
Along Came Trouble: Ruthie Knox

by - Monday, March 11, 2013

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Ruthie Knox’s Camelot series continues in this sizzling eBook original novel, featuring two headstrong souls who bump heads—and bodies—as temptation and lust bring nothing but delicious trouble.

An accomplished lawyer and driven single mother, Ellen Callahan isn’t looking for any help. She’s doing just fine on her own. So Ellen’s more than a little peeved when her brother, an international pop star, hires a security guard to protect her from a prying press that will stop at nothing to dig up dirt on him. But when the tanned and toned Caleb Clark shows up at her door, Ellen might just have to plead the fifth.

Back home after a deployment in Iraq and looking for work as a civilian, Caleb signs on as Ellen’s bodyguard. After combat in the hot desert sun, this job should be a breeze. But guarding the willful beauty is harder than he imagined—and Caleb can’t resist the temptation to mix business with pleasure. With their desires growing more undeniable by the day, Ellen and Caleb give in to an evening of steamy passion. But will they ever be able to share more than just a one-night stand?

Includes a special message from the editor, as well as excerpts from these Loveswept titles: How to Misbehave, Flirting with Disaster, and About Last Night.

Tammy's Rating and Review: 4 out of 5 Stars 

I have found a new author to crush on. I am in love with Ruthie Knox and her writing style! Her characters were well developed and had great chemistry.I thought she mixed the perfect amount of humor with drama. As soon as I get a chance, I will most definitely be reading more of her books.

"Here was a species of a man she had no experience with. She'd always gone for the Heathcliff types, men with wild hair and deep thoughts. Army guys didn't do it for her. Or they never had before."

Why did I love this book so much? Well because of Caleb, of course! I fricken adored him. Cabe captivated me from the moment he hit the pages. He was totally alpha and sexier than hell! I loved his patience. I don't know if I would have had half the patience he did to put up with Ellen's stubbornness. Although, Cabe was just as stubborn if not more when it came to negotiating what he wants. Our leading man was loyal, protective, and beneath all that alpha maleness, he was vulnerable. He wanted Ellen for more than just the romp in the bed that she wanted them to be. Caleb fell in love and so did she when she wasn't fighting it and purposely pushing him away. I thought Cabe was amazing at handling these mixed emotions.

"He'd come over here prepared to do battle with Amazon Ellen, and instead he got this woman with the butter-soft body and the seductive smile. The one he's met this morning, very briefly, before he started talking security and she'd hardened up on him."

This would of been a 5 star read for me if it wasn't for the heroine. Ellen irked me at times, a lot. I have said it before the heroine of the book is usually what makes or breaks a book for me and Ellen came pretty close to me giving this a three star rating. So I went with a 4.5. I couldn't take away from the rest of the characters and the plot. I love a chick with backbone, but seriously sometimes Ellen just got to be too much and it seemed like she argued with Caleb over the most ridiculous things. Anyway, it just got a little old after a while. I did like her when she wasn't being such a witch to Caleb. I love when female leads are sassy and independent. Ellen had both of these, and I respected why she had to be so stubborn at times, but as I said earlier it just got to be too much. I needed more of the fun loving Ellen. However, she did redeem herself in the end when she went toe to toe with Cabe's mama. Our girl made me proud!

Secondary characters, to this I say what secondary characters? The author writing had me loving Jamie and Carly just as much as Cabe and Ellen. Their story line helped the story line flow perfectly. Oh, and Nana! She cracked me up. Her antics had me laughing so hard and smiling.

The role reversal was another reason that quickly had me adoring Along Came Trouble. Normally we have the heroine who is totally ready to commit and the man runs. Not here, Ruthie rocked it when she made Caleb the vulnerable one looking to commit. Ellen was the runner in this couple. These two had great chemistry together in and out of the bedroom. They just needed to get past the push and pull and when they did they were so damn sweet together.

This book is a definite recommend for me! Thank you Ruthie Knox for my newest addiction, your books!

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 

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