Macy lives in fear of her secrets coming out. She is so scared of Cal learning her secrets that she would rather ruin what they have than share her burden.

Macy and Cal have some huge hurdles to get through in Yield. From the investigation and Macy’s secrets to the relative newness of their relationship, there is so much stress between the two of them.

I love what Matt and Mac bring to the story. As Macy’s best friend, Mac has known and kept her secrets forever, and finding a balance between being Macy’s friend and Cal’s business partner is a fine line she has to walk. Matt and Cal were once best friends, and the olive branches that were extended in Clash and Grind continue to strengthen between them. Watching these two former best friends find a new balance beyond the events that broke them apart was almost as great as watching Cal and Macy figure their relationship out.

This final part of Macy and Cal’s story answers all the leftover questions from Clash and Grind, and also takes the time to wrap up all the lose ends that started unraveling in Grind. For such a short story, there was plenty of detail and a well woven story that kept me turning pages as fast as I could read them. I loved the way everything worked into place, even in the spots where the action surprised me.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Sawyer Bennett is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. Her husband works for a Fortune 100 company which lets him fly all over the world while she stays at home with their daughter and three big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn't have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.

Sawyer is the author of several contemporary romances including the popular Off Series, the Legal Affairs Series, the Last Call Series and the Cold Fury hockey series.

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