
Blog Tour and Giveaway: Destined to Succeed: Lisa M. Harley

by - Sunday, June 16, 2013

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What would you do if what you worked your entire life to build was suddenly destroyed? 

Cade Walker is a cowboy Casanova. He’s cocky and he doesn’t care who knows it. He was raised on Walker Ranch and was destined to one day take it over. What he didn’t know was how soon that would happen. After his parents are killed in a car accident he is thrust into becoming a responsible adult. Well, sort of. Cade is always responsible when it comes to business, but pleasure, now that’s a whole other story.

Suzanna Mallory is a red-headed spitfire, who also happens to be Cade’s best friend. She has loved Cade since they met when they were nine years old, but Cade just isn’t the type to get married and settle down. Suzanna finds herself in an abusive marriage and the only thing that keeps her sane is her daughter, Isabella, and working with Cade at Walker Ranch.

When a fire threatens to destroy the future of Walker Ranch, Cade and Suzanna have to work together to save it.

What will this mean for her marriage or to the feelings that she has for Cade?

And now that Cade thought he found love with Loralei Harper, only to realize she didn’t feel the same way, is he ready to settle down?

Is Cade Walker Destined to Succeed?

Book one: Destined to Change: Goodreads/Amazon/B&N
Read Kim's review of Destined to Change

Destined to Succeed Playlist:
“You need to take that man out in the dark and do dirty, dirty things to him.” Gotta love a drunk bestie at her pseudo bachelorette party. 

“Sounds like an excellent plan, Callie,” Cade said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up off of our blanket. 

“What are you doing? I’m not doing anything dirty with you out there in front of all of these people. Are you high?” I was flabbergasted. I don’t know what kind of person he thought I was, but it wasn’t the kind that had sex in a field after her friend announced it to everyone at the party.

“I’m not high. I am a little buzzed, but definitely not high.” He shook his head and started laughing.

“What are you laughing at?”


“Enlighten me?”

“Sure. I just thought of what I shoulda said when you asked me if I was high. It made me laugh.”

“What should you have said?”

“I am high...high on you.” Then he laughed that big ole belly laugh. I punched him in the arm. “Hey, don’t hit me. I didn’t say it. Well, I did. But that was only because you made me think it.”

“You’re obviously more than buzzed. You must be shit-faced drunk.” I laughed and realized that he had walked us out to the grove of trees just beyond the creek.

I have to be honest and admit that I was not a fan of Cade in Destined to Change. I was completely Team Jaxon and felt Cade was arrogant, cocky and just in the way of my favorite couple. But from the beginning of this book, my opinion of Cade changed. In Destined to Succeed we find out about his past, what shaped him, and what turned him into the ladies' man with little emotion that we first met. But in this story we see his vulnerable and his sweet side. We meet Suzanna when Cade does... in third grade. They grow up together,  become best friends and are inseparable. But as their pre-teen and teen years occur, their feelings start to change. But unfortunately communicaton issues, fear and insecurities lead to years of missed opportunities and poor choices. My heart literally hurt for both of them. 

“Son, when you find the right one you’ll just know it.  Your dick won’t pick her.  Your heart will.  Always listen to your heart, because your dick can be a lying bastard.”

They clearly loved each other and belonged together but they could not seem to get it together. Their failed union created consequences for both of them and changed the course of their lives.  Cade turns off emotion and seeks fulfillment in multitudes of women, and Suzanna finds herself miserable in an abusive marriage. But she feels she has no chance of escape since she has to protect her daughter and those she loves.  They have such deep feelings of longing, lust, and love. But they have so much stacked against them. It was sad, heart breaking, frustrating, and maddening. 

Cade is a sexy, cocky, cowboy with a huge sense of responsibility and a big heart. He hid this by being a womanizer in order to cover up his true hurt feelings and to protect himself. But deep down, he knows there is really only one woman for him...but he is not sure how she feels and circumstances make the situation impossible. He is struggling to rebuild his ranch and take care of everyone. 

“He was sex on a stick.  If the body didn’t get you, that damn deep voice with the country drawl would do it every time.”

Suzanna was initially fun and feisty, but her marriage and circumstances dragged her down. She was damaged and hurt, but always still managed to support Cade and his family. The only bright spot in her marriage is her sweet daughter Isabella. She will do anything to protect her. She longs for the life she could have had with Cade if things had been different.

“My heart picked you, Suzy Q.  My heart always knew it was you.”

There is also danger lurking the background threatening Suzanna, Cade, and their families. So there is tension, suspense, intrigue and tragedy that raises your anxiety level.  You know something is coming and it just builds and builds. And then something does happen, and then  the build up starts again. So it kept me entertained and engaged.. It made me tense, upset, and at one point...totally shocked. I loved many of the supporting characters especially Cade's cousins Cord, Clay, Colt, and Cole, and the sweetest little girl ever, IzzyB. She had such a child like innocence and spunky spirit and she had all of the men eating out of her hands. 

I was really invested in the characters and their relationship. They really were likable and so good for each other. If they could only go back in time and change one thing, their lives would have been so different. It is told in alternating points of view of Cade and Suzanna  in present time and in flashbacks. But it flowed well and I enjoyed their memories as much as their present story.

Despite all that they have been through, can they finally overcome the problems with their past and find a happy ending? Or are they destined to have happiness just out of their reach?

I look forward to more books in this series and hope that we see more of the characters from the first two books filter into the subsequent books.  

Thanks to Lisa M. Harley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I was actually privileged enough to be a  Beta Reader for this book and review is based off my beta read. 


Lisa M. Harley Facebook/Twitter/Goodreads

I grew up in a really small town in Missouri. Very similar to the fictional town I wrote about in my novel. I moved to the big city right after I graduated. I work full-time and I am mom to a beautiful little girl. I started writing in October when a group I am in had a prologue contest. I didn't win the contest, but everyone who read my prologue asked for more of my story. I decided I had to finish it and get these characters that were in my head out on paper. During the writing process it became clear that this was going to be more than one novel. It had to be a series. I have at least 2 more novels planned for the Destined Series. I also have an idea for a YA novel that stems from one of the characters in Destined to Change...hint, hint. When I was asked to write this bio I explained that I am really boring and it would be really short...so, that's about all there is to know about me. I love music and honestly couldn't have written this book without my Spotify playlist. I am kinda obsessed with frogs (not real ones) and office supplies are my downfall! I could spend my whole paycheck at the stationery store...boring, didn't I already say that? lol Also, I am slightly addicted to Facebook and Voxer. Please message me on either one...I would love to hear from all of you

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