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Finding Eden is the continuation of Becoming Calder.
Both books released simultaneously, October 5, 2014.
See our Our 5 star reviews of Becoming Calder
See our Our 5 star reviews of Becoming Calder
I started this book knowing that the conclusion of the story was probably going to be as epic as the first part Becoming Calder. I knew that I would be destroyed in some way, but had a fervent hope and faith in Mia Sheidan that I would be rebuilt again. The aftermath of the events in the first book are heartbreaking and difficult, yet also inspiring and full of hope that had been lost before.
It is about rebirth, reconnection, rebuilding and redefining lives that had basically been stolen from the innocent. It takes courage, strength, determination, forgiveness, and support. There is guilt, loss, grief, despair, and attempts to cope. But there are also blessings, second chances, bearers of hope and mercy, and new found pockets of peace.
"It was enough. We're both here. Do you see that now? It was enough. Whatever we did, it ended up being enough. We've already forgiven each other, maybe we can manage to forgive ourselves now, too."
These characters have to face breaking free of fear and regrets and finding forgiveness and new balance in order to even begin to move forward. It is not easy. Their pasts rear their ugly head, they have questions as do those around them. Their lives will never be ordinary, but they have to find their own new normal. And from the ugliness that came from their previous sheltered and painful existence, they need to cling to the parts that were positive and beautiful among the fear and horror.
"... I swear to you, my beautiful, sweet love, everyone deserves a love story that does not hurt."
"You were made for me."
These characters have such inner determination and strength, despite their fears, insecurities, and emotional and psychological damage. They literally shine through that darkness and together are a force to be reckoned with. Their connection is so intense, all consuming, and passionate that no amount of time, outside forces, or pain could be strong enough to truly sever it either in life or in death. They do still have challenges and worries and questions. But they are also filling in the holes left in their hearts from their devastation in the after math. It is not just about survival anymore, it is more about finding purpose, unconditional love, and faith that there is a happier future ahead. But it is not without setbacks, as insecurities and ghosts strike back at them and they face judgment from others.
Despite everything we'd lost, despite all the ways in which we'd both been stripped bare, we had each other and we could finally celebrate that. I could finally start letting myself believe that life held promise---for me, for her, for us.
"You, just you, with nothing else, no job, no house, no money, nothing. Stripped bare. You will always be enough for me. You will always be my dream true, my destiny."
I loved the relationships of Calder, Eden, and Xander. They understood each other like no one else and provided a healing balm and understanding for each other's battered hearts and deep fears. The introduction of some new positive influences to their lives were welcome and although it also brought some drama, it also showed the power of love, acceptance, support, and that families are not always about blood. We got the answers to many questions as Calder and Eden did. It was a gradual process full of anxiety, tension, surprise, shock, mortification, understanding, and acceptance.
But I was mesmerized by every bit of this epic journey and it will stick me for a long time. The characters and their story touched me so intensely. They were so deep, pure, and insightful, and in both of their points of view I felt every emotion along with them. Yes, there was lingering negativity and darkness to overcome, but also from that ugliness can arise true beauty if you let it take root. Each book in this series is a full novel, and they both left me in a book hangover and completely emotionally spent. I am at a loss to truly express how poignant, raw, unique, and incredible these characters and their stories are.
"I think we have to focus on on the beauty we've been given in this life, and make that the thing that defines us'
Mia Sheridan is an amazingly talented storyteller. Every word has meaning and paints a picture of each scene. My heart was in suspended animation as I took it all in. I truly felt like I was part of their story and could vividly see all of the images she portrayed. The characters live and breathe. You feel like you know them so intimately, understand their motivations, and feel all of their emotions. The conclusion to their story gave me everything I needed...enough answers to satisfy me, but still leaving me with things to think about. She gives us a full, satisfying completion and epilogue to Calder and Eden's (and Xander's) heartfelt journeys of survival, hope, and healing. I cannot recommend this series enough. And even though there are aspects of the background story that will make people uncomfortable and enraged, the true beauty and love that comes out of it is really breathtaking and unforgettable.
I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
There is a huge challenge with writing a review of Finding Eden: trying to explain what I loved about this book without giving Becoming Calder spoilers is nearly impossible. So I’ll start by saying this duo is absolutely perfect and trust me when I say these books are must reads. That being said, if you haven’t read Becoming Calder, continue reading cautiously. I will try to keep spoilers to a minimum, but they will inevitably be there.
Finding Eden continues the journey begun in Becoming Calder. But reading the header at the top of the first chapter hurt. The amount of time that passed between Calder and Eden made my heart hurt for the characters and I couldn’t help wonder what had happened in the meantime.
The answers to questions I hadn’t even thought to ask in Becoming Calder are answered in Finding Eden. I couldn’t believe how many details I hadn’t even considered questionable. There were a few points that I had asked myself or hypothesised, but the true as it was written was far better than I could have predicted.
Where Becoming Calder was all about Calder and Eden falling in love and fighting for survival and freedom within Acadia, Finding Eden is the search for answers about the past, for the truth, and for finding purpose in the outside world. After years of living apart from the world, acclimating to mainstream society is a challenge that leaves the Acadia survivors without purpose or direction. Each character faces that lost feeling in a different way, embracing the future to varying degrees.
Finding Eden was a quick read. I made myself put it down when the clock hit 1 am, but it could have easily turned into an all nighter. (My own fault for not starting the book until 11 pm.) This was a fantastic closure to the story and was a page turner from the beginning.
I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Becoming Calder
There is a place in modern day America with no electricity, no plumbing, and no modern conveniences. In this place, there is no room for dreams, no space for self-expression, and no tolerance for ambition.
In this place, there is a boy with the body of a God and the heart of a warrior. He is strong and faithful and serves his family honorably. But he dares to dream of more.
In this place, there is a girl with the face of an angel and a heart full of courage. To her family, she is the vision of obedient perfection. But she dares to want that which she has been told can never be hers.
Becoming Calder is the story of good versus evil, fear versus bravery, and the truth that the light of love has always found its way into even the darkest of places... From the beginning of time, to the end of the world
A Sign of Love Series can be read as stand alones
and the stories are not related.
The exceptions are Leo and Leo's Chance(male alternative POV) and
Becoming Calder and Finding Eden(part two).
Archer's Voice:
Mia Sheridan is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling author. Her passion is weaving true love stories about people destined to be together. Mia lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband. They h