
Release Reviews:Wrong Number, Right Guy: Elle Casey

by - Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Wrong Number, Right Guy
(The Bourbon Street Boys #1)

Elle Casey
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Expected September 22, 2015

When a mysterious text message summons May Wexler to a biker bar in downtown New Orleans, she knows something is very wrong. Her sister has sent out an SOS, but when May gets there, she’s nowhere to be found and May is the one in trouble—she’s wearing pink espadrilles, she’s got a Chihuahua in her purse, and she’s in the middle of a shootout.

After tall, muscular Ozzie comes to her rescue, May has no choice but to follow him to safety. At the headquarters of his private security firm, the Bourbon Street Boys, she finds a refuge for the night—and the offer of a job. But it’s not long before a gun-toting stalker isn’t the only complication in May’s life: the more time she spends with Ozzie, the less she can deny that they’ve got some serious chemistry. A wrong number got her into this mess…Will it also get her the right guy?
One wrong text sends prissy, photographer May Wexler and her little chihuahua, Felix into a bar where they end up needing a rescue by a not-so-white-Knight. And when her night goes from bad to worse, she finds herself in their Bourbon Street Boys Security Team headquarters with his quirky team of friends Dev, Thibault, Lucky, and Toni. The situation she stumbled into is part of an ongoing op and they can kill two birds with one stone if they can work on bringing down the bad guys that now have it in for her too. Soon she is becoming part of the team, learning new skills, and becoming more and more attracted to her reluctant savior, Ozzie.

She's a girly-girl, clueless, goofy, awkward, and sassy. She's got skills with a camera, but not much with men. This is a whole new exciting world for her that previously just involved boring wedding and portrait photography and helping her sister Jenny wrangle her kids. But it makes her feel alive and useful.

Ozzie tries hard to be intimidating and stoic, and he's used to people listening to his orders. But something about her and the way she challenges him makes him respond to her. Underneath his alpha, bad ass outer core, he's a protective teddy bear with a sense of humor.

They flirt, they tease, they confuse each other. There is definite sexual tension. But there are also some changing team dynamics as well as danger and threats lurking. As the team try to keep her physically safe, should she be guarding her heart from Ozzie?

I liked May's unfiltered, quirky point of view. She is one of those characters that thinks a mile a minute and sometimes her thoughts come out of her mouth even when she does not want them too. She is a bit impulsive and does not always make smart decisions. Sometimes she came off as immature, but she also had a natural ability for solving issues too.

I really wish we got Ozzie's point of view to play off of as well because I would have liked to get into his head. He was a man of few words so sometimes I felt that interfered with my connection to him and in return their connection. It seemed they had this build up of confusion and tension, then all of a sudden went at lightning speed.  I felt like they needed more development, depth, and emotion to be believable. The ending was a bit rushed and one situation in particular seemed to be crammed in just to give us something to deal with in one of the upcoming books.

I really liked the team dynamics and all the side characters including their two crazy dogs. It was cute, humorous, fun, and had a bit of danger of suspense. It was a light and easy read that had me smiling at parts and shaking my head at others. I am looking forward to books with the other team members, I already have some match ups in my head.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 
May is way over her head, so far outside her comfort zone she can hardly cope. But that’s what happens when you answer a mistaken text and wind up in the wrong place and the wrong time.

My biggest hangup for this book was May herself. I had a really hard time with her reactions, both in stressful/dangerous situations and in everyday scenes. She seemed to fret about silly things in normal situations, but when stress or danger threatens she makes ridiculous decisions that only make her situation worse. And her outbursts when threatened made it even harder to like her. It felt like she wanted to make her life more difficult.

She did grow on me, in her own way. Her tenacity and the strength she found made it possible for her to hang on and try to claim a spot in the world in which she finds herself. Though her decisions annoyed me, I appreciated her determination to succeed and prove herself.

But I loved Ozzie completely. I wasn’t sure when he was first described physically if I would really like him, but between his taciturn nature, his cooking, and the sense of humor he hides under the stony exterior (and what an exterior!) he was a highlight in this book. I loved the way he was with his dog, and how he could handle any of the situations thrown at him without losing his cool (except where May was concerned).

There is a great group of side characters around May and Ozzie. The Bourbon Street Boys are introduced and developed subtly, my favorite way to get to know characters in an interconnected series. With a few exceptions, readers get just enough about Thibault, Toni, Dev, and Lucky without pulling attention away from May and Ozzie. Even the dogs play a role in keeping the story light and fun -- though their relationship is much smoother than that of their owners.

This was a fun, humorous story. I found myself laughing and rolling my eyes at the antics, whether they were outright funny situations or bits that became running gags. I enjoyed this easy, light read, especially once I was able to move past May’s somewhat off the wall decision making process. 
I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Elle Casey is a prolific, NEW YORK TIMES and USA TODAY bestselling American writer who lives in Southern France with her husband, three kids, and several furry friends. She writes in several genres and publishes an average of one full-length novel per month.

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