
Reckless Abandon: Andrea Randall

by - Sunday, March 10, 2013

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This is the 2nd book in the November Blue series

November Harris is lost. After a failed romance with musician Bo Cavanaugh, Ember is left struggling to regain her true self. The problem is, Bo won’t go away and Ember's stance is firm—she doesn't want him back.

Adrian Turner, Ember's ex-boyfriend-turned confidant, is patient with her heartbreak, but he can't hold back his own feelings forever. 

As she sorts through her past, in an effort to plan a solid future, Ember will find that sometimes even the best laid plans bow to the soul's desire for reckless abandon


This is the sequel to Ten Days of Perfect
and you need to read the first book to understand and enjoy it.
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Buy Ten Days of Perfect on Amazon(it is free until March 11)

See Kim's 4.5 star review of Ten Days of Perfect

Kim's rating 4.5 out of 5 stars

I loved Ten Days of Perfect and could not wait for this book.

I remember the first ten beautiful days we spent together. We did everything backwards--fell in love first, and learned about each other after. 

This book sent me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. It frustrated me, made me angry, made me gasp, made me cry, broke my heart, and put it back together with a small piece still missing. 

It starts soon after the ending of Ten Days and Bo and Ember are apart. She is still upset about him keeping secrets from her and feeling betrayed. And Adrian is happy to be there as the "supportive friend."  I will say upfront that I am Team Bo. Always have been, always will be. Adrian was just an intruder in the happy place I wanted Bo and Ember to be in. So now that we are clear....lol

Bo: I adore him. I fell in love with him in Ten Days and that has not changed. He tries so hard and does not want to give up on Ember no matter how much she pushes him away. He is a damaged, broken man with a big heart and love to give.  He knows he loves her, he knows he was wrong, but Ember is so stubborn. Can he find a way to get her back?

I'll dial it down, but I refuse to turn it off. I love November, and I don't intend to let her forget it. 

November: Ugh! She made me so mad in this book! She was unforgiving, closed off, and afraid. She hides her pain away, is wishy washy, and used the men against each other. Will she figure out who she really wants to be with or keep hurting them both?

He fills my thoughts, my dreams, and my nightmares. The memory of him, and his touch, pound on the door to my soul with such force that cracks are forming in the wood. I do my best to act like no one is home by keeping the door locked and the lights off. 

"I really feel like I loved Bo, but it was more of a firework than anything else. It was hot, heavy, and just too fast."

Adrian: Ember's old flame. He sees his opportunity and does not hesitate to try to move back in on Ember. But does he really want Ember or the girl he remembers?

He was there for me. He stood stoic and let me fight my own battles with Bo--he didn't try to dash in and save the day. He was there for the aftermath, sure, but he knows I'm no damsel. Adrian gets me. 

Bo and Ember are having serious issues with anger, guilt, trust, and fear. They honestly cannot seem to communicate effectively or get on the same page. I seriously wanted to shake Ember for most of the book, I wanted Adrian to just disappear, and felt sorry for Bo. 

I did love the introduction of a new character Regan. The sweet, sexy, fiddle playing band member who became friends and Ember. And I loved seeing more Bo's sister Rachel, Ember's feisty BFF Monica, and her fiance Josh who we met in the first book. They all are involved in trying to deal with the mess that is the Bo, Adrian, November triangle. And although I was not happy to see the nasty Ainsley back who is still  after Bo, I guess most books need a drama queen and someone to hate. 

This book just took me through the gamut of emotions. At some points I was literally cursing Andrea Randall. I both hated and loved the book. It got to me. It had depth and emotion. She took this book places I did not expect and even  made me cry. The journey for these characters was hard and heartbreaking and I felt it all. Although there is a satisfying enough ending and not a huge cliffhanger, these characters still have more ahead for them and the 4th book in this series will focus on them. The 3rd book in the series will be Regan's story. 


Andrea Randall  Blog/Facebook/Twitter

Andrea Randall is a 2005 graduate of Cornell University and currently lives in Western Massachusetts with her husband and three children.

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