
Release Blitz: Peregrine: Piper Scott and Virginia Kelly

by - Thursday, June 03, 2021

*Graphics from Lynn Van Dorn's Facebook page/ reader group

Forbidden Desires #7/Forbidden Desires Spin-off #4
Piper Scott and Virginia Kelly
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Release Date June 3, 2021


Sebastian Drake, stoic protector of the Drake family, always gets what he wants—and there is nothing he wants more than the half-starved Pedigree omega named Peregrine he comes across on his travels. It doesn’t matter that Peregrine is a Disgrace. Sebastian will do whatever it takes to keep him… and somehow, as impossible as it might be, find a way to be his mate.

Present Day

For hundreds of years, Peregrine has enjoyed life as Sebastian’s mate. Sure, as one of the only bonded omegas in recent history he’s been kidnapped more times than he can count, but with Sebastian there to save him it’s little more than an inconvenience. And attacks from hostile clans? That’s just a typical Tuesday.

But there is one thing Peregrine fears, yet desperately wants.

One thing that has hurt him time and time again.

One thing Sebastian can’t save him from.

And now it’s happening again.

He’s pregnant.

Peregrine is an 85,000 word omegaverse mpreg romance set prior to as well as following the events of the Forbidden Desires series. It has answers to questions you’ve been dying to know and contains heartache, laughter, origin stories, meddling reptilian families with huge hearts, exotic locales, a dash of danger, and a love story five hundred years in the making. For maximum enjoyment, Peregrine is best read following the events of Clutch, Bond, Mate, Swallow, Magpie, and Finch.

Sebastian and Peregrine have been the established couple throughout this whole series that all of the others look to for advice and assistance. But in this book, we get to see all of the things they have been through to get them to the present day and then face a series of new challenges with them. With flashbacks from their first meeting and early times in the 1500s to current events, we see Sebastian and Perry's amazing love story that was not always a sure thing. 

It has always seemed that these two had the perfect relationship and everything they needed. They are connected, strong, happy, and devoted parents. But there was so much more to their story over the past five hundred and something years. My heart hurt for them as they struggled through internal issues, challenges,  scares, and external pressures. Perry is small but is also mighty. I admired his inner strength and tenacity and how he faced some difficult situations and dealt with pain both physical and emotional. And the big, gruff Sebastian stole my heart as the ultimate fixer, lover, protector, and fighter. He is determined to always have Perry with him no matter the consequences. These two have such a strong bond, but it was not always guaranteed to last. And even all these years later, there are still circumstances that could tear them apart. 

This epic love story deals with love, loss, tragedy, and triumph, but it is also accompanied by a mystery, suspense, and danger component. Sebastian just wants to keep those he cares about safe, but it is hard to know what is lurking around in the darkness and who to fully trust.

It brings back many of the Drakes and their significant others, and I love all of the quirky characters and how they come together when needed. It is also about family love...given, received, and passed down through the generations. It kept me totally invested and feeling so much. I enjoy seeing how their dragon world keeps changing and progressing. I could not put it down and I cannot wait for the next book, Raven, to see how everything ties up. And I would love to see more in the future with the offspring. 

Piper Scott (Emma Alcott)

Piper Scott's love of reading began at age ten, when she discovered that the magical worlds in adult fantasy novels were way more exciting than playground politics. As she grew up, so did her reading habits, and now not only does she like to read books on the steamy side, but she loves to write them, too.

A Canadian by birth but an American by marriage, Piper currently resides in Southern Illinois, where she leads a quiet life with her husband, their three dogs, a very demanding cat, and her office mate--her pet rabbit.

If you love Piper's omegaverse, mpreg, and paranormal romance books, be sure to check out her work as her gay contemporary romance alter ego, Emma Alcott!

Virginia Kelly (Lynn Van Dorn)
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Virginia is the alter ego of Lynn Van Dorn, writer of MM contemporary romances. Virginia listens to the voices in her head that are far too fantastical and silly for Lynn. If it's mystical or otherworldly, Virginia is all for it.

In her spare time (ha!) she herds three cats, twelve rats, a pesky husband, and a son. Also a host of noisy fictional characters.

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