Our Fave Reads of 2016!
6 and 5.5 stars
5 stars
6 stars and 5.5 stars
5 star Faves
Some books reflect series and each book in series or spin off was not included. I have read 277 books in 2016 and it is so hard to narrow it down to a favorites list. There are some authors and series that are "always" reads for me and I usually love the majority of their books so I cannot include each one.

4+ to 5 stars faves
In many cases, I have only included one or two books in a series when I could easily include the complete series. If one appears here, it is safe to assume I love the whole series.
5.5 and 6 stars
5 stars
4.5 to 5 stars
With 2016 coming to a close, I would like to thank the lovely women who sit above me for giving me the opportunity to join them here and, in the process, allow me to read and review some fantastic books. While I may be a little tougher than them when it comes to rating books, we still often have the same feelings about a book being great or not. So here are my favorites of 2016, and may 2017 be filled with many more!
142 books read in 2016
5 stars
4.5 + stars