A Cry for Hope
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Released March 13, 2014

Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard. I am the author of The Exception To The Rule, An Unplanned Lesson and Drowning In Love (releasing July 2013) I am currently working on a sequel to An Unplanned Lesson....stay tuned!
My life is not as interesting as my books or the characters in them, but then again whose life is? I was born and have lived in New Jersey my whole life. I'm a mom of twin teenage boys, a teenage stepson, a crazy Border Collie and a cat with an identity crisis! I guess you can say writing is my form of Calgon! I am married to a wonderful guy - but we'll keep that between us, I don't want him getting a big head!
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Released March 13, 2014
Hope McAdams life as she knew it ended on the same day that her eight year old son’s did.
Eight months later she's trying to regain some semblance of normality, while trying to repair her once perfect marriage to a man who was her best friend, but now a complete stranger. Coming to the painful realization that she must fix the hole that’s deep within her heart, she goes home to the place that she grew up in hopes that time and distance will heal her wounds and lead her back to the man she loves.
Nick Abate is an old friend of Hope’s whose heart is also on the mend. He’s home on leave from the Marines, and when he and Hope reconnect, their friendship picks up right where they left off, years ago.
They both begin to heal and feel whole again with the help of each other. But when their friendship crosses the line, will Hope be able to forgive herself and move on, or will the guilt that she is harboring once again cause her to slip back into the place that she has just escaped?
They both begin to heal and feel whole again with the help of each other. But when their friendship crosses the line, will Hope be able to forgive herself and move on, or will the guilt that she is harboring once again cause her to slip back into the place that she has just escaped?
What happens when two tortured souls place their trust in each other? Will they find their way back to the ones they love or will their hearts remain connected forever?

This is the story about my family. My beautiful son, my once perfect husband, and finding the courage to live and feel whole again.
This is a heart wrenching, but inspirational story of tragic loss, broken hearts, shattered trust, grief, pain and healing. The subject matter is difficult and painful. The emotions are deep, devastating, and powerful. But it is also a story of healing and finding a path to hope.
This is a heart wrenching, but inspirational story of tragic loss, broken hearts, shattered trust, grief, pain and healing. The subject matter is difficult and painful. The emotions are deep, devastating, and powerful. But it is also a story of healing and finding a path to hope.
Hope is facing the most difficult time of her life. She has suffered a great loss, is floundering, lonely, hurt and broken. She can't find her way back to herself and has lost her biggest support. Her once picture perfect life is crumbling around her. She heads home to her Mom's to regroup and get distance.
"We need to mend our own hearts before we can mend each other's. And in the end, hopefully, we can both be there to put the pieces of us back together..."
At home, she runs into her old childhood friend, Nick. He was her best friend, confidant, and first kiss before he moved away and they lost touch. He is now back from the Marines and facing his own demons. He is also suffering, damaged, and in a state of limbo. My heart broke for him and all he had endured. I loved their close connection. They provide little shreds of humor and happiness for each other in their current darkness. Together they help each other find the strength to face their guilt, loss, and pain. They have such a significant impact on each other's lives.
"I'd be honored to be your soul mate, Hope."
"Good because I seriously don't know where I would be right now if you didn't come back into my life."
"Same here."
It is told in Hope's point of view in past and present, but the past chapters strongly relate to the present ones and are perfectly placed. They give us a window to Hope's happy past with her husband, Jamie and son, Charlie. I really liked Jamie in the flashbacks even though he often disappointed me in the present. It allowed us to see the stark differences in each of them and their relationship past vs. present. But as much as I wanted to dislike him, I couldn't really. Yeah, he made some mistakes and shut down. But he was also lost, hurting, and trying to heal too. And we also learn more about Hope and Nick's past as they reminisce about their younger days illustrating just how deep their connection went.
I really could not decide how I hoped it would all play out. She had such strong connections with both men and each of them meant so much to her. I was attached to both of them. And I just really wanted Hope to heal and find happiness again. Every step she took towards the light showed her inner strength and capacity of love.
Nick had helped me so much, but I knew that it was up to me to completely climb from the dark hole and start living again. I couldn't keep depending on everyone else to be there to pick up the pieces for me. I had to depend on me.
This is a journey of self discovery for these characters. It sucks you in and makes you feel all of it...the despair, loneliness, disappointment, and pain. But also builds you up again with hope, faith, and forgiveness. The characters are flawed and make mistakes, but they own them and deal with them. It was difficult, raw, emotional, painful, and heart breaking. But there were also times of sweetness, humor, love, and joy. There were twists and turns that kept me engaged and at times had me grabbing a tissue. It was beautifully written and flowed effortlessly. I felt like I traveled this difficult road with these characters and felt all the highs, lows, and inbetweens with them. It will be a story that sticks with me and that I will not soon forget.
We caught a glimpse of Jamie's wild, fire-fighter, womanizing younger brother, Will in this one and he will be the subject of a companion novel A Will to Change. I am already intrigued by him and his story.
Thanks to Beth Rinyu for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review
Ever since I can remember, I have always enjoyed Creative Writing. There was always something about being able to travel to a different place or become a different person with just the stroke of a pen - or in today's world a touch of the keyboard. I am the author of The Exception To The Rule, An Unplanned Lesson and Drowning In Love (releasing July 2013) I am currently working on a sequel to An Unplanned Lesson....stay tuned!
Thanks for taking the time to learn about my books and me! If you decide to read them (and I hope you do!) please be sure to go on and review it for me - yes, even if you don't like it!
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