Double Time Olivia Cunning

Olivia Cunning delivers the perfect blend of steamy sex, heartwarming romance, and a wicked sense of humor in this menage story featuring the hottest guy in the Sinners band.
Trey Mills, the notoriously sexy Sinners rhythm guitarist, gives up his bisexual lifestyle and is swept into a hot, heady romance with Reagan Elliot, a female rock star sensation. But when Trey encounters Reagan's sexy bisexual roommate, Ethan Conner, he can no longer deny who he is or what he wants. Reagan heartily agrees to a solution that opens up a hot new world of sexual experience--and love--with the two men she wants the most.
Kim's Rating:
4 out of 5 Stars
Kim's Review:
Some of my fave quotes:
Reagan: "You make me feel whole...Like that piece that's always been missing has been filled. I didn't even know it was there until you touched on it."
Trey: " I feel... connected." ..."Like I need you in order the recognize my true self."
Trey: " All right. I'll leave my one true love at the mercy of four badass metal heads, but I won't like it."
Dare: "She's a tough chick. She'll be fine. Don't be her crutch. Be her champion."
Myrna to Trey: "You look happy, sweetie. Did you just eat a cherry Pie?"
Brian: "He's in love."
Kim's review from a previous post...
Trey has always been one of my favorites in the Sinners series so I was glad his story was being told. It was an odd choice of the publishers to release this book 3rd since it is chronologically really the 5th book. It gives away things that happen in Jace's (book 3) and Eric's (book 4) stories, but I guess that just means we got to see more Trey earlier than we would have.
Trey has always been one of my favorites in the Sinners series so I was glad his story was being told. It was an odd choice of the publishers to release this book 3rd since it is chronologically really the 5th book. It gives away things that happen in Jace's (book 3) and Eric's (book 4) stories, but I guess that just means we got to see more Trey earlier than we would have.
I really liked Trey's journey of trying to get over what he could not
have, opening himself up and finding someone else to care about. I
thought Reagan was a good match for Trey in that they shared chemistry
off and onstage and she would not allow him to just go through the
motions. She matched him in her desires, challenged him feel again, and
made him want to have more. I liked that she was able to get over her
own insecurities and allow Trey to be true to himself even
before realizing that it would also benefit her in the long run. I liked
how Trey tried so hard to fight for their relationship and change for
her...and did not take her initial sacrifice lightly or selfishly. I
really liked hot alpha Ethan and his interactions with each of them. I
will have to admit that the story was bogged down with so much sex that
about 3/4 of the way, I really just wanted them to take a rest break.
I was really interested in getting to more of the story. But it is a
Sinners book after all, so that was not unexpected.
Most of all I enjoyed having the other characters back and seeing their
progression in their relationships. And also getting to know Dare and
Exodus End more. I am glad she is making a series for them.
Some of my fave quotes:
Reagan: "You make me feel whole...Like that piece that's always been missing has been filled. I didn't even know it was there until you touched on it."
Trey: " I feel... connected." ..."Like I need you in order the recognize my true self."
Trey: " All right. I'll leave my one true love at the mercy of four badass metal heads, but I won't like it."
Dare: "She's a tough chick. She'll be fine. Don't be her crutch. Be her champion."
Myrna to Trey: "You look happy, sweetie. Did you just eat a cherry Pie?"
Brian: "He's in love."
Tammy's Rating:
3 out of 5 Stars
Tammy's Review:
3 out of 5 Stars
Tammy's Review:
I could totally not wait to get my grubby little hands on Trey’s book.
Can we say wicked excited!! Out of all the Sinner’s Trey just does it
for me. Our boy who stays as far away from anything resembling emotions
and attachments LOVES to cuddle! He is hot, he is so so naughty, the boy
has tats, and he is in a band to boot, what is not there to like?
“His lips tasted of cherry and some unique flavor that could only be described as Trey-licious.”
Unfortunately, I asked myself this over and over, as I read his story. Trey worked his story, but his connection with Ethan and Reagan did not come close to working for me. Not sure why, could have been the instant love, or maybe the plot that was covered up with a lot of sex and I mean a lot. I have a really hard time connecting to stories like this. I need to feel my characters and I cannot do this if they practically never leave the bedroom long enough for you to see them with clothes on. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the author and the way she wrote the book this is personal opinion. Please give Trey a chance, you may just find this book works perfect for you. I would totally recommend this book!
“I'm going to let myself love you now. Don't freak out on me."
Trey finally decided to move on from Brian. With Brian being married and totally in love with his wife Trey realizes that he does not stand a chance. This leaves him feeling lost and alone. He vows to give up half of his self. The side that loves being with a man, yes for those who may never have read this series Trey is not just a naught little rock god, he is also sexy as all get out and bi. Enter Reagan, rock goddess. With her, he could forget his true self or so he thought.
“Love him enough for the both of us.”
