
Release Blitz, Review, and Giveaway: Temperance: Ella Frank

by - Monday, January 12, 2015

Temperance (The Arcanian Chronicles #1)
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“Tell me about this place. This…Arcania.”

What if your life as you knew it ceased to exist?

That is the question Naeve Brannigan and her three sisters are faced with on the eve of their 25th birthday.

Continuing a tradition they’ve hidden from their mother for years, the four women arrive at a tarot shop to have their futures told.
Only this time their futures aren’t predicted—they’re forever changed.

They’ve awoken in a strange time and place with no knowledge of how they got there. All they have to go by is the word of a man who claims to be family—a family they’ve never heard of.

He tells them of a world they could never have imagined. One that has been cursed by an Empress fueled by old revenge—revenge their mother appears to be at the center of.

As they fight to survive the people and dangers of an unknown land, they slowly begin to unravel its mysteries to find that they hold the key to saving this world…this Arcania.

The question that remains for each of them is: Who do you become when the you that you always were is no longer?
View the Trailer

“Don’t. Make. A. Sound.”
The low, gravelly voice reverberated through her as she felt a tear escape the corner of her eye. The arm that was banded across her chest was full-on muscle as it easily held her in place against a body that was as impenetrable as a brick wall.
Naeve didn’t move a muscle, but she lowered her eyes the best she could and saw a black leather glove that went halfway up that thick forearm. As the hand on her right shoulder tightened, she grimaced and felt the tip of the knife press against her throat.
“Where is your other sister?”
Naeve remained silent, not sure she could even remember how to speak, and then she felt those fingers grip her shoulder harder as they spun her around and pulled her up close.
The sight that greeted her was like something from her worst nightmare.
She couldn’t have imagined ever feeling the terror she felt right then. For that reason alone, she’d never known that her response would be to become one hundred percent paralyzed.
As she stared up at the towering figure before her, she had to wonder if maybe she was already dead and he’d been sent to collect her. Cloaked from head to toe in nothing but black, he almost blended into the shadows except for the shiny blade he had pointed at her throat. She couldn’t make out a face behind the hood and mask, but all she continued to hope was that, if he planned to kill her, he’d do it fast.

"Close your eyes and hear my tale. Let us see who you are. And as the sun rises in the East, you'll have traveled very far..."

Two worlds...past and present...now irrevocably linked together. One on a downward spiral due to betrayal, destruction, and disease. A hope for renewal and rebuilding lies with four sisters thrust into this mysterious world they know nothing about. A world with Commanders, Knights, Empresses, Magicians, Castles and desolate forests. 

New worlds, magical people, scary hunters, and now...a castle? It was starting to feel like a twisted kind of fairytale--one she wanted to wake the heck up from.

This is a sweeping adventure spanning two worlds, one family, and time. Relationships will be forged and some will be broken. The inevitable battle between good and evil is being waged, but there are so many variances of the two, and so many different factors involved. Individuals and bonds will be tested. Entire belief systems will be challenged. And there are many things to discover about themselves, each other, and this strange new place.

"Who do you become when the you that you always were is no longer?"

This is told in multiple points of view of all of the main characters so we can see their innermost thoughts and feelings. There are several sets of siblings as the main characters all with interesting personalities, strengths, and some with abilities. The mistakes of the older generation Maeve, Seraphine, Li'Am, and Rhiannon are filtering down to the next generation. Now Naeve, Siobhan, Fiona, and Audra are facing challenges beyond their wildest dreams. And along the way they meet some fascinating men: Bastian, a mercurial man with mystical powers...Ry'Ker, a stoic Imperial Guard and Mala'Kai, his dark and brooding brother...and Ai'Den, a young, powerful  healer. They all intrigued me and I enjoyed the varying interactions and dynamics between all of them. I totally fell for Kai, Ry'Ker, and even Bastian. Some romantic relationships and sexual tension are already building and I cannot wait to see how she develops the relationships even more in further installments. 

I was completely sucked in and transported into Arcania. I became totally invested in the characters and their plight. The story line is unique, intricate, and engaging. But it is hard to review this type of book without giving too much away. But it is full of mystery, danger, suspense, revenge, curses, fantasy, sexual tension, magic, and action. The characters are complex and well developed. The setting and heirarchy is so detailed that you can understand this other culture's rules and easily envision all of the things beautiful or bad in it. The dynamics between the characters are entertaining and interesting, and they have strong reactions to each other whether it be fear, confusion, attraction, lust, or hate. At times there is witty banter that makes you laugh and at other times there are dangerous, romantic, steamy or heartbreaking situations. It is truly an engaging adventure with many layers, multiple story lines and relationships building, factions and relatives fighting, secrets, and hidden agendas.

I don't usually read many fantasy books, but I was intrigued because I am a huge Ella Frank fan. And I think she did an amazing job in creating an unforgettable realm and characters. I felt like I had been on an incredible journey with these characters but there is still more story to tell. I can't wait for the next installment. I want to go back to Arcania asap!

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Ella Frank Website/Blog/Facebook/Twitter/Goodreads/PinterestInstagram @Ellafrank1
Ella Frank is a #1 Amazon Bestselling Author. She writes both contemporary and erotic fiction and is best known for her Exquisite Series, M/M Temptation Series, and her most recent novel Veiled Innocence.
The minute she began her love affair with reading, she became and avid supporter of the romance genre and has never looked back.
Ella is Australian born and bred but currently resides in Houston, Texas with her husband.

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