
Run To You: Rachel Gibson

by - Tuesday, September 24, 2013

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Rachel Gibson, New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me, returns to Texas for the second of her Military Men series, with the tale of what happens when a tough guy meets his match--and falls harder than a ton of red-hot bricks. . .

From Rachel Gibson, New York Times bestselling author of Rescue Me, comes her latest sexy contemporary novel, featuring a hot Navy SEAL and a woman on the run.

There's nothing like fleeing Miami to ruin a girl's day.

Stella Leon's bartending gig was going fine until gorgeous ex-Marine Beau Junger decked her mob-connected boss, spirited her out of the city, and claimed that Stella's half-sister—the one with the perfect life—sent him. Now Stella has no choice but to go along for the ride . . . and seduce
Beau's military-issue socks off . . .

The Marine Corps was Beau's escape from his old man's legacy of naval heroism and serial philandering, but no amount of training could prepare him for the day he looked in the mirror and saw his father staring back. The answer: swear off meaningless sex. Oh, and find a way to make Stella Leon quit being so damn hot . . .

Sadly, I am very torn, I am really not sure how to rate Run To You. I am a HUGE fan of Rachel's, heck I own 90% of her books. Just not sure if I am liking the new style of story telling, she has taken on. Run to you felt as though it was missing something, I'm not sure what though. I know that may not be very helpful for those looking to see if they should read this book or not, and for that I am sorry. Run To You left me missing and craving the older writings of Rachel. 

What I loved:
   * Beau! Hands down Beau ruled this story. LOVED him to death. I love a strong silent type. Beau's best feature was the fact that he didn't have to say a lot to get his point across, but when he did I found myself cracking up and giggling like crazy. This bad boy always had a witty come back.  I couldn't eat his dialogue up fast enough, and for me, I wish there had been more.
   *Stella was a quirky fun heroine. She was laced with sassiness and uncertainty. I can't think of a moment in the book where I didn't like her or felt as though she wasn't relatable. On an individual level I adored her, and I think she brought a lot to the table when it came to offering Beau connectable love interest. I enjoyed the fact that while she was uncertain, she wasn't so beaten down that Beau had to build up her entire self-esteem, she just need an added push and to know someone had her back.
   * I know a few readers struggled with the lack of actual conversation between Stella and Beau, (a good chunk of their interaction were inner musings) surprisingly this worked for me. Mainly due to the main characters, as I said Beau was a man of few words. So if Rachel had him carrying on and on I don't think it would have fit his character very well. I really enjoyed the mixed POV's between them. It's always interesting to see romance blossoming from a man's inner workings.
   * The sex scenes for the most part were up to par and hot as hell. There was no doubt once Beau decided to make his move, that he was sex on legs! Holy hell was that man creative with making "no penetration" intriguing and captivating

What I struggled with: 
  * The sex talk. This was my biggest issue. I am not saying this to attack the author or her work (just not quite sure how else to explain it), but it sometimes resembled a cheesy 70's porn film. Which surprised the heck out of me, I kept thinking there was no way Rachel Gibson wrote this.  I have never ever come across one of her males and their dirty talk and been disappointed.  Moreover, I have NEVER once skimmed a Rachel Gibson book until now.

I am going to provide a couple examples, for those of you who are avid Rachel Gibson fans I think you'll get what I am trying to say.
Example 1:
"And, I'm going to eat your little hot pocket..."
What?! Who in the heck talks like that in real life? My children eat Hot Pockets for lunch. Yeah definitely not something I want to picture associated with my vagina.
Example 2:
And, then we had this one...

"My face was closer to your muffin than your gynecologist." 
Really?! I don't know about other woman but for me talk like this just. does. not. work.
No lie, it takes me right out of the scene and leaves me skimming any other future scenes.

   * I really needed a bit more development regarding the characters AND the plot, not sure if I wasn't quite feeling it because I didn't read the first book in this series, but Run To You just didn't hold the same appeal with character chemistry as her previous couples. These two just didn't do it for me. As fun fast friends with benefits, yes, but as soul mates not so much. Again, I just can't quite put my finger on exactly what it was that was missing, as the couple individually had great dialogue, wit, and gravity that pulled you towards them. I just know for my own personal pleasure and enjoyment I needed more oomph; I needed back the old recipe Rachel uses to create her world of characters that I can get lost in and lose time.  When it came to the plot well let’s just say it had a few potential gripping plot lines that should have glued me to my seat, but those just kind of fell flat since they didn't really take off and go anywhere. Honestly, it wrapped up way to nicely, without any real drama or angst. To many questions left unanswered, leaving me unfulfilled at the end.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. It was a quick read, and often times funny. Definitely not a favorite or one I would go to back to as a comfort read. If you are a Rachel Gibson fan, I would definitely recommend it, as it isn't a bad book. However, if you are a first time reader of hers, I would suggest maybe holding off on Run To You. Maybe try out some of her previous books; such as her Chinooks Hockey team (my favorite out of this series is Rob and Kate from The Trouble With Valentine's Day) or Writer Friends (my favorite from this one is Lucy & Quinn from Sex, Lies, and Online Dating) series.

Thank you, edelweiss and Avon, for the opportunity to read and review an ARC of Run to You in exchange for my honest opinion.
About the Author:


Rachel was born in Boise, Idaho, USA. Her father worked for a telephone company, and her mother was a house wife. Idaho has the largest population of Basques outside of the Basque lands of Spain. She grew up with kids with last names like Uberuaga, Berriochoa, and Egisquiza, but years later she discovered the rest of the country didn't really know much about the Basque culture or history.

Rachel's storytelling career began at the age of sixteen when she ran her Chevy Vega into the side of a hill, retrieved the bumper and broken glass from the ground, and drove to her High School parking lot. With the help of her friend, she strategically scattered the broken pieces and told her parents she'd been the victim of a hit and run. They believed her, and she's been telling stories ever since. Afther the High School, she married with Mr. Gibson. At 25, she already had three children. One day, her TV broke, and she read her first romance, The Spanish Rose by Shirlee Busbee, she loved it, and six years later she published her first novel. With the publication in 1998 of New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rachel Gibson's first book, Simply Irresistible, readers discovered one of contemporary romance's freshest voices. Her debut novel was named one of the ten favorite books by the membership of the Romance Writers of America, and other of her three novels were named among the Top Ten Favorite Books of the Year by Romance Writers of America. Her fourth novel, True Confessions, was awarded the RITA, Romance Writers of America's highest honor of excellence. Some of Rachel's other awards and achievements include The Golden Heart Award, the National Reader's Choice, Amazon Editor's Top Pick, Publisher Weekly's Quill nominee and Borders bestselling romantic comedy for 2006. Rachel continues living in her native Boise, and when not writing, Rachel can be found boating on Payette Lake with Mr. Gibson, shopping for shoes, or forcing her love on an ungrateful cat.

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