
Review and Excerpt Tour: Savage Prince: Meghan March

by - Tuesday, March 27, 2018

SAVAGE PRINCE (Savage Trilogy #1)
Meghan March
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Release Date March 27, 2018

Who knew things could get even darker and dirtier in New Orleans? New York Times bestselling author Meghan March introduces the Savage Prince of the city, the man you never want to meet. 

* * *
I do what I want and who I want. I don’t follow anyone’s rules—even my own.
I knew I shouldn’t touch her, but it didn’t stop me. 
Didn’t stop me the second time either. Only made me want a third. 
My lifestyle suits the savage I am, and she doesn’t. 
But Temperance Ransom is my newest addiction, and I’m nowhere near ready to quit her yet.
I’ll have her my way, even if it means dragging her into the darkness.
Hopefully it doesn’t kill us both. 

* * *
Savage Prince is book one of the Savage Trilogy, set in the same world as Ruthless King, however you do not need to read the Mount Trilogy to devour this scandalously hot new trilogy.

Temperance Ransom has created a new life for herself where she is a business woman and COO of Seven Sinners Whiskey. She's left her wild days and Bayou roots behind her and is striving to be professional and polished. But there is still a bit of a wild girl underneath the facade.

When she inadvertently finds herself spending some naughty time with a mysterious stranger, the experience becomes a bit addicting. He's charismatic, bossy, dominant, filthy-mouthed, and said to be dangerous. And this sexy stranger is truly an enigma, and she realizes she may be getting in over hear head. But he is also pretty persistent.

She is also shaking things up in her life in other ways--exploring her past, following a passion, welcoming new opportunities, and expanding her circle of friends. She is beginning to live more and take more risks, although she has no idea what she is really getting into. And her mystery man has an edge of danger and is probably not someone she needs in her life that is already complicated. 

But when something happens and she needs help, her alternatives are to reach out to new friends, old friends, or her boss's powerful man. The people she needs to count on all have a hint of danger, and she does not want to be owing big favors. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

I enjoyed some fun cameos and crossovers from the Beneath and Mount series. I squeeed each time I recognized someone! I love being in New Orleans again. This one really pulled me in with its compelling story line and kept me interested due to the mystery of the man and the situations. This book is different. I am not sure I have read one like it to be honest. It holds back a lot of information in this installment and lets us be just as mesmerized, confused, and drawn to the hero as Temperance is. But it keeps you curious and on edge. I am looking forward to the second book and uncovering more secrets and seeing more of the big picture. 

I was gifted a copy from the author. 
Spoiler Free Review!

Temperance Ransom has built herself into a professional, respectable persona. She has spent the last several years focused on work and work alone, leaving little time for friends, men, or the wild tendencies she had as a girl. When business puts her in the path of a sexy stranger, Temperence finds herself bending her rules in order to indulge with her mystery man.

This is such a great character piece for Temperance. I already loved her from everything she did for Kiera in the Mount trilogy, but really getting inside her head was enlightening. This is a woman who has clawed away from her childhood and has done everything she could to stay removed from her family and upbringing.

As she opens herself up to new experiences, she also finds herself falling in with a new group of women, testing the waters of an old passion, and wondering what else life could have in store if she loosened her reigns just a little. I loved the cameos from beloved Beneath and Mount characters, and especially love the pushes from Temperance's free spirited land landy (also a familiar face).

There is a decided air of mystery around the man Temperance is drawn to and the entire situation. As this is narrated completely by Temperance, readers are left just as intrigued and confused as she is. Meghan did such a fantastic job writing this that even though I have just as many questions at the cliff of this book, I am so excited to learn more and am willing to wait for Iron Princess to hopefully get some of those answers. 

