Blog Tour and Giveaway: Not A Game: Cardeno C.
Cardeno C.
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Released July 15, 2016
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Released July 15, 2016
An accidental meeting and a misunderstanding lead to a life-altering connection.
A new job, a new city, and hopefully a new life. When chubby gamer Oliver Barnaby receives a job offer from the best boutique game developer in the country, he leaves his family and his less than spectacular existence in Oklahoma without a second’s hesitation. Determined to change more than his career and his geography, Oliver implements a plan to finally land a boyfriend. Step one is improving his skills in the bedroom.
A life that looks perfect on paper, but feels empty in reality. Attractive, successful, charismatic Jaime Snow has a life other people envy. His already booming business is growing. He isn’t lacking in friends. And he has no trouble finding a date. But there’s an emptiness in Jaime’s heart and a hole in his life that only the right man can fill.
An accidental meeting, a misunderstanding, and falling in love. When Oliver and Jaime end up at the same bar at the same time, they each see something they want in the other. Going to bed together that first night is easy. Building the lifetime relationship they both desperately crave will require trust, time, and a little misunderstanding.

Sometimes a cute, sweet, and low-drama story with an unlikely pairing is the perfect way to spend the day. That’s exactly the sort of book Cardeno C.’s Not a Game is, and in addition, it deals with a personal issue in a way that’s, well…unconventional to start but turns out to be just right.
Oliver Barnaby is newly relocated to Seattle from Oklahoma after landing a job at a prestigious gaming design firm. It’s the perfect impetus for him to make other changes in his life, which was certainly not spectacular back home. He’s chubby, he’s a gaming geek, and according to his one and only ex-boyfriend, he’s terrible in bed. So he figures if he’s going to land himself a boyfriend in his new city, he needs to find a way to work on his skills. James “Jaime” Snow has a lot going for him: he’s got a body and personality to die for, and his business has made a name for itself in the industry. But at forty, he’s yet to find the man he wants to spend his life with. A meeting under a potentially awkward circumstance brings them together, and while Jaime is Oliver’s definition of perfect, he can’t believe Jaime could ever feel the same about him. To prove it, it’s going to take some careful handling and some well-timed understanding.
This review is going to be frustrating to write because there’s so much I want to say about the plot, but I can’t really even hint at things without it being spoilery. But I will say that the storytelling is about as smooth as you’ll find anywhere. It’s written in the third-person-omniscient point of view, so the reader gets to experience the thoughts and emotions of both main characters at the same time, as opposed to the style where the perspective alternates back and forth. The author’s use of this technique is flawless; at no time was I confused about what was going on or who was saying what. Pair this with a straightforward plot line and the book is not only easy to follow but also a pleasure to read. There’s nothing to keep the reader from being completely drawn into the little world of the story, and since most of us can relate in some degree to having insecurities, especially around people we find attractive, it’s a compelling world to be in.
As you might expect, Oliver is wracked with his insecurities and body-image concerns. He knows he’s good at his job and that he’s a good person, but he rarely feels comfortable around people, especially those who represent his physical ideal. I think the unexpected pairing between Oliver and Jaime is my favorite part of the novel. It’s easy to understand Oliver’s attraction to Jaime, since Jaime checks off most of the physical-appearance boxes common to romance novel heroes, but it’s refreshing to see a character like Jaime attracted to someone like Oliver, whose physical appearance and demeanor are so often ridiculed in this society. If romance is supposed to be about hope (among other things), then this story gives those of us who have body-image and self-esteem issues some hope that there’s someone out there who fits our dreams and wants us just as much. But more importantly it’s a reminder that the best and easiest way to deal with insecurities in others is gentle and repeated reinforcement.
One thing I do want to mention before I finish though. There will be some readers who may be a bit put off by the circumstances of the initial meeting between Oliver and Jaime. It’s certainly unconventional, but try not to be judgy. *grin*
As a first exposure to the writing of Cardeno C., I must say I’m very pleased with Not a Game. Perhaps my ideal romance has a bit more dramatic oompf to it, but this is a very well written and satisfying story that has no glaring inconsistencies to detract from the simple, heartwarming tale the author tells. And sometimes that’s all I need to keep me happy. This one is definitely on my to-be-reread list.
