
Release Blitz and Review: Screwed: K.M. Neuhold

by - Wednesday, September 02, 2020

K.M. Neuhold
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Release Date Septemer 2, 2020

I've had my fair share of less than proud relationship moments, but waking up married to my brother-in-law's best friend is a new low.

A drunken wedding to a man who already rejected me once? Check. A hefty bet about how long it will last? Check. My feisty new husband, determined to make our friends pay up? Double check.

I've never managed to make a real relationship last nearly a year, there's no way Daniel will stick around long enough to win this bet. The only problem is the longer he stays, the more the lines blur between what's real and what's for show. Does he feel it too or am I totally screwed?

***Screwed is a woke up married, faking it to their friends but also totally hooking up, sweet, STEAMY love story that happens to be the fourth book in the Four Bears Construction series. There are no bear shifters in this series, only the OTHER kind of bears.

 Shhh...Don't tell the others, but Ollie and Daniel are my favorites!

Ollie is the big, burly, bearded teddy bear with a heart of gold who has been looking for love in apparently all the wrong places. He has already scored a trifecta of quickie marriages and divorces, but has recently been trying to reevaluate. But all of his friends, and even his previously anti-commitment brother, Cole, have found love recently and it just makes Ollie feel worse. 

Daniel is best friends with Cole's fiance', Ren. He is fashionable, put together, cynical, and relationship-averse. He does not do serious and guards his heart. He and Ollie have shared a few moments but Daniel has rejected anything more.

When Vegas+Tequila lead to questionable decisions, the boys are determined to prove to their friends that they know exactly what they are doing...and if they can win some money off their wager loving friends, then that is even better. So why not have their own fake Hawaiin honeymoon with their friends and let the games begin. 

Ollie is romantic, sweet, easy-going, and just adorable. I love him so much! He has always been so self-sacrificing and it is even better when he starts to stand up for himself. Daniel is flirty, hot, vibrant, and outgoing. But he has such a deep fear of intimacy and emotions that it holds him back.  Their chemistry is on point, but their outlooks on real relationships could not be farther apart. They enjoy each other to the fullest on vacations and then cool down at home. But back-and-forth and sexual tension while playing house might just be blurring the lines. It is a gradual process, but they are also learning more about themselves along the way and what they actually need to be happy. 

This is a sweet, sexy, oops-we-got-married story with a lot of laughs and heart. It is about trust, friendship, showing vulnerability, and finding a way to be happy with yourself so you can begin to love someone else. These guys bring the snark, the heat, the smiles, and the motherducking swoon! I enjoyed the fact that it did not go quite the way I predicted and I was pleasantly surprised how things resolved. 

This brings back all of the fun couples from Four Bears Construction who I have become quite attached to. They are hilarious and love to tease each other, but they are also supportive when they need to be. A new guy is also introduced...keep them coming! Looking forward to more with West, Sawyer, and Miller. 

The special add on bonus scene was perfect! I really needed that! My heart is happy! 

“You know what will make you feel better than booze? Dancing.” He doesn’t even wait for my response before grabbing my arm and hauling me out of my seat. I stumble a little, the four shots I took in quick succession going straight to my head. 
Daniel slips his hand into mine without hesitation. His skin is warm and his palm is soft and smooth in contrast to my own. He’s slight, but his grip is strong, and he seems to have a special talent for making people get the hell out of his way, never slowing his steps as he parts the crowd and leads me to the makeshift dance floor. 
He turns to face me as soon as we find an open space. In an instant, I watch as the prim, proper man I thought he was slips away, replaced by a man who’s smiling like a mad man and dancing like he’s trying to earn next month’s rent, swinging his hips from side to side and shaking his ass. It’s enough to lift the heaviness from my chest, a smile breaking over my face as I join him in swaying to the beat of the fast paced song. 
“There’s a smile,” he says, reaching over and running his fingers through my thick beard with too much familiarity and not enough all at once. Why did I decide Daniel wasn’t my type again? Because right now I’m pretty sure he’s checking every box I can think of. “Don’t worry about that douche, okay? You were too good for him anyway.”
I chuckle. “You hardly know me. Maybe I’m a douche too,” I challenge.
“I know enough,” he shouts over the music, spinning around so his ass is toward me and swiveling his hips invitingly. He turns his head, looking at me over his shoulder, and winks. 
His ass looks tight and firm, perfect to dig my fingers into, to spread his cheeks apart and bury my face between them. My cock perks up, pressing against the zipper of my jeans. 
The song changes to one with a slower tempo, and Daniel turns back to face me again, stepping closer and looping his arms around my neck without hesitation, pressing his body against mine. I roll with it, wrapping my arms around his middle and swaying to the song with him. 
“So, what’s the deal? Do you have shitty taste or bad luck?” he asks conversationally. 
“Both?” It wasn’t intended to sound like a question, but fuck if I know. Maybe I’m cursed. Or maybe a happy ending was never in the cards for me to begin with.
Daniel bobs his head in understanding. “Relationships are bullshit.”
“You don’t mean that,” I argue, tilting my head back at Ren and Cole. “Look how happy they are. That’s not bullshit.”
“They’re freaks,” he says with a laugh. “The way I see it, it’s like winning the lottery. Do some people win? Of course. But it’s only enough people to keep the rest of us scratching duds the rest of our lives.” 
“That’s goddamn depressing,” I sigh. 
“Shit, I’m supposed to be cheering you up, not making it worse,” he says, pulling an apologetic face. “What I meant was everyone totally finds their soulmate and lives happily ever after. If they didn’t, then we’d all have to sue rom coms and like boycott all music, and hell, I don’t know, the Fleshjack company would go out of business.”
“I’m not sure that any of that checks out, but thanks for trying.” 

Four Bears Construction
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​K.M. Neuhold is a complete romance junkie, a total sap in every way. She started her journey as an author in new adult, straight romance, but after a chance reading of an MM book she was completely hooked on everything about lovely- and sometimes damaged- men finding their Happily Ever After together.
She has a strong passion for writing characters with a lot of heart and soul, and a bit of humor as well. And she fully admits that her OCD tendencies of making sure every side character has a full backstory will likely always lead to every book having a spin-off or series.

When she’s not writing, she’s a lion tamer, an astronaut, and a superhero…just kidding, she’s likely watching Netflix and snuggling with her husky, Lola, while her amazing husband brings her coffee.

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