
Blog Tour & Giveaway: Offside: Bianca Sommerland

by - Wednesday, April 17, 2013

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A pace ahead of the play can send you back to the start. And put everything you’ve worked for at risk.

Single mother and submissive Rebecca Bower abandoned her career as a sports reporter to become a media consultant with her brother’s hockey team. A failed marriage to a selfish man makes her wary of getting involved with another. Unfortunately, chemistry is hard to deny, and all her hormones are dancing when she gets close to the Cobra’s sniper, Scott Demyan.

Zachary Pearce ‘came out’ to the world last season to shift attention away from a teammate. And his one night with Scott Demyan had been unsettling. There could be more there, if only Scott was a different person. Instead, a night of sensual BDSM play with Becky leaves him wanting more, but she thinks he’s gay and questions his interest. It’s been a long time since a woman has attracted him both as a man and a Dom, and he’ll do everything in his power to prove she’s the only one he needs. Or wants. His one time with Scott was a mistake.

Scott might have forgotten what happened in his childhood, but the effects linger, and he specializes in drunken one-night stands…until he meets Zach and Becky and sees what he’s missing. But neither one believes Scott can be faithful. Although he’s trying hard to clean up his act to avoid getting kicked off the team, they want more from him. He’s willing to make changes, but the most important one—putting their happiness before his own—means he’ll probably end up alone.

Wow, not quite sure where to start with Offside. I was bouncing back and forth between 4 and 4.5 for the rating. There were parts I loved and then parts I was a little unsure about. Sometimes it got a little overwhelming with the 3-4 different sets of couples. However, it was still a fun read for me, and it still sits high on my list of fave series. There is just something fun about alpha males, ménages, friends, family, romance, drama, AND a HOCKEY team full of DOMS.

When I came across book four, I was wicked excited to see that it would be Zach and Scott's story. They grew on me throughout the other books, and Zach captured my attention and my curiosity when he came out to the public to take the spotlight off another team member. Nevertheless, I also had mixed feelings about it because of the cliffhanger book three ended with. I didn't want to see what the author would do with Sloan's character. He is my fave Cobra, so I can honestly say my heart has been sitting in my stomach while I waited to find out where Bianca was going with that story line. That was one of my dislikes in Offside. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who may be waiting to see the outcome, so will leave it at that.

Scott has slipped into my number one spot in this series. Thank you Bianca for giving Scott a book, a back story, and so many different dimensions to our resident bad boy. If you have read the other books (which I highly suggest otherwise you will be lost if you try to read this as a standalone) then you know Scott is a major ass and he is a male slut. Player isn't a strong enough word to describe him. Bianca opens up Offside with a scene that gets him kicked out of Tyler's house, proving exactly that point. Scott grew through this book, and my heart broke for him on multiple occasions.  His journey to "prove he could be worthy" was a hard road, often frustrating. I felt like he didn't actually get the recognition he deserved at times, and he felt like second fiddle. I totally get why Zach and Becky (not always a huge fan of hers) were hesitant, but there were times I was like seriously. You call that love. If they were real people in front of me, I would have told them to put their big boy/girl panties on and get the hell over themselves. Can you tell Scott has taken a special spot in my heart? Scott had his reasons for his behaviors and when I learned them, I just wanted to scoop him up and let him know he was loved. Zach and Becky be damned, although if I am being honest I loved the way they handled Scott's past.

Zach, oh boy Zach. He surprised me the most. Not sure why, he just did.  There was nothing about him that disappointed. Bianca gave us a Dom with insecurities, vulnerability, possessiveness, tenderness, AND faults. She portrayed him as a human. I say this in the sense that many times when we read about a Dom he has it all together, very rarely do you see his vulnerability and mistakes. They have to be so strong and in totally control of themselves in order to provide properly for their subs. It was nice to see his control slip while watching him struggle through uncharted territory. When he showed those moments of alpha mixed with tenderness, I thought I would wet my panties. He delivered, on more than one occasion. Zach was perfect when he took over and tried to take care of those he loved, his patience showed no bounds. Same as his loyalty and love.

Silver, Landon, and Dean. I needed a separate story for their updates. Their updates felt like they were just stuck in and sometimes over took the main characters. I loved reading about them don't get me wrong but I would of loved it even more if they had their own short story so Bianca could have delved in more. These three bring a lot of chemistry and intensity to the table. Being able to experience their intensity first hand instead of being told or watching it unfold from the "sidelines" would have made a bigger impact on me. I would have cared more that Silver had some serious issues going on in that mind of hers. As it was, I felt "sad" for Landon and Dean, but all I really wanted was to get back to Zach and Scott. However, I am glad that they came to a happy conclusion towards the end. Out of all four books they are my favorite "triple," with the other books I usually only like two out of the three.

With that being said, here is where I felt disappointed a bit, only a bit now. Zach, Rebecca, and Scott. I had a love/hate relationship with this trio. I adored Zach and Scott, I adored Zach and Becky (at times), who I didn't adore was Scott and Becky. I did not feel their chemistry. I honestly could not picture them together through the first half and it seemed like Scott was sometimes an afterthought for her. I mean I felt their "friendship" but not their intensity as a "couple." Towards the end, they grew on me, but at first yeah it felt a little off. His place in this ménage felt more like a third wheel at moments.

Now Zach and Scott (give me a second to cool down...fanning myself). Every scene between them held me captive and at full attention. His chemistry with Scott was off the charts. It was hella fun watching Zach try to control his Dom urges around Scott, while Scott continuously reminded him that he didn't swing that way.

Ok now you know why I was on the fence, but want to know what won me over the most with this story and slid this story into a 4.5 rating? Casey, Becky's daughter. Yeah I enjoyed hanging out with the gang and I definitely enjoyed getting to see Zach and Scott find their HEA, but the minute Casey started to interact with these two I was captivated. The men were absolutely AMAZING with her. Both of them. Zach and Scott were meant to raise a child together and I couldn't help but smile huge while reading those parts.
Website/Facebook/Twitter @ BSommerland/Goodreads

Tell you about me? Hmm, well there's not much to say. I love hockey and cars and my kids…not in that order of course! Lol! When I'm not writing—which isn't often—I'm usually watching a game or a car show while working on promo. Going out with my kids is my only down time. I get to clear my head and forget everything.

As for when and why I first started writing, I guess I thought I'd get extra cookies if I was quiet for awhile—that's how young I was. I used to bring my grandmother barely legible pages filled with tales of evil unicorns. She told me then that I would be a famous author.

I hope one day to prove her right.

Giveaway: 2 Giveaways (follow correct directions for each one)

Giveaway  for Reviews By Tammy & Kim: 

Leave comment on this post with your email address for a chance to win a ecopy of Offside. 

Grand Prize for all of Tour :

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  1. Great Giveaway!! Great Review!

  2. Best part about hockey to me is when there isnt any fighting..lol

  3. I've never read any sports romances. I usually read Paranormal or Suspenseful romances. I do like to watch Hockey tho. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. i am with you on a lot of what you said.but the thing that made me a lot upset was dominic.that story took a lot away for me on the zach scott and becky story.now i love all the books and i gave it 5 stars.but i am not sure i want to read it again,i am willing to wait for the next stories and how this plays out.these are great books and i love them.hope the next one will be out soon

  5. I love Scott!!! Dominik is the man!! Bet ya can't tell who my favorites are. :p

  6. I've actually never read a hockey romance- I'll let you know after I read this!! :)
