Blog Tour and Giveaway: Leo's Chance: Mia Sheridan

(Sign of Love#2)
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Release June 18, 2013
The follow-up to Leo, the USA Today bestselling novel by Mia Sheridan.
Does everyone deserve a second chance? Even someone who lies and deceives to get it?
Do we all have a second chance coming? Even if we play a part in our own destruction?
How hard would you fight to have a second chance at love? A second chance at life? Another chance to tell your own story?
Every love story has two sides. Evie told hers. This time it's Leo's chance
First of all I must suggest that you read Book one Leo before this book. Leo is in Evie's point of view. This book is the same story in the male point of view but it provides us with much more background and insight into his story. If you have not read Leo, do not read past here in case of spoilers to the story.

I had destroyed every person who had ever tried to love me, and the pain in that realization is so devastating that it feels crushing, constricting, too big to handle.Leo was taught from an early age that he was worthless. But Evie made him feel whole, loved, and that he mattered. As teens, they were deeply connected and shared a special love, but circumstances ripped them apart and they were both left with the consequences.
In this book, we get to see the events from the first book all in Leo's point of view as well as learn more about what happened to him after they were separated. His journey was painful, tragic, desperate, and gut wrenching. I felt his pain, his loss, and his despair. But I loved getting into his head, seeing how much he cared for Evie, and how intense his feelings were. In the present day, he is funny and entertaining in his thought process. He might still be unsure about his own self worth (even though that has improved significantly through the help of an unconventional psychiatrist), but he is sure about what he wants now...and that is Evie.
This whole situation is just so familiar and she's bringing feelings up in me that I thought I remembered perfectly but I realize now were only memories in black and white. Reality is so overwhelming that I can barely keep up with everything I'm feeling. It's as if all my emotions for her are in living color now and coursing through my body at light speed. I'm home.
He has so much baggage and has buried himself so deep in lies and half truths that it is hard for him to see how he can dig himself out of it and still have a chance with Evie. I liked being able to get behind the scenes and understand some of the things he did in the first book that bothered me. They all made sense and made me like him even more.
I have to tell her the truth, obviously, and, God I dread that. Just the thought of it chills my blood instantly. But if I'm going to explain why...I need to make sure that she cares enough to stay while I spew out my f***ed up story. And then I'll just have to pray to God that she can find it in herself to forgive me.
This story touched me in so many ways. My heart hurt for them so many times and at other times they made me sigh with happiness. Leo's pain and feelings of loss and despair pulled all kinds of emotions out of me. I was sad, mad, frustrated, and at times sickened. They way he clawed himself out of the darkness was difficult, but uplifting. This is truly a story about forgiveness, acceptance, love and hope. This couple had such a strong, unbreakable connection that transcended time and distance. They were true soul mates, other halves, and each other's destinies. And they had seriously unbelievably chemistry and I loved seeing their steamy scenes from his point of view. This did not feel like the first book just retold. It gave so much more insight into Leo's world, his thinking, and his feelings. His emotional journey was deep and painful. But there was humor, love, and happiness too. I also loved his relationship with Doc. His support of Leo was invaluable and life changing.'s my hope that you will see, that I fought for you because you're worth fighting for... Doc
And myself, half lion, half boy, just like Evie had believed me to be. And I thought she was probably right, because half the time I felt rageful, wild, untamed, and the other half I felt overly soft, too sensitive for this f***ed up world. I didn't know how to merge the two into one capable person; I didn't know how to be both and not one or the other.
It was beautiful, inspiring, moving, and swoon worthy. I loved the change of his point of view in the main story in present day and flashbacks, and Evie in the epilogue....actually a two part epilogue! Bonus! I loved it!
I highly recommend this series as fast moving, nicely flowing reads with complex characters, emotion, humor and romance. They were truly enjoyable and heart warming while at the same time being emotional and traumatic. Mia Sheridan is a talented author and I look forward to more from her. Even though I am kind of sad to let Evie and Leo go. And I just have to throw in..Holy Crap! What a Hot cover model! He is definitely my Leo...
Thanks to Mia Sheridan for providing me an advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review.

(Sign of Love#1)
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Evie and Leo met in foster care as children and formed a bond of friendship. As they grew, their bond turned to love, and they vowed to make a life together when they turned 18 and were no longer a part of the system.
When Leo unexpectedly gets adopted as a teen and he moves to another city, he promises Evie that he will contact her as soon as he gets there and come back for her in a few short years. She never hears from him again.
Now eight years later, in spite of the odds, Evie has made a life for herself. She has a job. She has friends. She's content. Then a man shows up out of the blue, claiming that her long lost love, Leo, sent him to check up on her. The attraction between them is undeniable. But, should she trust this sexy stranger? Or is he keeping a secret about what his connection to Leo is really all about and why Leo disappeared all those years ago?
I’m Mia Sheridan and I’m an avid reader, and now writer! of romance and erotic novels. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio with my husband who is a police officer and my biggest fan (not necessarily in that order). We have four children here on earth and one in heaven. When I’m not sitting on my couch with my head buried in my Kindle, I can be found writing or doing anything creative from building a patio, to sewing pillows. The wild hairs I get know no bounds. Leo is my debut novel, but my head is swimming with more…
Hosted by Book Heaux
Grand Prize Giveaway!
A Leo's Chance t-shirt (Says "World's Greatest" on the front
A Kindle Paper white with 3G internet and a
$50 Amazon gift card.
PLUS a signed copy of both Leo and Leo's Chance and an e-book of each.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Blog Giveaway!
Thank you for a awesome giveaway. Cannot wait to read this book!