
Review Blitz: Take Me Back: Meghan March

by - Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Take Me Back 
Meghan March
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Release date March 20, 2017

We fell in love on a beach, got married in paradise, and I carried her off into the sunset. It should have been perfect, but saying “I do” doesn’t guarantee a happily-ever-after.

Two years later, I barely recognize either of us behind the walls we’ve built.

It’s time to bring it full circle. Back to a tropical paradise. Back to find out if we can still make this work.

I’m not willing to give her up, but to save us, I have to risk everything. 

Two damaged people. 

Countless secrets. 

The fight of our lives.

We might be broken, but we’re not done.

Dane is making a last ditch effort to get his marriage back on track by planning a tropical getaway. They met on vacation and shared many getaways while long distance dating. But now two years after getting married, they are living parallel lives and having issues with communication.

Kat has coped with sadness in her life by becoming a work-a-holic. It is easier than facing her own issues and letting her emotions take over. She puts up walls, pushes him away, shuts down, and avoids tough subjects. Since they both lead busy lives and travel, it has gotten out of control. They both have secrets that have helped build the barriers that they have put up.

Dane knows he is also to blame for their issues. Though he is a no-nonsense, strong, capable guy, he has kept some important details from her. He has been dealing with own personal struggles as well. But this is his way of taking a stand. They will either need to fight to get back what they had or give it up. He hopes that an isolated tropical vacation will bring them back together.

It is supposed to be a time of shedding secrets, rebuilding  trust, and rekindling romance and passion so they can try to to move forward happier. But it truly ends up being a trip they will never forget. It is full of tension, drama, and will test them in ways they never expected. They will both have to find their inner strength, power through challenges, and make sacrifices. Every action has a consequence. They will each have to do their part in order to have a chance at the future they hoped for.

I loved how this book had layers, surprises, and twists. This was definitely not just a fluffy vacation story. There was much more depth, intensity, emotion, and challenges. Dane had always been her safety net, but now that will be even more important as they deal with difficult situations.

I was pulled right in and captivated the entire book. It is told in both Dane and Kat's points of view and has flashbacks as well. I love it when a story is more than I expected. This is a perfect book to go in blind and just go where the characters take you.

Dane and Kat grew on me more and more as the book went on and we saw their real personalities and connection more. And they really had opportunities for growth and to realize what they truly wanted and needed. They really needed hope, forgiveness, healing, and to shatter the guards they had in place. They were strong, stubborn, and dynamic characters that had flaws and issues. But I could still feel their bond and love for each other even in times of stress and fear. I totally connected with them and was rooting for them to find their way back.

It is a stand alone so it is a great way to jump in and read a Meghan March book. It is passionate, emotional, intense, and full of drama and feels. I have just become a new fan and she did an amazing job on this story. I will be in a book hangover for a bit for sure. There were some side characters that I am hoping we might see again in a spin-off book too.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 

This book reminded me why I had to binge on Meghan March when I picked up her books late last year. Dane and Kat take that one step further.

They are not at the beginning of their happily ever after. Rather, they appear to be at the end. Two years after marrying, they are on the rocks and Dane has scheduled a last ditch attempt to salvage their relationship in the form of a tropical vacation. All their big moments have taken place in tropical locations, why not add one more?

Told with several flashback scenes interjected into the present day trip, there is a perfect amount of backstory for readers to feel what Dane and Kat felt at the beginning of their relationship. The flashback scenes are well placed to highlight moments in the present day while also building their past relationship. Readers can see the potential while also seeing where Kat and Dane had allowed things to sink.

I loved that neither was shying away from blame for the problems in their marriage.They each took responsibility for the roles they played in the marriage, the things they did that had brought them to where they were today. They owned their own actions, and while they hadn’t made changes yet, they were both willing to let things go in order to not lose their relationship.

This was a vacation they will remember, and turned into more than they expected. Their challenges grew beyond their marriage and tested them as individuals and as a couple. I loved the twists this story surprised me with.

This had all the feels, and some I wasn’t expecting to find based on the blurb. I couldn’t put this down, and found myself sneaking pages in by ones and twos as I could between my daily commitments. I was thankful I had at least those little moments or I would have been tempted to throw away all my plans for the day and dive in completely.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She's also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she's ever had. She loves hearing from her readers at meghanmarchbooks@gmail.com.

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