The author generously provided me a complimentary copy of Not a Game in exchange for this fair and honest review.
Two men walk into a bar...and they find someone neither really expected.
Oliver is an awkward, shy, game designer that has transplanted to a new city. He is 6'2" tall and a big, fluffy teddy bear. He is anxious, insecure, inexperienced, and lacks confidence. He lives in a world of logic and numbers and wants everything to make sense. He does not think anyone will truly ever want him as he is. He is in the bar to gain experience in a way he thinks he will have more control over.
Jaime is charming, sexy, mature, and successful. He has his own issues with his life that have him looking for something. He is patient, understanding, intelligent, and intuitive. He is drawn to Oliver, but he's also got some secrets that could potentially come between them.
This is an instant attraction, but slow-burn love story with characters that are easy to relate to. The men are not perfect. They have flaws and quirks. But they feel like real people with a real connection. I loved how patient and tolerant Jaime was with dealing with Oliver's deep insecurities and fears. And that Jaime unabashedly likes what he likes. I enjoyed seeing Oliver blossom under Jaime's positive reinforcement. It was unique that he was not the typical hero with washboard abs and a cocky personality.
I enjoyed the slow transition and moving past boundaries. There were some fun twists to the story and tension due to some of the secrets. I liked that despite their age difference, with Jaime being 12 years older than Oliver, that they both acted maturely. They communicated. They tried new things for each other. They listened. They explored their passion. They stimulated each other intellectually as well as physically. They evolved. But I did worry that the secrets would hurt Oliver and send him running since he was so sensitive.
Overall, this story is kind of like a fairy tale romance with real people. It was low angst, sweet, delightful, and funny. I really enjoyed it despite the lack of much drama and conflict. Oliver's internal struggles and Jaime's secrets provided enough tension for me. I had figured out one twist, but another took me by surprise.
This is my first book by Cardeno C., and the author has an engaging writing style that pulled me right in and made me fall in love with these characters. Oliver was a unique hero, and I could not help but feel for him. I was happy to get both of their points of view in order to understand their worries, fears, and their attachment. This book made me smile often and believe in the saying that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
I liked the side characters especially Jack and Tamra. I really hope that we see Jack in a future book because he definitely deserves to find his HEA.
I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Chapter 1:
He had chosen the bar because of its name: The Bookstore. It was clever and unusual and he had laughed internally at how happy his mother would be if he told her he was spending time at the Bookstore instead of in front of his computer. Oliver’s entire life, she had mourned the fact he wasn’t a reader, and even though he had now moved two thousand miles away from their home in Oklahoma City, she still sent him books she was sure he’d love. Maybe someday he’d open one of them.
For now, he glanced down at the only book he had read countless times and adjusted it at the edge of his table to make the spine as visible as possible. The title—Coding—wasn’t as clever as the bar name, but the information and the way it was phrased had clicked perfectly in Oliver’s brain when he was a college freshman. He had long since moved past the information inside, but the textbook was the closest thing he had to a security blanket, so he had held onto it through four years of progressively more complicated computer science classes, three dead-end computer repair and technical support jobs, and a move to Seattle to finally, finally, live his dream developing video games. When he had to pick a way to identify himself to the stranger who would guide him on the last phase of his journey toward living the life he had always wanted, the first thing that came to Oliver’s mind was the book that had started it all.
With the spine facing the bar and walkway and his glass empty, Oliver had nothing left to do but wait or get his phone out to play a quick turn on Clash of Clans. He reached into his pocket almost before his brain had formulated the thought. A quick glance at his screen confirmed it was still twenty minutes shy of eight o’clock. Oliver prided himself on timeliness, something his father had drummed into him since he was a boy, and after two months in Seattle, he hadn’t yet gotten a handle on how long it took to get anywhere, so he had erred on the side of caution and ended up arriving half an hour early.