I was gifted a copy.
“That you, Temperance?”
My gaze searches the darkness, interrupted only by the Chinese lanterns and fairy lights hanging from the trees, until it lands on the red dragon emblazoned on the back of a black silk kimono, topped by a fluffy white head of hair.
Shit. My landlady.
“I’m so sorry to disturb you, Harriet. I’ll just—”
She spins around, spry for her advanced age. “Oh, girl, you’ve got sex hair. At least that makes one of us.”
I squeeze my eyes shut in humiliation. “I . . . uh . . . got—”
“Done up right by a real man, I’d say. About damn time, girl. I was starting to think you were a lost cause of all work and no play. Almost wondered if I’d have to find a new tenant to get some entertainment around here.”
I blink twice as she shuffles toward me, fluffy pink marabou slippers on her feet. “You were going to kick me out because I work too much?”
I knew my landlady was a little nutty, but I didn’t realize she was downright crazy.
“It would’ve been a last resort. I was going to send you a male stripper first. Girl, you need some fun in your life, and you do nothing but go between here and work. Boring as hell.”
Her point is finally sinking in, but part of me is still in shock. “I’m boring?”
“Of course you are. I swear, you go out of your way to stay that way too. But not tonight. Tonight, you look like you got dicked down by a real man.” She takes a seat at the outdoor patio table and reaches for a bottle of wine. “Here’s a glass. Now, sit down and consider part of your rent spilling the juicy details.”
Dumbstruck, I close the distance between us and take a seat at the table. “It’s nothing. I swear.”
“Girl, you’re practically walking bowlegged. I’ve been around the block plenty of times. You won’t shock me.”
I reach for the glass of wine and take a long drink. Good Lord, I needed this.
“I shouldn’t even be admitting what I did tonight.”
Harriet’s aged eyes practically light up as she grins. “Those are the best stories. Come now, I’ll take it to the grave.”
I squeeze my eyes shut. “I think I accidentally went to a sex club.”
Harriet’s wineglass clinks the metal of the table. “I knew this was going to be good. How do you accidentally go to a sex club?”
I tell her about the note that came to the office, and rushing to meet the appointment, assuming I was there to sell whiskey . . . and end with the part about running from the room.
Harriet claps with childlike excitement. “There’s hope for you yet, Temperance. When are you going back?”
I’m stunned at her reaction. I didn’t exactly expect her to judge, but I sure didn’t think she’d cheer me on.
“Never. I can’t. That’s not me. I’m not . . .”
“Interesting? Sexually adventurous? Up to be manhandled regularly by a real man?”
“I don’t even know his name!”
Harriet waves off my concern. “If I had a nickel for every man whose name I didn’t know, I’d be even richer than I am now. You can’t take life so seriously. You’ll never make it out alive. Now, you go upstairs, take the rest of this bottle of wine, and get tipsy enough to forget all the shouldn’ts and can’ts. If you need me to do some stalking to find this guy, just let me know. I have connections.”
IRON PRINCESS (Savage Trilogy #2) Add to Goodreads Pre-order: iBooks | Amazon US | Amazon UK | BN | Kobo | Audible
Release Date April 21, 2018
He’s a mystery. An enigma.

His very identity is a secret buried beneath layers of deception.

He’s also an addiction I can’t shake. An attraction I can’t fight.

And then I found out exactly who he is—a man more dangerous than the devil himself.

Now I need him in order to save everything that matters to me.

I have to pull back. Protect myself from the danger that haunts his every step.

Which would be easy . . . if I could stop myself from falling in love with him.

ROGUE ROYALTY (Savage Trilogy #3)
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Pre-order: iBooks | Amazon US | Amazon UK | BN | Kobo | Audible
Release Date May 22, 2018
Unthinkable. Unbelievable. Inconceivable.

I don’t recognize what my life has become. I can’t tell where the lies end and the truth begins anymore.

He came into my world and urged me out of my safe little corner.

All my dreams are coming true except the one thing I want most— my own happy ending.

But I’ll fight for it.

For now.

For always.

A New York Times, #1 Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of over twenty novels, Meghan March has been known to wear camo face paint and tromp around in woods wearing mud-covered boots, all while sporting a perfect manicure. She’s also impulsive, easily entertained, and absolutely unapologetic about the fact that she loves to read and write smut. Her past lives include slinging auto parts, selling lingerie, making custom jewelry, and practicing corporate law. Writing books about dirty talking alpha males and the strong, sassy women who bring them to their knees is by far the most fabulous job she’s ever had.

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