Reagan is absolutely clueless to Trey’s true nature and is instantly attracted to him. I love Reagan’s personality, but she could also sometimes be whiny. She always had something quick and witty to say. With Reagan, what you saw was what you got. She had some issues from being cheated on by her past boyfriend/best friend. Ethan cheated on her with another man. This causes some emotional problems for Trey and his eagerness to hide who he truly is. I really thought they were great together… friends! I felt all kinds of connection outside the bedroom, inside not so much. Does not matter how much sex someone has you cannot force a connection especially “love” just because you cannot leave the bedroom. Now if we talk about chemistry inside the room I would say Ethan nailed that. Literally! Again, however, the chemistry was sexy, it was lacking again outside the bedroom. Ethan saw Trey and just knew he had to have him. He was stopping at nothing to get him, even making the move with his girl Reagan in the next room. When Reagan finally finds out Trey needs a man to complete his other half she freaks out. Until in Reagan fashion, she looks to Ethan for help. When they discuss Ethan being bi, and Trey being bi everything works out great for her.
“You're putting the stipulation on me that if I want a man, it has to be Ethan.”
To me I felt the true real love coming from Reagan and Ethan towards each other. It did not feel instant with them. They needed each other. I felt sad for Trey through most of the book. Yeah he was getting over Brian, but I do not know if he found his true love.
My favorite part about this book was that Trey got an unconventional HEA. When I heard that Olivia was introducing a chick into the mix as his main squeeze, I thought oh no! We all know Trey is bi, but seriously, he is in love with his best friend who is male! He has fantasies about his male best friend. My thoughts were Trey needs a male for his HEA. Not a chick. Nothing else will ever work. How very wrong could I be? Olivia rocked it. She gave Trey everything he needed and more. While I had a hard time connecting on an emotional level with the characters, I loved that she ended it with Trey being true to his self, and both Ethan and Reagan giving him the space to do this.
“I feel... connected." ..."Like I need you in order to recognize my true self."
I was provided with this book from the publisher for free via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!
“His lips tasted of cherry and some unique flavor that could only be described as Trey-licious.”
Unfortunately, I asked myself this over and over, as I read his story. Trey worked his story, but his connection with Ethan and Reagan did not come close to working for me. Not sure why, could have been the instant love, or maybe the plot that was covered up with a lot of sex and I mean a lot. I have a really hard time connecting to stories like this. I need to feel my characters and I cannot do this if they practically never leave the bedroom long enough for you to see them with clothes on. This has absolutely NOTHING to do with the author and the way she wrote the book this is personal opinion. Please give Trey a chance, you may just find this book works perfect for you. I would totally recommend this book!
“I'm going to let myself love you now. Don't freak out on me."
Trey finally decided to move on from Brian. With Brian being married and totally in love with his wife Trey realizes that he does not stand a chance. This leaves him feeling lost and alone. He vows to give up half of his self. The side that loves being with a man, yes for those who may never have read this series Trey is not just a naught little rock god, he is also sexy as all get out and bi. Enter Reagan, rock goddess. With her, he could forget his true self or so he thought.
“Love him enough for the both of us.”
Reagan is absolutely clueless to Trey’s true nature and is instantly attracted to him. I love Reagan’s personality, but she could also sometimes be whiny. She always had something quick and witty to say. With Reagan, what you saw was what you got. She had some issues from being cheated on by her past boyfriend/best friend. Ethan cheated on her with another man. This causes some emotional problems for Trey and his eagerness to hide who he truly is. I really thought they were great together… friends! I felt all kinds of connection outside the bedroom, inside not so much. Does not matter how much sex someone has you cannot force a connection especially “love” just because you cannot leave the bedroom. Now if we talk about chemistry inside the room I would say Ethan nailed that. Literally! Again, however, the chemistry was sexy, it was lacking again outside the bedroom. Ethan saw Trey and just knew he had to have him. He was stopping at nothing to get him, even making the move with his girl Reagan in the next room. When Reagan finally finds out Trey needs a man to complete his other half she freaks out. Until in Reagan fashion, she looks to Ethan for help. When they discuss Ethan being bi, and Trey being bi everything works out great for her.
“You're putting the stipulation on me that if I want a man, it has to be Ethan.”
To me I felt the true real love coming from Reagan and Ethan towards each other. It did not feel instant with them. They needed each other. I felt sad for Trey through most of the book. Yeah he was getting over Brian, but I do not know if he found his true love.
My favorite part about this book was that Trey got an unconventional HEA. When I heard that Olivia was introducing a chick into the mix as his main squeeze, I thought oh no! We all know Trey is bi, but seriously, he is in love with his best friend who is male! He has fantasies about his male best friend. My thoughts were Trey needs a male for his HEA. Not a chick. Nothing else will ever work. How very wrong could I be? Olivia rocked it. She gave Trey everything he needed and more. While I had a hard time connecting on an emotional level with the characters, I loved that she ended it with Trey being true to his self, and both Ethan and Reagan giving him the space to do this.
“I feel... connected." ..."Like I need you in order to recognize my true self."
I was provided with this book from the publisher for free via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review, thank you!