
Troubles and Treats by Tara Sivec

by - Sunday, December 02, 2012

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Drew and Jenny have spent years being the envy of their friends with their out of control sex lives - well, not really. Mostly it makes their friends want to throw up in their mouths a little.

With two little kids and two busy lives, for the first time, Drew and Jenny aren't on the same page in the bedroom. Drew will stop at nothing to get his previously amorous wife back in the sack, and Jenny will do anything for a full night of sleep.

Carter and Claire, and Jim and Liz are their usual (un)helpful selves and are full of advice for the discontented duo, wanting nothing more than to help restore order to the usually happy couple's lives.

In the third and final installment of the Chocolate Lovers Series, will Drew and Jenny find the spark that's been missing in their marriage, or will the trouble they're having cause a stickier situation than the time Jenny poured honey all over Drew and he fused himself to a tree?
Kim's Rating:
5 out of 5 Stars

Kim's Review:
Words Cannot describe what it is like to have exclusive access to the brains of Drew and Jenny
...especially sexually frustrated Drew and Jenny. 
It is unbelievably hilarious! 

So I will just tease you that this involves mace, vagina-penis monologues, bathroom baby bullets, self help incidents, vibrator races, Bearded clams, newlywed game, messed up song lyrics, a rainbow of fruit flavors, sex toys, spoop, pervy ghost, Mr. Naked Guy, killer cat, marriage boot camp, and even a zombie apocalypse. 

Drew is still Drew...funny, outspoken, clueless, crazy, obnoxious, but oh so much fun! His t-shirt collection alone never fails to make me giggle. Jenny is smart and a good mom, but has a very poor working knowledge of the American language so she is constantly mixing up words and terminology in funny ways. 

Jenny: "Because he'll just race over here and make a testicle of himself."
Liz: "He's already a giant testicle, don't you mean spectacle?"
Jenny: "No, he doesn't wear glasses."

And of course more fun with Carter, Claire, Liz, Jim, Gavin and a bevy of little girls. It is fun to catch up with these couples years after getting married and having kids. They are still foul mouthed, fun, and completely unpredictable. 

But with all the fun there is the story of Drew and Jenny not connecting...and poor Drew just trying to get some action with his favorite lonely appendage. Drew has loved Jenny since he first met her at a party at Liz and Jim's...

I had known the first moment that I met Jenny I would be her bitch, and I was am perfectly okay with that...she was the hottest chick I had ever laid eyes on. I had immediately thrown away my man-whore card and stuck to her like glue. 

But years of marriage, lack of sleep, kids, anxiety, fear of inadequacy has put a big kink in their previously very kinky sex life. 

I've tried everything. I've whispered sweet nothings in her ear like, "My penis misses your vagina," and "I hear a rumor that your love canal misses my jizz." Nothing, I can't believe it either. 

So it is an adventure with Drew and Jenny trying to find their spark and get on the same page. As funny as it is, it also shows how even good marriages have rough spots and they are worth working together to rekindle what brought you together in the first place. 

I loved getting to catch up with these fun friends and hope that the little teaser at the end does mean that perhaps in the future we may see a book about Gavin...These characters are just too much fun to give up!

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