Our Favorites of 2015
Bring on 2016!! While I am sad to see 2015 go, I am excited to see what the new year holds for amazing books! I didn't have the easiest time this year when it came to enjoying new reads, often times I ended up just rereading an oldie but goodie. Heck, my slump was so bad, I didn't even meet my Goodreads goal of 125 books. Which makes me even more thankful for the books I did adore the hell out of. In that moment, they reminded me why I love to read; there was no way I could narrow them down any more than I already did. Check out the books that found their way into my heart.
Click on the covers to be taken to the reviews, ranging in ratings from 4.5 to 6 stars.
I have probably read over 325 books this year so it is so hard to make a favorites list. For some of the series that I am addicted to I only included either the first or my favorite book of the series that came out this year, but for some series there were multiples I loved in this review period. I have some authors that are just my "go to" authors and I read and love most of their books, so if they already had a book or two on this list, I might not have listed the others. There is just no way to list all of the books that touched me or made me laugh this year. I'll be honest as I look at Rachel's list I see ones that I also really loved and could add to my list as well. So between all three of us all we have covered some really great reads from this year.
5.5 to 6 stars
My top 3 of 2015!
5.5 to 6 stars
My top 3 of 2015!
As usual, the prospect of selecting favorite reads of the year is a daunting effort. Once again, I read nearly 300 books for the year (this number is low compared to the last 2 years) and enjoyed the vast majority of the books I read. I love looking back on my year in books to notice trends in my reading habits and tastes.
In many of these cases, I read and loved multiple books in a particular series but only included one or two in this list. There are so many other books I could have included here -- this year was a good one for my reading list!