In his head, his mother lectured him about playing on his phone when he should be paying attention to people, but he was twenty-eight years old, and she was too far away to see him, so he ignored her and tried to lose himself in a game. Besides, taking his mind off why he was in that bar would stop him from falling headfirst into an anxiety attack, and even his mother would agree that was a good thing in a social setting. Not that she would ever have the chance to know about his plans that evening, because, despite how close they were, this was one activity Oliver absolutely would not share with his family. Or anyone else for that matter.
Nerves rising, he scratched his upper back through his shirt with one hand and his thigh with the other. Recognizing what he was doing, he forced his hands away before he broke the skin. Hoping for a distraction, he jerked his gaze toward his pop when, suddenly, from the corner of his eye, he noticed someone moving in his direction. Instinctively, Oliver grabbed the glass and scrunched over it, using the act of sipping from a straw as a shield to keep himself from staring at people who inevitably didn’t notice him. But when the man didn’t veer away and instead came closer, Oliver glanced up and realized the stranger was looking right at his book. Which meant he was either coming to tease the chubby nerd for having a textbook at a bar on a Friday night or…
Oh my God. This is him. Oliver kept his head down but couldn’t stop himself from flicking his gaze back and forth between his still empty glass and the approaching man.
Older than Oliver, but not too old, broad shoulders, light eyes, short dark hair, and a sculpted face. The man stopped right next to the table, waited for Oliver to look up, and then said, “Interesting reading choice.” He tapped the top of the cover and tried to meet Oliver’s gaze.
Even though this was one situation where Oliver couldn’t be rejected or laughed at, he still struggled to speak to such a handsome man, and he definitely couldn’t make eye contact with him. And now that he was close enough for Oliver to see him clearly, he definitely knew that was true. He set his gaze on the man’s chin and took in his features.
The dark hair was brown but it had strands of chestnut at the top and flecks of silver in the sideburns, which extended to the bottom of his earlobe. The light eyes were green, a pale shade that still managed to look warm. And the broad shoulders topped a chest so muscular that it stretched the black T-shirt he wore underneath a well-fitted jacket. This guy was fantasy material, and Oliver couldn’t believe he had gotten so lucky.
“Is this book yours?”
“Yes,” Oliver said hoarsely and then cleared his throat. “It’s mine.”
The man’s forehead crinkled. He tilted his head to the side and stared at Oliver.
At first, the odd look discomforted him, but then Oliver remembered the social etiquette classes he had been forced to attend in middle school, and he realized where he had gone wrong.
“Please have a seat,” he said, raising his hand toward the empty chair across from him. Though his voice still shook more than he would have liked, it was a bolder invitation than he usually gave. Of course, usually men didn’t approach him, especially incredibly handsome men, and usually people didn’t want to hang out with him, and usually he didn’t look up escort services and set up a meeting. So today was anything but Oliver’s usual.
“Thanks.” The man pulled back the empty chair, sat, and then scooted it forward. “I’m Jaime.” He reached his hand out.
Oliver glanced down at the hand, blinked, and then remembered his manners. “I’m Oliver.” He wiped his sweaty palm on his jeans, took Jaime’s hand, and shook it. “Oliver Barnaby.”
Oh crap. Was giving his last name in this situation a bad idea? Oh well. If everything went as expected, Oliver would be spending time alone with this man, which would put him at more risk than sharing his name. He had made reservations at the hotel upstairs, which was expensive and not completely secure, but it had to be safer than bringing a stranger to his apartment.
“So, Oliver Barnaby.” Grinning, Jaime glanced at the book and arched his eyebrows. “What are you doing here with this?”
Straight to the point. In Jaime’s line of work, being direct made sense, but Oliver wasn’t skilled at holding an articulate conversation with a live human so he fidgeted in his seat. “Well, uh…” He gulped.
“Late night study session?” The comment was teasing, but the tone held no malice and Jaime’s expression, while most definitely amused, wasn’t cruel.
