
Blog Tour and Giveaway: HIM: Carey Heywood

by - Wednesday, July 24, 2013

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Sarah Miller hasn’t been home in seven years. She thought she could stay away forever. If it wasn’t for her big brother's wedding, that is. Part of her even feels silly for staying away this long. It's not like anyone even knew what happened. Well, except for him.
That guy. The one she compared all others to. The one who set the bar so high no other guy after him could even compete. The one who made her feel like anything was possible. The one she thought she would never be good enough for. The one she spent the last seven years trying to forget.
All she needs to do is make it through the next week without running into him.

HER(Book 2): Add to Goodreads coming November 2013

As much as it hurts, there will always be a part of me that wonders where I would be right now if things had turned out differently. Would I be the workaholic I am today? Would I not be single but instead with him? 

Sarah as been avoiding home and HIM for seven years. But now she cannot avoid it any longer and she has to return home for her brother's wedding. And of course with her luck, she runs into HIM sooner rather than later.
The story is told in alternating past and present from Sarah's point of view. We know that she was hurt, but the past story and their history slowly is revealed in flashbacks throughout the book. We see them as playful best friends in Middle/High School, and their burgeoning attempts at first love. All the past is slowly unfolding while we are also seeing the present Sarah and Will trying to figure out how to be around one another and deal with the past. It is a mystery about what really happened throughout the book and I was dying to know!

"So what are you doing about the parts that make you unhappy?"
"I'm working on it. I got you in my car again...I just meant that I've missed you in my life."

I loved Will. He was sweet, charming, protective, and charismatic. He only got hotter and more enticing with age. It was obvious that he adored Sarah. Sarah was guarded, unsure, and scared of facing the past and the truth. Their communication skills led to all of their issues past and present. I was totally annoyed at both of them at times for their past mistakes and lack of communication. But other times I could understand their misunderstandings and insecurities. But this couple was clearly meant to be together. I believed it from the first page. 

"I promise you this is no game."
"Alright, what do you want from me? Is that better?"
"Everything...I want everything from you."
"I gave you everything once. Now I have nothing left for you."

My heart was hurting the whole time as I was reading this story just waiting to find out what actually broke them and see if they could now fix it. 

Her bestie Sawyer is a riot and I loved her unwavering support and pushy attitude. Sarah's family was also wonderful especially her brother Brian, and I enjoyed that Will also had a relationship with them. 

Carey Heywood has an engaging writing style. I liked the way she clearly divided past and present and brought the story along. I will admit towards the end there were a couple of flashback and I was not sure why they were important or were fitting into the story, but in the end it all made sense and was a necessary component. Her charactes were endearing and likable. Even if I did want to throttle Sarah at times. I felt connected and invested in them. 

The next book in November will be HER and will be in Will's point of view...sigh...I can't wait to get more into his head. We came to understand what he felt and was feeling in this book but at the same time there are a lot of missing pieces from him.  The author states on her FB page that it will start before the timeline in HIM, cover his time during their separation,  and goes out past where HIM ended. 

Thanks to Carey Heywood for providing me a review copy in exchange for an honest review. 


Carey Heywood lives in Richmond, Virginia with her husband, three children, and nine-pound attack Yorkie. In her spare time, she transports her children from one extra-curricular activity to another while maintaining her day job in the world of finance. Right now, she is probably eating Swedish Fish.
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