
Reckless: S.C. Stephens

by - Friday, March 08, 2013

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Thoughtless(book 1): Goodreads/Amazon/Barnes and Noble
Effortless(book 2): Goodreads/Amazon/Barnes and Noble

Can love survive when life gets Reckless?

When the band hits it big, Kiera and Kellan must ask themselves: Can their love for each other survive the constant pressures of superstardom? The friendships they've formed, the new family they've found, and the history they've forged will all play a part in helping them navigate the turbulent waters of the band's exploding popularity. A greedy executive hell-bent on success, a declining pop star looking for an edge, and a media circus that twists lies into truths are just some of the obstacles the lovers will have to overcome if they are going to remain together. Fame comes with a price-but will it cost Kiera and Kellan everything?

"Everyone eventually falls for the two of you together. You're meant to be."

The end of this trilogy was all I could ask for. It had enough drama to keep it interesting, but many positive and happy things too.

I have to admit the first couple of chapters, I was a little worried because it seemed like we were heading down the road to angst again and typical Kiera theatrics. And I was a little bugged about them going on and on about being "married" when it was not really an official marriage. But things started falling into place. We find Kellan and Kiera in a much better place as a couple.

Kellan just gets better and better every book. His dedication to Kiera and his friends, his passion, his ability to be vulnerable(and cry) and to feel so deeply make him such an amazing character. He knows who he is and what he wants and is loyal to a fault. His charisma, magnetic personality, and intensity just radiate of the pages. He has come so far from the man we met in Thoughtless that didn't really know what love felt like.

...my rock-star sweetheart, whose searing good looks were insignificant in comparison to the beauty inside his soul. He was as close to perfect as one human being could be, and he was mine.
I've never been a big Kiera fan but she won me over in this book. She has grown so much in her maturity level and confidence in herself and Kellan. I really liked that she was able to look back at how she acted in previous situations and could see how immature and wrong she was. She became stronger, braver, confidant, and more tolerant. I really felt that she came into to her own in this book and ended up as good match for Kellan.

It was easy to see my many mistakes. There were points when I had been whiny, clingy, petty, wishy washy....downright annoying. Seeing all of my flaws laid bare was a humbling experience...I wasn't that weak pathetic girl anymore. I knew what I wanted, and and it was him.
I felt like they really grew as a couple. And this book was more about them against the world than them against each other. They have trials and tribulations to go through, but I loved how they pulled together. They are sweet, hot, passionate, supportive, and loving.

My journey here had been tumultuous at best, but it was worth every scrape, heartache, and tear. Kellan and I were who we are now because of it. We'd learned to open up to each other, to trust each other, to face the world together. 

You'll never know how incredible you are to me, how desperately I love you. I would do it all over again if I needed to. I'd go back to the beginning for you.

And this book is also about the secondary characters: the band members and their significant others, her sister Anna, and their families. I absolutely loved the continuation of Griffin and Anna's story. They are so outspoken and hilarious. He uses the F word in just about every sentence and is just such an adorable mess. Watching them navigate the changes in their lives was a great part of the story. I was glad that Denny is also a part of this book and that they continued to come to terms with the past and move on to the future. It was also a journey about Kellan becoming part of a family with both Kiera's family and his own biological father and siblings dynamic.

This story is about going after your dreams, but staying true to yourself. And about knowing what your values are, holding on to them, and holding on to those people that you care about. 

There are moments that make you gasp make you sigh make you cry and give you goosebumps. You will be angered, moved, thrilled, horrified, satisfied, and totally fall in love with these characters all over again. It was the perfect end to this wonderful trilogy. It will be hard to let Kellan go. He really is the perfect Book Boyfriend.

Follow S. C. Stephens 

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