“Sorry. I’m being silly.” Oliver shook his head. “We both know why we’re here so—” He drew in a deep breath. “I’m not sure how much he told you.” He frowned and thought back to the brief phone call he’d had with the man from the ad. “Actually, I don’t remember how much detail I gave him other than saying I needed someone experienced.”
“Uh-huh. Because, uh.” He looked at Jaime’s handsome face and once again lost the power of speech.
He hadn’t thought through how the escort agency would interpret his request but now he realized they had taken it to mean Oliver wanted someone a bit older. As luck would have it, older men were very much Oliver’s type. Or they would be if he had a type. Someone probably needed to go on actual dates rather than just fantasize about them before he could say he had a type.
Oliver blinked.
“You were saying you needed someone experienced?”
“Right.” He bobbed his head. “See the thing is, I didn’t hire you for sex.”
There was no missing the shock that crossed Jaime’s face.
“That didn’t come out right.” Oliver quickly backtracked. The last thing he wanted was for Jaime to think he was being stiffed because then he’d get up and walk out and Oliver would have to start his search all over again. The odds of finding someone as attractive and nice as Jaime to teach him were so low they rounded to zero. “I know what escort means and I’m all set to pay you. I have the money.” He patted his pocket and said an internal thank-you for his new company’s generosity. “What I meant was that I don’t want to have sex with you.”
Jaime chuckled and arched his eyebrows, but he didn’t say anything.
“Ugh.” Oliver shook his head. “I didn’t mean that either.” He raised his hand and moved it up and down in Jaime’s direction. “Look at you. Obviously, I want to have sex with you. But it’s not about eating the meal, it’s about learning to fish, you know?”
“I think I’m getting the picture, but why don’t you fill in the details?” Jaime lowered his voice. “And try to keep the whole paying for sex thing out of it.” One side of his lips rose in a crooked smile. “We are in public after all and not everything is legal in Washington.”
Oh God. Oliver jerked his head from side to side, checking to see if anyone was close enough to hear him. The bar wasn’t big and there were a decent number of customers, so someone probably had. He leaned forward, his belly squishing against the table. “Do you think people will call the police? Should we leave?”
“No and”—Jaime’s smile shifted from amused to wicked—“eventually. But first, tell me about learning to fish.” Jaime settled into his chair and crossed his arms over his chest, his biceps giving the gray suede jacket a workout. “I assume we aren’t talking about the great outdoors, so what exactly are you hiring me to teach you?”
When he had come up with the idea to hire an escort, Oliver had focused on how much it would cost, where to do it, and what he’d be able to squeeze into one night. He had also spent a decent amount of time second-guessing his plan. But he had never considered how he would explain what he wanted to the man he paid to help him.
“Do you guys have like, uh, confidentiality requirements?” Oliver asked.
Jaime arched his eyebrows. “Confidentiality?”
“Yeah.” Oliver bobbed his head. “What I tell you has to stay between us, right?”
“Well.” Jaime’s mouth turned up at the corners and then he licked his lips, coughed, and said, “I’m not a psychiatrist or an attorney, so there’s not a licensing board out there keeping me honest, but I’ll give you my word to keep this just between us. How’s that?”
After considering the response and his alternatives for a couple of seconds, Oliver said, “That works.”
“Glad we got the preliminaries out of the way.” Jaime smiled. “Tell me what you need, Oliver.”
When he said Oliver’s name, Jaime’s voice dropped, going deeper and raspier. The tone sent a pang through Oliver’s gut and reminded him why this man got paid to do what he did. That made what Oliver had to say even more humiliating, but he didn’t want his life in Seattle to be like his life in Oklahoma, so he pushed through the shame and forced himself to speak.
“I’m pretty sure I’m bad in bed and I want help with that.” He bit his lip. “Real help. Not what people brag about online.” He had read endless blogs and subscribed to chat rooms, but loath as he was to admit it, the internet didn’t have all the answers.
Looking surprised, Jaime blinked a few times, cleared his throat, and then said, “Why do you think you’re bad in bed?”
That question was easy to answer. “My ex told me.”
The good-natured, amused expression disappeared from Jaime’s face. “Your ex sounds like a dick. Find someone else and forget about him.”
“That’s just it. I can’t find someone else.” Realizing he sounded whiney, Oliver took a moment to breathe. He sat up straight, rolled his neck, and then ruined his attempt at looking confident by slumping. “People never like me in real life. I’m twenty-eight and Ted was the only guy who’s ever been willing to sleep with me. That was four years ago.” His voice shook. “I need help.”
“Hey.” Jaime’s eyes softened, and he leaned forward, curling his hand around Oliver’s forearm. “It’s going to be okay. I promise.”
Jaime’s touch was ten times more potent than his voice, and suddenly, Oliver wanted to follow through on his plans for the night because of something entirely unrelated to learning and improving himself. He stayed perfectly still, letting the pleasurable feelings wash over him until Jaime removed his hand. And then the floodgates opened.
“I just moved to Seattle in August. Did I tell you that already? I want things to be different here. I got this great job making lots of money, and I have my own apartment, but that’s not enough. I’m going to join a gym so I can lose weight, because I know guys aren’t going to be interested in me like this.” He waved his hand up and down beside his too fat, too flabby body. “I’ll never be good-looking like you, but hopefully exercise will help, and I can diet too and then maybe someone will be interested, but then what? At some point we’ll end up in bed and then he’ll never want to see me again.” He took a deep breath, his heart racing. “That’s why I hired you. I need to get better, so if I actually find someone who’s interested, I can hold on to him.” He squeezed and released his hands and stared at Jaime, hoping he’d understand.
“All right,” Jaime said calmly. “I hear you and I’m not turning you down.” He looked at Oliver meaningfully, only continuing after Oliver nodded in understanding. “We can get out of here and do this, but before we do, I want you to know that not every guy is into gym bunnies or twinks. You’re really good-looking, Oliver.”
“You’re getting paid to say that,” Oliver mumbled, dropping his gaze from Jaime’s eyes. Even that part of him was attractive—layers of green far more interesting than Oliver’s own boring brown.
“No, I’m not.” Jaime’s jaw ticced as he spoke, and he sounded so firm that Oliver would have believed him if he hadn’t found the man through an escort ad.
“It’s fine,” Oliver said. “I’m past worrying about being pathetic for paying for sex.” He sighed and dragged his fingers through his hair, hoping he wasn’t making the too long strands stick out in weird directions. “Actually, it helps. I’d never have the nerve to talk to a guy like you in real life, even if it was just to answer a question about directions or something.” He rolled his eyes at his own shortcomings. “Knowing you can’t laugh at me or judge me or turn me down makes this better.” It made it possible. “That’s all I need. Don’t worry about the fake compliments.”
“It wasn’t fake.”
Of course it was. Oliver was good-looking in the same way the bar was a bookstore. But that didn’t matter and Jaime sounded angry, so Oliver stopped arguing and refocused the conversation on the reason they were both in the Bookstore that wasn’t actually a bookstore. “I reserved a room upstairs in the hotel.”
Jaime pulled his eyebrows together and narrowed his eyes and, for a horrible moment, Oliver was sure he had changed his mind and he was about to leave. Oliver was about to plead for another chance, but then Jaime’s face smoothed and he rose from his chair.
“Lead the way, Oliver. I’m looking forward to”—he dragged his gaze over Oliver’s body, his expression unlike any Oliver previously had seen directed at him—“fishing with you.”

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Cardeno C. - CC to friends - is a hopeless romantic who wants to add a lot of happiness and a few "awwws" into a reader's day. Writing is a nice break from real life as a corporate type and volunteer work with gay rights organizations. Cardeno's stories range from sweet to intense, contemporary to paranormal, long to short, but they always include strong relationships and walks into the happily-ever- after sunset. Cardeno's Home, Family, and Mates series have received awards from Love Romances and More Golden Roses, Rainbow Awards, the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, and various reviewers. But even more special to CC are heartfelt reactions from readers, like, "You bring joy and love and make it part of the every day."
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